“Second-Kage Lord, there seems to be a chaser coming! It is expected to catch up with us in ten minutes.” Uchiha Kagami looked back and said, “There are probably about twenty. , The two leaders are not there, it should be dragged by Raikage.”

“This is the land of Land-of-Lightning. They are more familiar with the terrain than we are. It won’t be long before we will be Catching up.” Shimura Danzo pondered, “What should I do? Second-Kage Lord.”

“Are you ready to meet the enemy?” Akimichi eager to get into action or start on a task, “I wanted to fight them a long time ago!”

“Danzo is right. We are not familiar with the terrain here, and we will definitely be overtaken by the chasers.” Second-Kage thought for a moment and said Then, “Since the two leaders have not come, we will solve the chase before leaving. Use A formation, do it quickly!”



In less than ten minutes, twenty chasing soldiers stood in front of Senju Tobirama.

“Worthy-of is Second Hokage, I really have the courage to give up retreating and choose to go back and fight back.” A chaser Captain admired, “But it’s a pity that you are all going to die here today… No! What about the six little demon?”

“Not good! There is an ambush!” Another chaser, Captain, immediately reacted.

whiz whiz whiz! Several shuriken flew out of the tree.

“Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Sarutobi Hiruzen jumped off the tree with a seal.

“such insignificant ability!” Facing a few shabby shuriken flying towards him, a chaser pulled out the short blade disdainfully and prepared to parry. Suddenly, his expression became frightened.

Because the Shuriken in front of him suddenly divided into two, the two were divided into four, ten to one hundred, so he couldn’t start.

puff puff puff puff puff pu…! Ah! Ah! … With two screams, the two chasers standing in the front were pierced into hedgehogs.

“Be careful, everyone, this guy has something! I have never seen this Ninjutsu!” After all, it is an elite unit, and the Captain chasing troops immediately reacted and formed a defensive formation.

“haha, I didn’t expect my new Jutsu to kill two jonins as soon as he shot it, beautiful!” Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo triumphantly, “How about Danzo, awesome!”

“What’s so stinky!” Shimura Danzo turned his head away disdainfully, “I will also develop new Jutsu!”

“Don’t be arguing, there are 18 enemies, don’t be careless Senju Tobirama scolded, “You hold the enemy for a while and wait for me to gather Chakra!”

Although when least expected to solve the two enemies, the situation is not clear. There are 18 enemies in front of you. All of them are elites with strength approaching Quasi-Kage Level, and they are totally incomparable with the fifty parallel products that Fourth Hokage killed in a second. If the tactics are not arranged properly, there will be losses among the six. Although Senju Tobirama alone is enough to kill these 18 people, if you don’t use the great move, it will definitely be delayed until the reinforcements arrive. When the time comes, none of the six people can run away.

“Combination Lightning-Style · Blue scales dazzling!” The remaining eighteen people were automatically divided into two teams. Ten of them formed a circle to protect the eight people who released Combination Ninjutsu in the middle.

A bright blue Flood Dragon rushed out of the gap in the formation and roared at the six people. It was so powerful that once it was hit frontally, it would definitely die.

“Danzo! Hiruzen! I’ll leave it to you! I’m accumulating energy and can’t be distracted!” Senju Tobirama concentrate attention completely condensed Chakra and shouted.

“Combination of Wind-Style · Extreme breakthrough!” Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately joined forces to release the powerful Wind-Style to slow down the enemy’s Lightning-Style offensive.

“Combine Earth-Style · Earth Flowing Walls!” Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu also joined forces immediately. Even though Rake Earth, they have no better way to stop them.

bang! The lightning Flood Dragon hit the wall of the soil flow, disintegrating the defense in an instant, and directly blasted the two behind.

“Koharu! Homura!” Uchiha Kagami and Akimichi took the wind one by one and caught the teammate who was knocked off.

“Fortunately, Hiruzen and Danzo used Wind-Style to weaken Lightning-Style’s offensive, otherwise the two of them might be dead.” Uchiha Kagami checked their Chakra, shake one’s head, “But they both suffered serious injuries, so they should not be able to join the battle.”

“It’s okay, it’s over.” Senju Tobirama’s short blade behind slowly draws silently, “Flying Thunder God Jutsu… …”

“Watch out for defense! Senju Tobirama is about to make a move…”


shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~! A blade light flashed by, Senju Tobirama slowly walked out of the enemy, and the short blade was sheathed.

“Ah!” After half a second, all the enemies fell over their necks.

“So fast!” Sarutobi Hiruzen was dumbfounded and couldn’t help applauding, “Is this the legendary Flying Thunder God Jutsu?”

“Very powerful, there will come a day, and I will…” Shimura Danzo looked forward to it inwardly.

“Is this…Hokage’s…strength?” Under the clear sight of Sharingan, the powerful Chakra imposing-manner of Second-Kage within-the-body makes Uchiha Kagami heartbeat.

“Let’s go quickly! Homura and Koharu are dying! They need to be treated in time!” Akimichi picked up the wind and carried the two wounded up and said.

“I’m afraid it’s too late!” Uchiha Kagami frowns looked into the distance, “The chasing soldiers will be here in five minutes. The two leaders are also here, and there are twenty Jonins behind.”

“This day has finally come, that’s all, I am old too.” Senju Tobirama shaking one’s head while laughing bitterly, “Then, I have one last thing to do.”

At this time, Senju Tobirama is ready to sacrifice himself and drag the enemy to keep the six Konoha seedlings. Moreover, these six youngsters are not only his dísciple, but also the outstanding talent of Konoha’s younger generation, Third Hokage, who will definitely be born from them.

“We need to stay alone, hold the enemy, and buy time for everyone to retreat.” Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice, “Then, whoever stays voluntarily. I explained in advance that those who stay will almost certainly die. , So think about it before you decide.”

“What?!” Hearing this remark, everyone was shocked, “Is it necessary to sacrifice someone?”

“Choose someone to stay?” Shimura Danzo’s brain is running fast. Homura and Koharu have suffered a serious injury, and they certainly can’t take on this important task. Although taking the wind is brave in combat, they are afraid of death, so they shouldn’t come forward. ; Mirror is the elite of Uchiha Clan. If he is left to die because of Second-Kage’s order, Uchiha Clan will not let go; then, only me and Hiruzen are left…

“Wait! Will this be a test!” Shimura Danzo reacted fiercely, “If you say…”

“I would…” Just as Shimura Danzo was about to raise his hand, a voice next to him was a step ahead of him. Shouted out.

“I am willing to stay!” Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face was full of determination.

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