“Hiruzen…you” looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was one step ahead of him, Shimura Danzo did not know what to do.

“Second-Kage Lord, I am willing to stay to procrastinate and cover everyone’s retreat!” The young Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face was full of firmness and bravery.

“Hiruzen, you can figure it out clearly. The enemy’s strength is very powerful, as you have just seen. And the enemy you are about to face is the expert who killed the Second-Kage Raikage, I I can tell you responsibly that the person who stays will die.” Senju Tobirama praised the shoulder of Patted Sarutobi Hiruzen, and continued, “Even so, do you still choose to stay?”

“Yes, Second-Kage Lord!” After hearing Senju Tobirama’s words, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not flinch at all, but was more determined anyway. “From the day I put on this headband, I was ready to sacrifice for Konoha. This is the supreme honor. It is worth it to replace the lives of so many of my companions with my life!”

“Well, you don’t need to say, I understood, everyone listens! “Senju Tobirama summoned everyone, smiling, “I declare, from now on, Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are Third Hokage. Danzo, mirror, Kohru, Homura, take the wind, you five must help him and lead Konoha with all your strength, Towards prosperity!”

“What?!” Everyone was shocked. No one thought that Senju Tobirama would appoint the next Hokage at this time.

“I lost.” Danzo understood everything in an instant, he was still a step slower and missed Hokage’s position.

“Second-Kage Lord…what…what does this mean? Shouldn’t I stay and resist the enemy? Why suddenly…become Third Hokage? Then…then you What?” Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little confused, and suddenly he realized, “dont tell me….. …Do you want Second-Kage Lord…”

“Second-Kage Lord wants to stay by yourself Next, stop the enemy.” Uchiha Kagami said blankly, because Uchiha Clan’s relationship, whether it’s cannon fodder or Hokage, has nothing to do with him.

“Yes, you are all the pillars of the future of Konoha, and all of my discipline. I will never allow any of you to die here.” Senju Tobirama nodded, his expression became serious.” Besides, the enemy is very strong, so even if you stay together, it won’t be long. Instead of that, I’d better stay. The old man is also alive for almost sixty. No regrets. You are different. There is still a long way to go. I have to leave. And the six of you are my proud disciples. It can be said that almost everyone has the ability to hold important positions such as Hokage, Hokage consultant, Anbu chief, etc. However, when the incident happened suddenly, I had no time to carefully consider it, so I set this up Postgraduate entrance examination.”

“Hiruzen, you stand up without the slightest hesitation. I can see from you that you can sacrifice yourself for your companions and for Konoha. Your will is very firm. So I have absolutely everything Reasons to believe that Konoha will surely go to glory under your leadership.” Senju Tobirama patted Sarutobi Hiruzen’s shoulder again, then turned around, “Okay, let’s go! Konoha will leave it to you youngsters.”

“Second-Kage Lord…” Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little bit reluctant.

“Okay, Hiruzen, don’t live up to what the Second-Kage Lord expects of you, go!” Uchiha Kagami came to pull Sarutobi Hiruzen’s clothes, he was a little worried, with Hiruzen value emotion, value friendship character , It is very likely to get angry.

“I understand!” Sarutobi Hiruzen is not a person who can’t distinguish the situation. He immediately rubbed his eyes and his eyes became sharper, “Everyone, target Hidden Leaf Village, retreat!”


“These little demons are really…hmph hmph!” Looking at the backs of six people gradually disappearing, Senju Tobirama smiled and shake one’s head, “speaking of which, Hiruzen is only twenty years old, really young and Promising.”

“Big brother, I’ll be looking for you soon.” Senju Tobirama gazed as the sky gradually darkened, Chakra began to radiate outwards, “Just give me my death. Let’s see our time metabolism screen!”

“It’s really touching! Even if I stayed to die, I have to cover those little demons.” In the next second, twenty-two figures fell in front of Senju Tobirama. , Golden Horn is holding the Seven Stars Sword, with a bloody white Hidden Cloud headband ninja cap on it. With a flick of his hand, he threw the cap to the Senju Tobirama underfoot, and then jokingly said, “Originally you were going to run. We can’t stop it, but since you bring about one’s own destruction, you can’t blame us! I will send you to see Second-Kage Raikage!”

“Kill Second-Kage Raikage If we can kill Second Hokage again, we will be famous throughout the world, golden horn, hahaha!” Yin Jiao laughed triumphantly.

“Although the old man is more than sixty years old, he will not be slaughtered.” The Chakra surging on Second Hokage’s body is getting more and more intense, and the imposing-manner exuding is even more terrifying, making the elite in front of him The ninjas are very heart palpitations, “I will let you see the strength of Hokage today.”

“Wheel formation! Surround!” Senju Tobirama’s imposing-manner made the golden horn heart alarmed, body leaping , Previously killed the Second-Kage Raikage and lost ten elites, so he currently has only twenty people left. However, in today’s situation, with his trump card, he has the confidence to kill this Ninja World Legendary.

Twenty ninja under his command immediately dispersed and surrounded Senju Tobirama, and four of them also established barriers.

“In order to prevent me from using Flying Thunder God Jutsu, is there a barrier specially prepared? It’s interesting.” Senju Tobirama’s mouth curled, and he didn’t care.

shua~ shua~ shua~ Shua! Four enemies with sharp blades moved towards Senju Tobirama from four directions.

