“Earth-Style. The art of hitting moles!” Tobi continued to drill in and out of the ground, and used a wooden stick to sneak attack Kakashi and them. Although there is no offensive, but Seriously hindered everyone’s footsteps.

“damned! What’s the matter with this guy? Do you have fun with us?” Tobi looked a little angry and drilled, “And the teeth through the teeth have no effect on this guy. He is like a ghost!”

“Yes! My Gentle Fist also seems to hit the air.” Hinata still maintained an attacking posture without letting his guard down.

“Hinata Eldest Miss is right. I hit him and penetrated directly, but my Byakugan can see Chakra Flow on him. He is indeed a real person. “Neji also looked puzzled.

“My Parasitic Insects can’t touch him either. This person’s abilities are very strange.” Shino said concisely.

“This is probably some kind of Space-Time Ninjutsu, and this guy’s Space-Time Ninjutsu ability has surpassed Fourth Hokage, not even under Kurone.” Kakashi frowns headed towards me. Inquiring gaze.

At this time, I was just a Lightning-Style clone. I didn’t need much powerful Ninjutsu. The Qingfeng behind it was also a fake, so I was fighting with kunai all the time.

“This guy’s ability should be to blur his own body, a type of Space-Time Ninjutsu, but after blurring himself, he can’t attack others.” I slowly said, “So When he wants to attack, he must materialize his body. At that time, everyone can attack him.”

“Dead dog one! Worth-of is Kurone teacher, so quickly analyzed the enemy’s Ability! It’s amazing!” Lee exclaimed, and then a Leaf Whirlwind passed through Tobi’s body.

“Did you analyze my abilities so quickly.” Tobi’s expression instantly solidified, staring at me closely, then soaring high into the air, hanging upside down on the tree trunk, and making The action of hand seal, “Ninjutsu · Umbrella Lizard!”

“Be careful, everyone!” Kakashi reminded, and moved towards Tobi and threw out a few shuriken.

su su! The shuriken passed through Tobi’s body. Everyone squeezed a sweat, waiting for this mysterious technique. But everyone was silent for half a minute without any movement.

“Sorry, this Jutsu is like that, hahaha! Are you scared?” Tobi suddenly became amused again, scratching his head pretending to be sorry.

If I didn’t know his details, I almost laughed out loud. However, since I have to fight Obito sooner or later, I might as well take advantage of this time to test his abilities so that I can take the initiative in Fourth Shinobi World War.

So, I took out a few Flying Thunder God Kunai from the Ninja Tool Pouch, and started thinking about countermeasures. Obito’s ability is Kamui, which is the same as I just analyzed, only at the moment of attack. It will reveal the entity, and it also has the ability to draw people into different spaces. However, now he does not intend to reveal his identity, so he will only use blur, and besides, he does not dare to take the risk of sucking me in. In fact, as long as I let Kakashi use Kamui to cooperate with me, I can easily hit Obito, but that will expose his identity and it is not good for plot, so I can only find a way to try it out.

Just as I dual-wielded kunai and was about to attack, a slight chakra wave in my body stopped me. The corners of my mouth raised a weird arc: “It seems that things are over there, too, or my mission should be over.”

Shoo! I moved towards Tobi and threw two. Support Flying Thunder God Kunai, and then quickly hand seal: “kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

Tobi looked the sky kunai coming towards him, expressionless, all the kunai passed through his body , Without any obstruction, just like penetrating the air.

“Lightning-Style · Chidori!” I quickly hand-seal, following the sky full of Kunai, moving towards Tobi, this scene is exactly the same as the scene of Fourth Hokage vs. Obito seventeen years ago. It’s just that Fourth Hokage uses Rasengan, and I use Chidori. The reason why I didn’t use other tricks is because the remaining Chakra in my clone can’t release a larger style of formidable power.

It seems that I remembered the scene of that year. Tobi was shocked for a while, and he didn’t react until my hand almost touched his body.

