“What? Found the trail of Akatsuki?” Facing Tsunade’s account, I couldn’t help being frowned, “As far as I know, the member of Akatsuki should be almost dead, and I suddenly found the trail. If there is a conspiracy, Lady Tsunade, is this information reliable?”

“Don’t worry about the authenticity of the information, this is my direct report Anbu following all the way, and it was sent back before his death after being discovered. There should be no problem.” Tsunade picked up a bloody scroll and said, “It’s just that the opponent is very powerful. This Anbu was killed before he could see the enemy’s appearance.”

“Is that so?” I held my chin in deep thought, “So you called a few of us, are you going to send us to scout?”

“Akatsuki’s purpose is to collect Tailed Beast. Not long ago Six-Tails Jinchuriki was captured by them, plus Seven-Tails Jinchuriki from Hidden Waterfall Village, which was captured earlier, now only Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails in the Naruto body of Mount Myōboku are left in the lead. “Yamato next to me analyzed, “Will… Akatsuki is going to capture Eight-Tails?”

“Where is Akatsuki? Land-of-Lightning? “Kakashi asked.

“No, it was the opposite direction. It was found in the depths of the Land-of-Wind Gobi to our southwest.” Tsunade shook off the scroll, and a lot of yellow small pieces were scattered inside. Sand, she lifts the head and said, “I have already greeted Kazekage, and now he sends someone to stare at it. But Akatsuki’s people are not good. Kazekage is worried that the Jonin of Hidden Sand Village can’t handle it, so she asks us. Reinforcement.”

“One-Tails Shukaku was taken away by them a long time ago. What plot is Akatsuki still doing in Land-of-Wind?” Yamato frowned said puzzledly, “It’s really suspicious. .”

“No matter what they have a conspiracy, we just need to take a look at it.” I scratched my head and said, “Anyway, they are attrition seriously, so I don’t think they dare to make any big moves.”

If I remember correctly, there is no similar plot about this in the original work, so it shouldn’t be a big deal, it’s just an ordinary mission, so I didn’t care, just run errands. With my current strength that exceeds Kage Level Early-Stage, unless it is designed by several experts above Kage Level, almost no one can threaten me in the entire Ninja World.

“Kurone is right. Regardless of the other party’s conspiracy, we can make relevant countermeasures.” Kakashi nodded, “Lord Hokage asked us to come and prepare to issue a mission.”

“Yes, I originally planned to let the three of you lead the team and add a few little demons. But now I carefully pondered, the village is a little short of manpower, and if there is any sudden occurrence, I can’t get it. I came up with Elite Jonin, who can do it alone, so I decided to change the mission staff…” Tsunade took out a blank scroll and wrote with a pen, “This reconnaissance mission is led by Hatake Kurone, executive officers Yamato and Guy four people , This is a letter to Kazekage explaining the situation. As for Kakashi, you stay in the village and stand by at any time.”

“Yes!” I took the mission scroll and letter, said goodbye to Kakashi, and took Yamato. , I found Guy in the training stadium and disciplines training.

“Is there a new mission again? Very good! Power of Youth, it is to keep tempering!” Hearing there is a new mission, Guy and Lee’s excited eyes popped up with sparks, looking next to them Tiantian and Neji looked helpless.

As far as staffing is concerned, Tsunade’s decision is very reasonable, because the roles of Kakashi and I in the team belong to the type of command and tactical analysis. If both of them are there, it seems unnecessary. Some Natural resources waste. While Yamato is an auxiliary combat type, the Guy squad is direct combat. In general, the quality of our six Taijutsu is very high, and we rushed very quickly, almost unrelenting to Hidden Sand Village.

As soon as we arrived in Hidden Sand Village, we received a very warm welcome and received a warm reception from the whole village people.

“Guy teacher, why does Hidden Sand Village welcome us so much?” Lee scratched his head and asked glanced around.

“Probably because of your Guy teacher, my handsome face, impressed the villagers here!” Guy smiled and gave himself a thumbs up, and a flash of white front teeth immediately flashed out Light.

“wa! Really! The charm of the Guy teacher has already convinced the villagers of Hidden Sand Village!” Lee is even more convinced, which makes people laugh.

“Nonsense! Obviously because Kurone teacher, Kakashi teacher, Naruto and Sakura defeated Akatsuki and rescued Kazekage, they will be welcomed by the villagers!” Tucao every day, “Talk to Guy teacher again What does it matter!”

“At the beginning, Gaara sacrificed herself and saved the villagers of Hidden Sand Village. Naturally, he would be loved, and we rescued their beloved Lord-Kazekage, and now we are treated with enthusiasm. It’s not altogether inexcusable anymore.” I smiled and said, “shake one’s head”, “But, every day, there is a sentence you said wrong. At the beginning, not only me and Naruto, but you guys also made a lot of effort. Great contribution, so you should be the enthusiasm of the villagers.”

“At that time, I was still in Anbu, and now it seems that I have followed it, haha.” Yamato laughed embarrassingly.

Under the guidance of several Sand Ninjas, we met Kazekage Gaara and Hidden Sand Village high level. Several months have passed since the last incident, and Gaara has fully recovered. However, his “Three Sentences Naruto Syndrome” seems to be more serious.

“Long time no see, Hatake Kurone-senpai, thanks to you and Naruto and them last time, or I would be dead. By the way, why didn’t I see Naruto and he came?” Gaara has a rare face. The smile surprised Kankuro next to him.

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