“There is no Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it depends on how you hide!”

“Do you need to hide…Water-Style ·Water Shockwave!” Just about to stab the blade At the time of Senju Tobirama, a huge water tornado appeared out of thin air from the soles of his feet and rolled all four enemies into the sky.

“Water-Style · Water bombs!” Then, Senju Tobirama quickly spit out four water cannons, hitting the four enemies in the sky.

plop! The four people fell to the ground, the seven orifices bleed, and there is no life.

“Very powerful Water-Style!” The enemy was shocked, and suddenly found that Senju Tobirama in front of him was missing. “What about people?”

“Water-Style ·Hard vortex water Blade!” Senju Tobirama suddenly appeared, holding a rotating spiral water javelin in his left hand, and piercing two enemies at once. The right hand quickly took out a kunai, and the water flowed up, “It’s not over yet! Water-Style ·Water blade cut!”

shua shua! The two closest enemies were killed again!

“He is good at Water-Style! Quick! Use the combination Lightning-Style!” An enemy quickly yelled, and several other Lightning-Style ninjas immediately moved in.

“Combination of Lightning-Style · False Darkness!” The combination of several elite ninjas, Lightning-Style, immediately sparked a dazzling blue lightning current and moved towards Second Hokage.

“Today I will let you know that in front of absolute strength, attribute restraint is a joke.” Second Hokage’s hand finished the seal at a speed barely seen by naked eye, “Water-Style · Water Dragon Bite Explosion!”


After several hours of fierce fighting, all twenty elite ninjas were killed, and only the opening of Nine was left. -Tails Chakra Mode’s golden horn and silver horn, also with injuries. While Senju Tobirama is unscathed, Chakra is about to reach its limit.

“damned! This guy is stronger than imagined!” Although golden horn and silver horn turned on the Nine-Tails mode, after a fierce battle, they are about to reach their limit. As for the Six Paths Ninja Tool in the hands of the two, it is not useless, but Senju Tobirama is Ninja World Legendary in the end. He has a tactical mind. Except for the Clean Jade Bottle, the other Six Paths Ninja Tools are all lost by Water-Style. , There is no chance to use it.

“But, now he doesn’t have Chakra anymore, we’re sure to win!” Yin Jiao pulled out the stopper of the Clean Jade Bottle and shouted, “Senju Tobirama, get enlightened!”

“Really, I don’t know what you have in your hands? Water-Style ·The big water explosion…”

Boom! Just as Senju Tobirama was about to fill the Clean Jade Bottle with Water-Style, the golden horn suddenly appeared behind him and hit his spine with a punch. As Chakra was exhausted, Senju Tobirama had no way to avoid it.

“Um…” Senju Tobirama didn’t have time to react, and fell to the ground, then buried his head in the ground and stopped moving. Spine serious injury, even if you don’t die, you will be paralyzed.

“Very good, golden horn! He is dead! We win…” The Nine-Tails coat on Silver Horn slowly faded, he put down the Clean Jade Bottle, moved towards the corpse of Senju Tobirama and walked.

“Silver Horn! Don’t come over! Be careful!”

“Water-Style · Sky Weep!” Senju Tobirama’s head suddenly lifted, and a sharp water needle came out of his mouth Eject at high speed.

puci! The water needle pierced Yinjiao’s eyebrows and directly hit his brain. Before Yin Jiao could say a word, she fell to the ground with wide-eyed eyes.

“Silver Horn! You scoundrel!” The golden horn exhausted the last Chakra and slapped Senju Tobirama with an angry punch. With this, Senju Tobirama completely lost the aura.

The famous Ninja World Legendary, known as the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama of the first speed, fell for the sake of Konoha’s future.

The Chakra coat on golden horn also slowly faded. He staggered to the side of the silver horn, raised the corpse of the silver horn, pointed to Senju Tobirama, roar towards the sky and said: “Silver Have you seen the corner! We defeated Second-Kage Raikage and Second Hokage! We are the strongest ninja! hahahahahahaha!” After a short while, a battlement Hidden Cloud ninja came out of the woods and surrounded After the golden horn, a youngster with a big white back and a burly figure and dark skin came to the golden horn.

“Golden horn, you killed the Second-Kage target and destroyed the Hidden Cloud Konoha alliance. It is a heinous crime. I have succeeded the Third Raikage. Today is your death date.” Youngster said blankly. The Lightning-Style armor on my body slowly appeared, “Master, your hatred will be reported soon.”

“Third-Kage…If I didn’t come to chase Hokage, I’m afraid it’s my successor I’m right.” Golden Horn didn’t care about being surrounded, and slowly stood up, and the red Nine-Tails Chakra slowly spread over the whole body. He roared, “What qualifications do you little demon have! Me and Silver The corner is the strongest in Hidden Cloud!”

“Lightning-Style ·Hell Stab ·One Fingered Assault!”

A blue light flashed, Hidden Cloud and two light glows disappeared. .

After the youngster killed the golden horn with lightning speed, he came to Senju Tobirama’s corpse and bowed heavily.

“Senior Hokage, sorry. The alliance you made with the Master, I and the new Hokage, will continue to guard it.”

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