“Interesting!” Tobi no longer pretended to be stupid, he grabbed a kunai in the sky and stabbed at me.

“He caught Kunai! Now it’s an entity!” I reacted fiercely, and immediately launched Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Although this is only a Lightning-Style clone, it has been through my continuous training. It is possible to perform short-distance Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“The same trick, do you think I will hit it a second time?” Obito taunted with a voice that only I could hear, then turned around and stabbed with Kunai.

pu! I gazed the kunai into my chest, showing an incredible expression.

“Kurone! (Kurone teacher!)” Kakashi and Xiaoqiang shouted worriedly.

“Hateful! This guy can see through Kurone’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it is not simple.” Kakashi frowned, “Have you been playing the pig to eat the tiger before?”

“So? Don’t tell me, the black lightning of Ninja World, the famous Hatake Kurone, was just stabbed to death by Kunai?” Tobi said jokingly, but couldn’t see any weak spot.

“Of course…” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, “No!”

zi zi! My body suddenly became a lightning current, which instantly flows into Tobi’s within-the-body. The speed of the lightning current is comparable with the speed of light, which is naturally completely unprepared.

“damned! Thunder clone! When…” Tobi’s whole body was full of lightning current, convulsed, it was too late to use Kamui to blur himself.

puci! At this time, my main body suddenly appeared and a sword stabbed in the past. Unexpectedly, an accident happened. A White Zetsu split out of Tobi’s body, blocked me, and changed the trajectory of the sword, so Azure Edge Sword stabbed After wearing White Zetsu, it just hit Tobi on the shoulder.

When I used my force, the lightning current climbed up to Qingfeng in an instant, and then I slashed the sword horizontally, trying to do more damage to Tobi. It’s a pity that Tobi has already reacted at this time, and his body has become blurred. Qing Feng just opened the White Zetsu in front of him, but left Tobi’s body unimpeded.

Seeing that my attack has failed, I immediately drew out Qing Feng and jumped back a few steps to keep a distance from Tobi.

Tobi rubbed his shoulders, sucked in a cold breath, and then returned to his funny appearance: “Oh, it hurts, I almost got killed, but fortunately, I reacted quickly. “

“What a pity, I almost killed the enemy!” Lee said regretfully.

“But I finally know the weakness of this guy.” Neji’s Byakugan has been watching Tobi closely, and said coldly.

At this time, a large aloe vera came out from the ground, it turned out to be a must.

“It’s over over there.” Black Zetsu said in a hoarse voice.

“Who won?”

“Unbelievable, even though someone got kicked in, Sasuke did win.” Jue said he looked at me intentionally or unintentionally At a glance.

“What? Itachi lost! It’s incredible!” Tobi looked surprised, then calmed down, “Well, cracking a joke, I knew it was the result a long time ago.”

“What? Itachi lost?” Kakashi murmured to himself, “How could Itachi…”

“Okay, since It’s over, everyone, goodbye.” As Jue plunged into the ground, Tobi waved provocatively.

“Hateful! Don’t want to leave!” Inuzuka Kiba wanted to catch up, but I stopped him.

“Forget it, we can’t stop him. His Space-Time Ninjutsu is not under me.” I shake one’s head and said to everyone, “This mission is over, we will return Konoha.”

After we left, two figures reappeared, it was Jue He Tobi.

“What? Did you say that Hatake Kurone and Uchiha Itachi became a draw?” Tobi had already resumed Obito’s tone at this time.

“Yes, although it appears that Itachi won by a narrow margin, but Hatake Kurone only used Mangekyo Sharingan, and did not use other Ninjutsu, and the two also made concessions.” Jue analyzed, “Just not Knowing why, Hatake Kurone finally killed Uchiha Itachi.”

“Probably to gain the trust of Uchiha Sasuke, but it doesn’t matter.” Tobi shake one’s head, his eyes darkened, “But , Hatake Kurone, this guy is getting more and more difficult, we have to take some measures.”

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