“I announce that from now on, Hidden Cloud Village and Konoha have formed an alliance to help each other, stop all hostilities, and develop together. The alliance contract from now on will take effect.” Second- Kage Raikage Ai announced in front of the Konoha delegation.

“Okay, the old man has been looking forward to this day. If my big brother is still there, he will be very happy.” Although Second Hokage Senju Tobirama was expressionless, he couldn’t help it. The joy in my heart, between Konoha and Hidden Cloud, that many years of hostile relationship finally settled down.

“Okay, then the negotiation is over, and we should also…” Just as Senju Tobirama stood up and was about to say goodbye, suddenly sensed that several powerful forces were approaching quickly, “Something is wrong, Raikage, have you arranged a Kage Level expert around here?”

“No?” Second-Kage Raikage had a confused expression, but he immediately noticed something was wrong, “This force seems to be… …Not good! Watch out!”

bang! The walls of the Conference Hall collapsed in an instant, and several corpse guarded by Raikage were thrown in, and then a group of people rushed in, headed by a golden long hair, The big guy with horns, behind him stood a big guy with a similar appearance but silver hair, and more than forty elite ninjas behind him.

“Golden Horn! What are you doing! Is this going to rebel?” Second-Kage Raikage scolded.

“Of course it is to prevent Hidden Cloud from forming an alliance with Konoha, my Lord-Raikage. Only war! War can make us strong! War can be supported by war!” Golden Horn grinned, “If you agree , Join us to kill Hokage, and we respect you as Raikage. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being polite!”

“Danzo, things are a bit bad, we have to be prepared to cover Lord Hokage’s breakthrough at any time.” Sarutobi Hiruzen whispered backwards.

“You are a little too unreasonable, Hiruzen, isn’t it just a group of people? You don’t need Lord Hokage to take action, just a few of us can solve it.” Shimura Danzo said disdainfully, “What are you talking about? , Mirror?”

“This group of people are not good, they should be elite troops. I can probably tell from their Chakra fluctuations. All of them are from Jonin Level. The two leading guys are even It’s Kage Level, Chakra is very powerful.” Uchiha Kagami observed with Sharingan, and was frowned, “Moreover, if this Raikage turns against water, we may have a hard time retreating from the whole body.”

“Don’t act rashly. !” Senju Tobirama yelled, and said in a voice audible by the people around him, “Let’s watch your eyes move for a while, and be ready to stand out.”

The six people behind him gently nodded.

“This time it’s the old man’s support. I didn’t expect to run into this situation.” Senju Tobirama clenched the teeth, thinking, because this time Hidden Cloud proposed an alliance and gave Sincerity, coupled with Second-Kage Raikage has always been words of enormous weight, so he did not think too much, just brought his own six dísciples (Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Kagami, Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, Akimichi takes the wind) as a guard, and at the same time let them have a long experience, but I didn’t expect that there would be a rebellion on Hidden Cloud.

“The strength of these two brothers is not bad. Although the old man can deal with it alone, he will definitely not be able to take it off in a short time. Moreover, there are a lot of enemies. After a long time, I am afraid that the six of them will not be able to handle the little demon. Lived. If Raikage is on our side, we should be able to deal with these two guys together, but there will be casualties on the little demon’s side. But if Raikage is on their side… I’m afraid it’s only the old man. One person can escape.” Senju Tobirama quickly analyzed various situations, thinking of finding a way to break through with the least loss.

Just as Senju Tobirama was thinking of an idea, Second-Kage Raikage Ai took the lead to break the deadlock.

“Let’s do golden horn, let’s take a step back.” Second-Kage Raikage walked slowly between Senju Tobirama and golden horn, and said, “This time the alliance with Konoha will be cancelled. Golden horn you Give me face and let Hokage go, how about it?”

Seeing that Second-Kage Raikage was on their side, Konoha everyone suddenly sighed in relief.

“It seems that the fighting strength of the unit led by this golden horn is very strong, and it can make Raikage compromise. I am afraid that the old man will start and deal with the whole army.” looked. Senju Tobirama knows the performance of Second-Kage Raikage, “However, at the expense of his life, the old man will also protect these youngsters.”

“Since Lord-Raikage has said so No, our brothers didn’t agree anymore, but some failed to appreciate somebody’s kindness.” Golden Horn and Silver Horn glance at each other slyly laughed, and then said to Senju Tobirama, “So…Senju Tobirama, right? You can get out, this alliance is invalid.”

“Huang Mao, keep your mouth clean! Lord Hokage’s name is what you can call!” Danzo scolded.

“Danzo, don’t make a fuss!” Utatane Koharu tugged Shimura Danzo’s clothes and reminded.

“Yeah, don’t irritate people. If you suddenly change your mind and let us go, it will be in trouble.” Mitokado Homura wiped the sweat from his head and whispered.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple.” Uchiha Kagami stared at the enemy in front of him with a serious face, then looked back and glanced at Akimichi to take the wind, “Take the wind, what do you think?”

“I’m stupid, and I don’t care so much.” Akimichi smirked in a silly manner, “I only know that you must protect Lord Hokage, even at the expense of my life.”

” Don’t give your face shameless, get out!” The golden horn looked a little impatient with the rude Danzo.

“Well, this is our village’s business, Hokage, you go first, I will take care of it.” Second-Kage Raikage turned around and faced Senju Tobirama and said, “The alliance , Come back, wait for me…”

pu! A wide sword pierced Second-Kage Raikage’s chest from behind, and he turned his head in disbelief.

“Golden horn…you…you…you…how dare you…”

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