“Kazekage was overwhelmed. Although we did a little bit last time, we mainly rely on Chiyo’s mother-in-law.” I laughed and politely said, “Naruto, he went to retreat for training. So I didn’t come this time.”

Gaara looked a little disappointed when he heard Naruto didn’t come, but he is Kazekage after all, so he can’t lose self-control in front of us, so the disappointed expression faded away.

“It seems that Naruto is constantly becoming-stronger, then I have to keep it up!” Gaara said with a smile, and then the conversation turned, “It’s windy and sandy outside, come, let’s talk inside Business.”

“Okay! Guy, trouble you and the three little demons to take up a guard job outside.” I turned around and said, although Guy and I are ordinary candidates, Jonin, no superiors. Relationship, but I am Captain for this action, so I can naturally order everyone. Guy is not involved in tactical command, so only Yamato and I are enough to talk to Kazekage.

“Good!” Guy didn’t have any comments. Hehe laughed at nodded and waved his hand. The three guys in Guy’s class dispersed, each looking for a place to be on guard.

Land-of-Wind’s building looks like a big earth-yellow ball from the outside. The weathering is particularly serious, and the living environment feels particularly harsh, but once inside, it is a place of charm and beauty. The interior is very spacious, bright and warm, and it contrasts sharply with the shape of the house raging in the sand, like two worlds.

“Lord-Kazekage, I have looked at the specific situation in the mission scroll. Since Akatsuki’s traces were discovered in Land-of-Wind, your search forces should have more or less mastered it For some clues, please let Lord-Kazekage tell us.” I have performed this kind of transnational reconnaissance mission countless times, but it is the first time to directly ask a leader of Ninja Village about the situation like this.

“Since Hokage has given you a mission, I will not describe the details of what happened. It is roughly Konoha’s Anbu tracking Akatsuki, and then it has been chased to Land-of-Wind. After I allowed and supported me, I went deep into the Land-of-Wind desert interior and was wiped out in it. Fortunately, the information was sent out in time.” Gaara put her face in her hands and said blankly, “As for Searching troops, I am ashamed. Since the last time Akatsuki attacked the village, many ninjas in our village have developed a fear of Akatsuki. As a result, only a small part of the search troops participated in this search.”

“That In other words, did you find any clues?” I wrinkled my frowned head. I didn’t expect Akatsuki to leave such a deep impression on the ninja of Hidden Sand Village. It even reached the point of talking about Akatsuki’s discoloration. It seems that they cannot be expected to help What a busy time.

“Can’t say the same. Under the leadership of Kankuro, our search force found the remains of an ancient city where Akatsuki disappeared. It is very old, at least more than a thousand years.” Gaara continued Said.

“Ancient ruins thousands of years ago?” Gaara’s words surprised me, and then I thought about it, “Why did Akatsuki go to the ruins? Is there any hidden secret in this ruin?”

Kakuzu, who is greedy for money, has belched a long time ago, so it is unlikely that Akatsuki went to the ruins to find some gold and silver jewelry. What is it for? Is it possible that there is something weird about this ruin? For example, heaven defying things like Ryumyaku of Roran Space-Time Reverse. If this is the case, then I really have to check it out. In my impression, there is no similar thing in original work, but it is not absolute. Who knows what the butterfly effect that occurs because of my appearance will turn reality into.

“Are there any records or legends about the ruins in Hidden Sand Village and Land-of-Wind? This may be a very important clue. I suspect Akatsuki may be engaged in some secret weapon.” I am serious. Speaking of.

“There must be no written records. The age of the relic is too old, completely beyond the scope of written history, even as old as the legendary Sage of Six-Paths.” Gaara Shake one’s head, suddenly the conversation turned, “But in terms of legends, I listened to Senior Ebizo, the younger brother of Chiyo’s mother-in-law. He said that when he was very young, he heard the old man in the village talk about a legend.”

“Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s younger brother, he was in childhood. Other old people said that this time span alone will take nearly a hundred years. I don’t know the credibility of this legend…” I scratched my head and laughed embarrassingly. “You continue to say.”

“I don’t know the authenticity of this legend, and I don’t have to count on it. After all, it’s just finished-speaking.” Gaara stood up, walked to the window, looked Outside the window, he began to narrate, “It is said that in the Ancient Times, there was a monster named Hundred Eye Ghost. Every time it eats a person, an eye grows on its body. Over time, its whole body is covered with weird eyeballs.”

“Fuck, that’s not…” I suddenly thought of Danzo, almost leaked, so I quickly received, “Abnormal enough…”

Gaara glared at me , I quickly realized my abruptness, it would be rude to interrupt others, let alone Kazekage, so I immediately apologized.

“It’s okay, I’ll continue to talk…” Gaara was also completely immersed in this Myths and Legends, and didn’t care much about it, she continued to tell, “This monster is very cruel, often in the dark night When they were high, the sneak attack and the late return caused great panic to the farmers at the time. So the farmers united and used a bold person as the bait to induce the Hundred Eyes. However, even more terrifying things happened, no matter it was With knives and axes, it’s still burning and flooding. Not long after people kill the Hundred Eyed Ghost, it can always come back to life and continue to kill. Then, the unbearable farmers moved from tribe after tribe to a far place, and finally , Only an unknown small tribe was left, and there was no time to move away. That night, the Hundred Eyes came to this small tribe to continue the massacre. However, a traveler who had stayed in this small tribe stepped forward and not only attacked again. Killed the Hundred Eyed Ghost and discovered the secret that the Hundred Eyed Ghost is immortal. It turns out that every time this Hundred Eyed Ghost is killed, it can be restored to the state before being killed by closing one eye. As long as there are eyes on the body, it can be unlimited Cycle resurrection.”

“What!?” I was shocked, the tricks of this Hundred Eyes ghost, how do you listen…so like Sharingan’s Dojutsu…Izanagi?

Gaara didn’t notice my shocked expression, and continued each minding their own business’s recounting: “After discovering this secret, the mysterious traveler gave up the useless ability to kill the Hundred Eyes, but Used some kind of Sealing Jutsu, sealed the Hundred Eyes, and built a very deep Earth Palace, which was permanently imprisoned. And let the people of that tribe live above the Earth Palace, guarded for generations, and returned to that tribe. The name Antiris means infinite loop.”

“What happened later?” I couldn’t help asking, “Who is that mysterious person?”

“The true identity of that mysterious person is nowhere to be found. Some say it is Sage of Six-Paths, some say it is Monzaemon, and some say it is a hidden expert. In short, there is no unified view.” Gaara shake one’s head, “After doing this, the mysterious person left Andris. But the good times didn’t last long. A few years later, several youngsters in Andris wanted to gain the power of the Hundred Eyes, so they sneaked into the Earth Palace. As a result, this tribe disappeared in the vast desert. There is no record anymore, only this story has been passed down.”

“Entering the Earth Palace, what happened?” I was a little curious.

“This legend has stopped abruptly here, but based on the location and age of the ruins, I guess that it is Andris.” Gaara suddenly turned to face me with a very strange expression, “As for What’s in the Earth Palace, go in and take a look, don’t you just understood?”

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