After shooting and killing the Hundred Eye Ghost and his men, the opposition did not clean up the battlefield in detail, but hurriedly occupied the support camp, divided their food, and started gorge oneself up. The Hundred Eyed Ghost in the pool of blood slowly stood up, and the eyes on his forehead were closed. Due to hunger, the Hundred Eyed Ghost ate the corpse of his dead companion and was surprised to find that he had many eyes growing on his body. Finally, the Hundred Eyed Ghost discovered his abilities, and in the heart brewed a plan of revenge…

After possessing a lot of lives, the Hundred Eyed Ghost naturally wiped out the opposition with no difficulty, and ate it. Their flesh has grown out of eyes. But all the people in the whole village died, and he was the only one left. After eating the food, they could only hide in Tibet and make a living by stealing. It didn’t take long for the villagers to find him and catch him. Because he looked like a monster, the villagers were about to burn him to death. As a result, the Hundred Eyed Ghost was completely blackened and began to slaughter the village everywhere, relying on cannibalism for a living, and more and more eyes on the body, and obtained the title of Hundred Eyed Ghost, which is what is depicted on the mural.

Hundred eyes ghosts have been rampant in this area for several years, until the appearance of a mysterious person. For this mysterious person, the Hundred Eyed Ghost didn’t have much impression. He only knew that he was a gray-haired old man, wearing a hat, and his eyes were purple spirals, which was very peculiar. As soon as the mysterious person shot, he directly killed the Hundred Eyed Ghost many times with a crushing method, and analyzed his abilities. Without a skill, the Hundred Eyed Ghost was prepared to escape. But this mysterious person’s strength was so strong that the Hundred Eyed Ghost couldn’t escape his palm, so he was sealed by some kind of Sealing Jutsu. The mysterious person instructed the people in this village to build a huge Earth Palace, sealed the Hundred Eyes in the innermost room, and let him starve to death for a long time, in order to confess his sins. And warned the villagers that they should never enter, otherwise it will cause disasters. After doing this, the mysterious person said that he still had something to do, so he left the tribe he named Andris and never returned.

After seeing the mysterious person’s ability to resemble Divine Immortal, the villagers naturally obeyed. For a long time, no one stepped into the Earth Palace. Soon several decades passed, and finally the younger generation in the village did not believe in this evil, thinking that the deeds of the Hundred Eyed Ghosts were only Myths and Legends, and wanted to sneak into the Earth Palace and search for some valuable treasures. Because in several decades, there is no who is close to the Earth Palace, so a few youngsters easily opened the door of the Earth Palace and walked all the way to the back room. Unexpectedly, several decades have passed. Although the Hundred Eyed Ghost has starved to death many times, but because of the countless eyes on his body and the dormant state, he has not really died. In this way, the Hundred Eye Ghosts that had disappeared for several decades once again returned to the world, slaughters.

The entire village of Andris was almost completely slaughtered, and the old village head of the village was the one who witnessed the battle with his own eyes, so he was cruel and led the dozens of remaining people in the village , Brought the Hundred Eye Ghost back to the last floor of the Earth Palace. The Hundred Eyed Ghost was sealed for several decades, and had long lost the ability to judge. He looked his own food into the Earth Palace. Although he was somewhat instinctively fearful, he still plunged into it. In this way, at the cost of a villager’s life, Andris disappeared, and the Hundred Eyed Ghost was once again imprisoned in the last floor of the Earth Palace.

This level is a thousand years. During this thousand years, the Hundred Eyed Ghosts survived many days by eating the villagers who came in. After that, they continued to endure hunger-dormancy-death-resurrection. The pain cycled, and the eyes on his body kept diminishing, until a few of us stepped into the Earth Palace, and there were only three of his eyes, including his own pair.

“It turns out that this is the case, that is to say, if we don’t come, in a few years, this product will be completely dead.” Yamato said.

“Tortured in the dark for a thousand years, it is really a long and terrifying torture.” Neji emotionally said.

“Listening to his description, that mysterious person is a bit like Sage of Six-Paths.” I scratched my head and said, “Sage of Six-Paths is a bit cruel. Ability, even if it’s not difficult to kill the Hundred Eyed Ghost, I didn’t expect to use such a torture method,”

Because the Hundred Eyed Ghost has not spoken for nearly a thousand years, the Hundred Eyed Ghost gradually loses the speech ability, and it takes so long to speak at once. After the story, a little tired, he squinted his eyes and stopped moving.

“Now, how do you say?” Yamato looked towards me and asked, “Shall we take him out and have a business relationship?”

“I think it is possible, although the Hundred Eyes Ghosts were rampant thousands of years ago Wuji, but now is the world of ninja. With his abilities, he can take advantage of his own ability in this dark and narrow Earth Palace. Even if he escapes after going out, he can’t make any big waves.” Takamatsuhara disdains. He glanced at the fake sleepy Hundred Eyed Ghost, and began to fumble around the Earth Palace glanced around.

“I also think Takamatsuhara-senpai is right.” Neji nodded.

“I think about it.” I scratched my chin and started to think.

The legend of the Hundred Eyes Ghost is roughly clear with the discovery of this Earth Palace and the story he tells, but… we seem to have arrived here because of the clues of tracing Akatsuki! If Akatsuki also came for the Hundred Eyes, then why did he leave without opening the Earth Palace? Is it to avoid Hidden Sand’s search forces? It should be impossible, with Akatsuki’s strength, anyone can come and annihilate the so-called search force with no difficulty. Isn’t it discovered? If it was Hohzuki Mangetsu, it was fair, but with the abilities of Tobi and Pain, it was impossible to find out. If it is Tobi, then it makes sense. He can use Kamui to enter the Earth Palace without opening the Earth Palace stone gate, but…

“Hundred eyes ghost, I ask you , Have you ever seen…” Just as I was about to inquire about the Hundred Eye Ghost, Takamatsuhara’s shout suddenly came.

“Why is there a stone gate here? Isn’t it the last floor?”

Following the reputation, there is indeed a stone gate on the innermost wall of the Earth Palace. The stone gate is exactly the same as the 99 one-way rotating stone gate outside.

“There is one more? What’s behind…?” Yamato moved towards the 100th stone gate curiously.

“I don’t know, I’ll push it away and have a look.” With that, Takamatsuhara pushed up the stone gate forcefully.

At this time, Hundred Eyed Ghost opened his eyes sharply, and roar said: “Don’t…open…then…the door!”

“What?” At this time , Takamatsuhara had already pushed the door halfway open, and looked inside. Just a glance, he immediately turned his head, the facial expression was extremely frightened, he roared at us hysterically, “Run!!!”

Seeing such a terrifying expression on Eagle Matsubara, I dared not slack off, and immediately threw down a Flying Thunder God Kunai, one in each hand, grabbed Yamato and Neji, thoughts move and escaped outside the Earth Palace.

“Finally came out, how? Did you find anything?” As soon as they saw us coming out, Guy and the others immediately surrounded him, “Where is the Hidden Sand Eagle Matsubara?”

“It’s too late to explain, something went wrong inside, Takamatsuhara, I didn’t have time to pull, so I rescued Yamato and Neji first.” I immediately opened Mangekyo Sharingan and wrapped myself in a sequel, “I’m going to save Takamatsuhara now. “

“What…” Just as I was about to launch Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I suddenly shocked, some not knowing what to do.

“What’s wrong?” everyone asked.

“The Flying Thunder God Jutsu imprint I left behind…is gone…” I turned my head and looked incredible at the door of the Earth Palace.

There was still pitch black inside the gate, as if it had swallowed everything.

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