“Hidden Cloud Village does not need a loser to make Raikage.” Golden Horn pulled out Seven Stars Sword and looked at Second-Kage Raikage in disdain, “You no longer have the value of cooperation. Now, I’ll take Raikage’s seat for you.”

“Good! Good! Good!” Second-Kage Raikage laughed back and said three okay, covering his wound, slowly He retreated to the side of Second Hokage, “I didn’t expect you to dare to rebel, golden horn silver horn, do you think you want to start a coup-d’état only with your fifty?”

“Homura , Koharu, bandage the wounds for Raikage.” Senju Tobirama staying calm and collected pulled Second-Kage Raikage over, and calmly said to the rebels in front of him, “Do you know who I am?”

“The famous God of Shinobi, the younger brother of First Hokage Senju Hashirama, is known as Senju Tobirama, the fastest Senju Tobirama in Ninja World, no one knows.” Golden Horn said playfully, “If you are ten years younger, Twenty years old, I am sure I dare not scratch the tiger’s beard. But now, you are old, and you are just stubborn, to form an alliance with only these little demon, then you bring about one’s own destruction. Kill you, not only It can make our brothers famous, and it can also provoke a war between Hidden Cloud and Konoha, one stone, two birds, yeah, silver corner, hahahahahahaha!”

“Yes, hahaha !” Yin Jiao echoed.

“Second-Kage Lord, Lord-Raikage’s wound has temporarily stopped the bleeding, but the operation must be performed as soon as possible. If it is delayed, there may be a mortal danger.” Utatane Koharu said.

“Don’t worry about me, you guys go quickly! Hokage, you must not have any problems in Land-of-Lightning, otherwise it will have a very serious political impact. I will give you time to delay.” finished-speaking , Second-Kage Raikage covered the whole body with Lightning-Style armor, and walked slowly to Senju Tobirama, “For this peace, that many people have been sacrificed, and I will never allow anyone to destroy it!”

looked Second-Kage Raikage With a firm back, Senju Tobirama seems to have seen the elder brother back then. It seems that you are not the only shadow who loves peace. Have you seen the elder brother? Senju Tobirama overwhelmed by emotions.

In fact, what Tobirama didn’t know was that as early as the first Five Kages meeting, the guard standing behind First-Kage Raikage Ai was the Second-Kage Raikage of today. The impassioned but seemingly naive dream deeply moved the young Ai, thus creating a responsible and responsible Second-Kage Raikage.

“Senior Hashirama, I may not see the realization of the dream you mentioned. However, I must let the children see.” The imposing-manner imposing-manner golden horn force in front of gazed, Second -Kage Raikage is ready to fight for life.

“Second-Kage Lord, what should I do? If Lord-Raikage is left here alone to resist the rebels, I am afraid…” Sarutobi Hiruzen said with some worry, “How about we help…”

“Hiruzen, what do you think!” Danzo shouted angrily, “Look at the fighting strength opposite, even if the six of us go together, the battle situation cannot be changed. Our mission is to protect the safety of Lord Hokage. We can’t control the internal affairs of Hidden Cloud Village!”

“My six dísciples are the mainstays of Konoha’s future and must be brought out alive. Especially Hiruzen and Danzo, both of Hokage’s good Miaozi. Danzo’s character is a bit like me. He is calm and careful, and interests are paramount. It can even be said to be for the purpose by fair means or foul, but it is also for Konoha. And Hiruzen is more like the elder brother, with a sense of justice and selfless fraternity. , May sometimes be emotional and somewhat indecisive. Both of them are qualified to succeed Third Hokage.” Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama couldn’t help laughing, “Why did I suddenly think of this, it seems like my life is imminent.”

“Although I also want to stay and help Raikage, the current situation is very unfavorable for us. Retreat is the best way.” Senju Tobirama is not an indecisive person. He promptly issued the order to retreat. “Don’t live up to Raikage’s kindness, everyone, immediately break through and return to Konoha at full speed!”

“Yes!” As soon as Senju Tobirama gave the order, the six people who had disagreements immediately stopped and began to fight. status.

“Want to go? Have you ever asked the Seven Stars Sword in my hand?” Golden Horn raised the Seven Stars Sword in his hand and said provocatively.

Boom! As the walls were pierced by Akimichi’s wind, Second Hokage entire group immediately escaped.

“Don’t even think about leaving one!” Seeing the target escape, Yinjiao immediately chased him, but was blocked by a blue figure.

“Your opponent is me!” Second-Kage Raikage stood with hair and beard, glaring at him, “If you want to pass, unless you cross my corpse!”

“There is no time, If we wait for the next Ai and the troops to come back from the border, we won’t have a chance to start.” Golden Horn said and gave instructions, “One, two, three teams and Silver Horn stay with me to kill this old fellow, four or five team, Twenty of you walked around from behind and caught up with Hokage. Don’t ask for annihilation, hold them for me until I rush over!”

“Yes!” Following the golden horn’s order, he ordered Immediately divided into two parts, the twenty men quickly bypassed Second-Kage Raikage and went out.

“Hokage, I can only help you get here.” Because there are too many people on the other side, Second-Kage Raikage can’t stop the twenty people who go out, so I can only do my best to hold them back. Even killed the golden horn silver horn.

“Hell Stab Shibenkanshou!” With the expectation of peace, Second-Kage Raikage rushed to the enemy without hesitation…

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