“Is this guy still talking?” The Hundred Eyed Ghost suddenly frightened us when he spoke, and I almost cut it up.

“He said he is also a human?” Neji frowns asked in confusion, “How do I think he is not human, do you want to lie to us?”

” Don’t talk about it yet.” Yamato waved his hand, “Since this guy can be resurrected, why should he surrender, so afraid that we will kill him? Killing him will just cause him to be resurrected?”

“I Thinking… Since he needs to consume one eye once he is resurrected, if there is no supplement, then the eye will be used up for a day.” I touched my chin and analyzed, “Look, even his own eyes are closed. , Does it mean that his whole body eye, the only left eye is the swollen right eye. If it is resurrected again, it is estimated to become blind. Am I right? Hundred eyes ghost?”

“Yes…you…guess…that’s…yes…wrong…” Hundred Eyes Ghost continued in his strange tone.

“You give me a good talk, and then stammeringly, I will cut you off.” I really couldn’t stand his Yin-Yang’s weird tone, so I threw Qingfeng on his neck and threatened Then, “Since you say you are a human being, then prove it to me.”

“I…I…I…I…Say…Say…Just…This …Like…” The Hundred Eyes Ghost looked very nervous, but he was helpless, “Don’t…kill…I…”

“Kurone, I see him also It’s not like lying. Maybe he’s talking in this voice.” Yamato patted my shoulder, “Don’t worry about this matter. Ask about him first. After all, he has lived for a thousand years and he must know a lot of Missin. .”

“Yes, be honest, and explain everything you know. If you lie to us, you can imagine the consequences.” Takamatsuhara threatened, “If you cooperate with us well, just Forgive you.”

Followingly, under the stammeringly narration of the Hundred Eye Ghost and our inquiry, it took several hours to roughly figure out the whole sequence of events.

It turns out that the Hundred Eyed Ghosts were also ordinary humans at the beginning, and they lived in a village where the land was very barren, and there were frequent famines and starvation to death. And there is a kappa in the river outside this village, who is regarded as a god by the villagers. Kappa often asks the local villagers to sacrifice the child to him for food, otherwise it will bring disaster to the village. Therefore, every year in the village, children under the age of twelve are selected and thrown into the river to worship the kappa. The Hundred Eyed Ghost is the unfortunate one chosen, but the sad thing is that everyone, including the Hundred Eyed Ghost’s parents, is proud of it. The Hundred Eyed Ghost was ten years old that year, so he had the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but his own strength was too weak to fight against the villagers. So he pretended that he was willing to be used as a sacrifice, and quietly picked up a dagger the night before the sacrifice.

2nd day, when the villagers threw the Hundred Eye Ghost into the river, the Hundred Eye Ghost was dragged into a cave by a kappa to be eaten, but he actually cut the rope with a dagger a long time ago, taking advantage of the Kappa’s carelessness , Suddenly violent, stabbed Kappa to death. After stabbing the kappa, the corpse of the gazed kappa fell into deep thought. Village Because of the famine, every household had very limited food, and they could barely survive. They couldn’t get enough to eat. All of them were yellow and thin. The Hundred Eyed Ghosts had never eaten meat before. So he clenched the teeth and killed the Kappa. Because there was no fire source, he ate the Kappa’s meat raw. He had never eaten meat before. Since then, he has become addicted to eating raw meat. This kappa didn’t have a lot of meat, so the meat was quickly eaten by the hungry hundred-eyed ghost wolf down one’s food. It didn’t take long before the hundred-eyed ghost’s stomach hurt. It turned out that the kappa’s meat was poisonous. However, it’s not bad to be a full-fledged ghost. In this way, the Hundred Eyed Ghost was in a coma in the Kappa’s cave for three full days. After waking up, the Hundred Eyed Ghost found that his skin had become like a kappa, and his teeth and nails became sharp. What’s more terrifying is that a third eye grew on his forehead. Although he was taken aback, the Hundred Eyed Ghost was glad that he had survived, and he was only ten years old at the time, so he didn’t think much about it, so he went straight back to the village.

When he returned to the village, he shocked the villagers, because he looked exactly like a kappa. However, under his explanation, the villagers finally understood the truth. At this time, the people in the village had differences in the handling of the Hundred Eyed Ghosts. Some people felt that the Hundred Eyed Ghosts got rid of the kappa and made great contributions. They are the great heroes in the village and deserve special treatment. But more people think that Kappa is the protector of the village. The Hundred Eyed Ghost killed Kappa and ate his meat. Disrespectful to the gods would bring disaster to the village and should be burned to death. The two factions insisted on their own words, and could not discuss the result. In the end, the two parties compromised and decided to let the Hundred Eyed Ghost live in the village temporarily to see the after-effects.

Unexpectedly, the village will be in good weather for the next few years, and everyone will gradually forget about the Hundred Eyed Ghost and the Kappa. The Hundred Eyed Ghost also tied the eyes on his forehead with cloth and became an ordinary villager. Unexpectedly, ten years later, there was a drought, there was no harvest, and the villagers fell into famine. Originally it was nothing, but I don’t know who took the lead and turned out the old things ten years ago. He began to accuse the Hundred Eyed Ghost and blamed the drought on the Hundred Eyed Ghost. It was precisely because he had eaten the Kappa that he descended from heaven. In order to punish him, he asked the Hundred Eyed Ghost to be burned to death and to divide the food in his family. Naturally, the villagers are not all fools, but there are also reasonable people who refute the nonsense of those people. So, in order to survive, the village once again split into two factions and fought each other. At that time, fighting in the village was very common.

As for the Hundred Eyed Ghost, who is already twenty years old at this time, the difference with the ordinary person is more obvious, and the physical fitness is much better than the ordinary person. So he became the leader of the faction that supported him unwilling to pass on one’s responsibilities to others, and in the battle with the opposition, he won more than defeated. The opposition looked to their own people as they fought less and less, so they paid a great price, and designed to ambush the Hundred Eyes. Finally, in a valley, the Hundred Eyed Ghost and his men were shot dead with random arrows.

What they didn’t expect was that this was the beginning of the nightmare.

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