To be honest, Gaara’s expression combined with his words almost shocked me, and it also aroused my very strong curiosity. This legendary Hundred Eyed Ghost has exactly the same abilities as Izanagi.

Izanagi can be regarded as Genjutsu activating itself, or it can be said to be an extra life. The role is to record the caster’s own state with Sharingan at the moment when Ninjutsu is activated, and then within the effective time of the operation Inside, any damage suffered by the caster, even the death of the caster, can be physically restored to the state recorded by the Sharingan. This Jutsu is a very short period of time, all the unfavorable factors including the injury of the caster, including death, are converted into dreams. At the same time, all events that are beneficial to the person such as the attack of the caster are transformed into real skills. It is free to change the dream. And realistic techniques belong to Genjutsu. The price is that the eyes will lose their light forever after the operation, or in layman’s terms, they will be blind.

Is it possible that Uchiha Clan belongs to the Hundred Eyed Ghost? That’s a bit too abnormal. Danzo just has ten Sharingan that’s all with one arm. This abnormal has hundreds of eyes all over the body… All Sharingan… It feels unrealistic. Although Myths and Legends has been passed down from generation to generation, it will be exaggerated. The authenticity of the ingredients will be greatly compromised, but it will not be so outrageous. Besides, the time when this legend happened was nearly a thousand years ago. I’m afraid that was the era of Sage of Six-Paths or even longer, and there was no Uchiha Clan. In this way, it may just happen that it’s all, this Hundred Eyed Ghost should have nothing to do with Izanagi. At most, Izanagi’s invention may have referenced the abilities of the Hundred Eye Ghosts. Anyway, it seems that I am going to take a trip to the ruins of Andris.

“That’s what I meant, so I would bother Lord-Kazekage to send a few people to take us over.” I smiled and shook hands with Gaara courteously.

“Actually, I really want to take a look, but I am Kazekage now, it is not convenient to go out, and things in the village are quite busy, let Kankuro go with you.” Gaara recruited Beckoning, Kankuro walked over immediately.

“Senior Kurone, Lord-Kazekage is not convenient to go out, so I will take you to the ruins of Andris.” Kankuro said with a respectful expression, “I was saved last time after being poisoned, thanks to Konoha. I have not had time to thank Sakura for his treatment. Please pass on my gratitude when you return to the village.”

“No problem, Konoha and Hidden Sand are allies. You should be saved. I also helped us.” I smiled and waved his hand, “It’s not too late, let’s go now, I can’t wait to see this ruin.”

The territory of Land-of-Wind It is very vast. Although the so-called Andris remains in the depths of the Land-of-Wind desert, it took us two days to arrive. As soon as I arrived at the ruins, I immediately clicked the technique formula of Flying Thunder God Jutsu in an inconspicuous place for future emergencies. Because Akatsuki’s people have long been missing, Hidden Sand’s search force camped here a few days ago, waiting for our arrival.

“Senior Takamatsuhara, did you have any new discoveries in the past few days?” Kankuro called out a Jonin-like person from the search force and asked.

The Sand Ninja named Eagle Matsubara immediately replied solemnly: “Not yet, Lord Kankuro. We inspected this ruin in detail and found that there were traces of search inside. After our preliminary judgment, it should be Akatsuki. After killing Konoha Anbu, the people looked for something here, but they didn’t seem to find it and left in a hurry.”

“Taka Matsubara, this name is a bit familiar. Have we met somewhere?” I I took a look at the 25-30 year old, dark-skinned, aquiline nose Hidden Sand Jonin in front of me. I didn’t have an impression in my mind. I just thought the name was familiar, “It’s a bit presumptuous, forgive me for being rude.”

“Where is the Kurone big brother, no one knows the name of the black lightning, and who is not Akatsuki. I witnessed the battle with my own eyes.” Takamatsuhara changed his serious expression and smiled heartily, “You It’s normal not to remember me. After all, fifteen or six years have passed, and I am not well-known, and my performance at the time was not brilliant, so naturally I won’t leave you with a deep engrave.”

“You said so Although I still didn’t remember it, I probably guessed it.” I scratched my head and recalled, “You should be there at the Chunin Exams final that I participated in back then. It’s either an exam candidate or an audience.”

“Yes, I am an exam candidate just like you, Chunin Exams finals. I am the first.” Ying Songyuan looked at the sky and seemed to be lost in memory, “I was only thirteen years old. I’m twenty-eight years old, and I’ve been a Jonin for five or six years.”

“It turns out that Senior Takamatsuhara, you and Kurone are old acquaintances, and you participated in the same Chunin Exams. That’s true. What a coincidence!” Kankuro said in surprise, “So to speak Senior Kurone was promoted to Chunin in that Chunin Exams?”

“At that time, the Kurone big brother and Hidden Stone Explosion-Style The battle where ninja Yamamoto broke the army was called a fierce battle. I still remember that the name of black lightning began to appear at that time. As far as I know, the Kurone big brother was directly affected by his excellent performance. Third Hokage was promoted to Special-Jonin.” Takamatsuhara looked at me with admiration and said, “That Explosion-Style Yamamoto Breaking Army was very famous at the time and was known as the strongest Genin in Ninja World. My Guidance Teacher also told me that if you choose to play against him, you will immediately admit-defeat. When I was selected for the first game, I was still relaxed. And when the Kurone big brother was selected later, the audience thought you were dead, and it didn’t even last for five minutes. The result…haha…you became famous in the first battle…”

“It’s been more than ten years The old things before, don’t mention it. “The corner of my mouth raised a weird arc. After all, I was complimented, and my heart was still a little airy.

Indeed, the battle at that time was considered a more thrilling battle in my early period. It’s no less than the fight with the Kage Level expert later.

“Okay, let’s go back to the old end here, let’s start doing business. “I waved his hand and became serious. “Let me take a look at the body of Anbu sacrificed first.” “

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