Shua! A cold light flashed by, the Hundred Eyes Ghost fell to the ground, and Yamato fell staring.

“Yamato Captain!” Neji tried to rush over, but was stopped by Takamatsuhara next to him.

“Be careful, don’t forget that the Hundred Eyed Ghost has the ability to resurrect!” I reminded, and immediately opened Sharingan and watched all around, “Be careful around, this Hundred Eyed Ghost can kill that many since Ninjutsu can’t The fully armed villagers indicate that Taijutsu must be very difficult to deal with, and the speed is very fast.”

“Understood!” Neji made the move of Revolving Heaven, and Eagle Matsubara also held Kunai in his hand. Defensive posture.

Shua! A dark shadow suddenly flashed past and came straight to my face.

“Kurone Captain, be careful!” Neji reminded.

“Don’t worry! Taijutsu, I’m…my day…” The dark shadows in front of me disappeared instantly, making me cut a void, and then suddenly appeared in the blind spot of my sight. Thanks to my flashing speed, his paws only left five blood marks on my shoulders, but the flashlight in my hand was shattered, and my surroundings plunged into darkness.

When Neji and Takamatsuhara saw this, they immediately shone their flashlights at me.

“Be careful of you two! Keep the flashlight yourself. I have Sharingan and can see it!” I waved his hand and said.

Shua! Just as I was speaking, the Hundred Eyed Ghost came to Takamatsuhara again instantly, his claws were already close to Takamatsuhara’s chest, and everyone had no time to react.

“Wood-Style. The technique of wood binding!”

Just as the claws of the Hundred Eyes touched Takamatsuhara’s chest, a few pieces of wood grew from the ground, tightening him Wrapped up.

“Kurone! Hurry up!” Yamato jumped from the ceiling with his hands folded, hands shaking. I could see that the Hundred Eye Ghost was struggling, and Yamato could hardly control it.

“Hachiman!” I didn’t hesitate, aiming at the Hundred Eye Ghost was a blow.

“ヾ(≧O≦)〃嗷~!” Hundred eyes ghost screamed and fell down.

“Quick! Everyone back to back, move closer to me!” I wiped the blood flowing out of my eye sockets, and shouted, “Everyone looked in one direction!”

Yamato , Ying Songyuan and Neji not saying anything further, we leaned over immediately, and our four people formed a very stable Defensive Array type.

“My flashlight was broken, Neji, pass me the flashlight if your Byakugan can see it.” Yamato said with a serious expression, “It’s really troublesome that my eyes are blackened. “

“Yamato, it turns out that you are okay, then the one just now…” Takamatsuhara touched the wound on his chest and thanked him, “Many thanks to you, otherwise I would have been accounted for just now.” This guy’s attack speed is too fast.”

“It was only Yamato Captain’s Wood-Style clone that was hit just now.” Neji glanced in the corner, and then handed the flashlight to Yamato.

“Unexpectedly, Yamato would know Wood-Style, Konoha is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. My flashlight was broken just now, and now there is only one light source left.” Takamatsuhara laughed, and then With the broken flashlight still on the side, he took out a kunai and held it in both hands. “Kurone big brother, how do you say it now, do you want to withdraw and move the soldiers? This one-hundred-eyed ghost is a bit difficult to deal with.”

“Yes, and I don’t know how many eyes this guy still has. It has been resurrected without end. After a long time, we can’t stand it.” Yamato took the last flashlight and shone it everywhere.

“No need, this guy is just faster. He hit us completely unprepared. He doesn’t have strong attack power and doesn’t know Ninjutsu.” I shake one’s head and said disdainfully, “I can I don’t want to run into 99 rooms again.”

“Then kill the disabled and catch them alive, or use Sealing Jutsu.” Neji said blankly.

“Neji is right.” I was nodded, closed my eyes and started to gather Chakra.

“This guy is too agile, and it’s pitch black here, it’s probably…a bit troublesome to catch him.” Takamatsuhara kept spinning Kunai in his hand, looking a little nervous.

“Lightning-Style armor!” I opened my eyes violently, and the dazzling blue Lightning-Style Chakra instantly spread all over my body, but I think Lightning-Style armor alone may not be enough to catch this Hundred eyes ghost, so I opened Eight-Inner Gates again, “Six Sect, Gate of View open!”

Blue Chakra and green sweat steam intertwined on my body, fused into blue rays of light, even illuminates my range within seven steps.

“There!” Eagle Matsubara threw out kunai to a corner fiercely.

The shadow in the corner flashed immediately and escaped Kunai. However, although Takamatsuhara’s attack missed, it also created a chance for me.

“Reverse Lotus!” Like an off-stringed arrow, I went straight to the Hundred Eye Ghost. With the speed increase of the Lightning-Style armor and Gate of View, the motion trajectory of the Hundred Eye Ghost is in my eyes. It’s like slow motion.

Boom! In order to catch the Hundred Eyed Ghost alive, I avoided the point and kicked the Hundred Eyed Ghost on the belly.

“Um…” Hundred-eyed ghost Shen snorted, like a kite with a broken line, flew out heavily, with an expression of horror on his face.

“It’s not over yet! Crystal-Style · Crystallization!” My hands quickly hand-seal, and the pink crystals immediately climbed onto the body of the Hundred Eyes Ghost. Before he could react at all, He wrapped all the positions below his head, “Now, you can’t run.”

Because of the successive use of Mangekyo, Eight-Inner Gates and a few Ninjutsu, let me Chakra was a little weak. I took a few breaths and relieved all the augmentation on my body. Then I pulled out Qingfeng again and put it on the neck of the Hundred Eyes Ghost: “It’s over.”

Yamato and they also surrounded me. Coming over, they curiously looked at this legendary hundred-eyed ghost.

This one-hundred-eye ghost is not legendary, ferocious-looking, and in general is not much different from humans, except that the skin is relatively dry and the color is strange, just like ghoul. He was still wearing clothes, which corpse was probably taken from. It shows that this one-hundred-eyed ghost still has some brains. He knows to hide himself, but he doesn’t know how much of his eyes are left for use.

“Is this the legendary Hundred Eyed Ghost?” Takamatsuhara not saying anything further, came up with an unrelenting punch, directly knocking out a few of the Hundred Eyed Ghost’s teeth, “This punch is for you “

“Then he has lived for a thousand years? Awesome!” Yamato also smirked and punched the Hundred Eyes Ghost. “It also caused us a little trouble. So, if you change to a regular Jonin, you might just fold it here.”

“Take him out and kill him on the spot to avoid future troubles.” Neji coldly said.

“Don’t… Don’t… Kill… I… I… I… Cast… Drop…” Hundred Eyes Ghost closed his left eye tightly , His right eye was also swollen from being hit by two punches. At this moment, he opened his mouth and made a low and hoarse roar in his throat, “I… and… are… people …………Class…………”

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