“What? How is this possible!” Yamato looked incredulously. I said, “I heard Senior Kakashi say that Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s technique formula is very stable. Chakra can only be erased, but in this Earth Palace…”

“The Hundred Eye Ghost does not have Chakra at all, and Takamatsuhara doesn’t look like it can erase the technique formula. It’s weird.” Neji shake one’s head , Said.

“It’s really weird. Let’s do this. I don’t know what dangers are inside. It’s easy for me to escape by myself, so I’ll go in and take a look. I can’t leave Takamatsuhara there.” To save Chakra, I directly closed Mangekyo Sharingan.

“Can you be alone, or I and Neji will accompany you in, so many people can take care of it.” Yamato said worriedly.

“No need, Neji’s Byakugan can’t be used in it. Although your Wood-Style is better than me, but my point is good enough. Have confidence in me, Yamato, but I’m The Konoha black lightning who became the Ninjutsu Grandmaster, haha!” I laughed and joked.

“Well, we won’t hold you back, you are careful alone.” Yamato’s expression is still serious, he patted my shoulder and said, “If something is wrong, immediately Use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape.”

“Don’t worry!” I smiled at Yamato, and turned my head to see the Hidden Sand search unit coming by.

“Senior Kurone, please, but you must rescue Takamatsuhara Captain.” A Sand Ninja pleaded.

“I and Takamatsuhara are old acquaintances, I will try my best to find him.” I nodded, turned and entered the Earth Palace.

In order to save time, I directly opened the third-gate of Eight-Inner Gates. Although the previous side effects have not been completely eliminated, it is important to save people, and I can’t care about so much. In less than ten minutes, I rushed all the way to the 98th room.

“Here, after this door, it’s the 99th room.” Faced with the danger that might appear inside, I dared not slack off, and immediately opened Sharingan, withdrew Qingfeng, ready to go into battle at any time. “If there is something extremely dangerous, I will open Mangekyo immediately, and I should not be killed in seconds.”

I pushed the stone gate cautious and solemn, and found that no matter how hard I tried, there seemed to be something inside the stone gate. It was blocked, completely motionless.

“What’s the matter?” Although the stone gate could not be pushed open, only a daoist sect could not stop my footsteps. I quickly gathered Chakra and hit the stone gate with a punch. “Explosion-Style · Directional ** punch!”

This move Explosion-Style · Directional ** punch was invented on the basis of the classic style ** punch of Kekkei Genkai Explosion-Style. Although the formidable power is huge, it is uncontrollable, and its kill radius is relatively large, which can easily affect its own people or cause the building to collapse. So I modified Chakra’s way of exhalation, changed the attack trajectory of the punch from one face to a point, and invented this move directional punch.

bang! Under my fist, the stone gate was blown to the ground like a piece of paper, and the Earth Palace showed no signs of collapse. However, behind the stone gate, there was no bones, Hundred Eyed Ghosts and Takamatsuhara’s figures, but the rolling yellow sand, pressed towards me.

“Fuck! Wood-Style·Wood…” I originally wanted to cover myself with Wood-Style to prevent it from being buried by sand, but the sand moves very fast, so I printed it. Halfway through, it was buried by rolling yellow sand.

There is no way. From this situation, the 99th room is probably collapsed. Eagle Matsubara and Hundred Eyes Ghost Bacheng are buried in it, but… where is my Flying Thunder God Kunai? Going there, even if it is buried by sand, the technique formula is impossible and disappears. Forget it, let me escape first, or I’ll be suffocated to death in the sand. Thoughts move, I once again fled to the outside of Earth Palace. Unlike the last time I escaped, I was wearing a suit of sand this time, which seemed very difficult situation.

“Kurone, how is it inside?” When I came out, everyone surrounded me, Yamato came over and dusted the sand all over me, and asked suspiciously, “What did you do, I was covered in sand. , Where’s Takamatsuhara?”

“Bah! Bah! Bah! I don’t know what happened inside. The 99th room seems to have collapsed, and it’s full of sand. Now the 98th room is also collapsed. “I spit out the sand in my mouth, helplessly said, “Sorry, brothers of Hidden Sand search unit, I was not able to help. You may be buried in the Captain, and you have to organize someone to dig it out. “

“I’m the search force Vice-Captain, Okamoto Qiang. Senior Kurone joked, this was originally our responsibility, and then we leave it to us. You have a good rest.” Okamoto Qiang returned Turning his head to face a dozen Sand Ninja, he commanded, “Eagle Matsubara Captain is trapped inside now. I will be in charge for the time being. Two people will be left to pick up from outside, and the rest will follow me in.”

“Guy, Neji, Lee, you can go in and help.” Although the name of this Vice-Captain is strange, but it looks pretty reliable, I waved my hand and found a place to sit down.


“many thanks.” Okamoto nodded to me and led people into the Earth Palace.

“Yamato, every day, you two looked up, wake me up if something happens, and I will rest for a while.” Due to the consumption of a lot of Chakra, plus two consecutive openings of the Eight-Inner Gates, I felt exhausted. , I found a tent, lay down and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but a force shakes me up. I opened my eyes in a daze, glanced at outside the tent, and found that the sun was still hanging high, so I said impatiently: “Why did you call me so early? The sand in the two rooms has to be dug out.” In the middle of the night.”

“This is already the 2nd day. We have dug for more than 20 hours. The sand in the 98th room has been cleaned up, but the 99th room…the situation It seems something is wrong…” It was Guy who awakened me, also covered in sand, with a serious expression.

“Have I slept for a day?” I scratched my head, a little sorry, “What does the 99th room mean? It stands to reason that so many people should have dug in long ago. , Did something happen again? Did a cave-in happen again?”

“The 99th room you mentioned seems to disappear from the face of the earth. In short, it’s hard to describe. You still Go and see for yourself.” Guy shake one’s head, pondered, and continued, “Let’s go, I’ll talk to you while walking.”

“What do you mean?” I was a little puzzled. Behind Guy, I entered the Earth Palace, “Didn’t the 99th room collapse? What do you mean disappear from the face of the earth?”

“I’ll start with you from the beginning, because There were a lot of people, so in the 98th room, it took us less than 5 hours to clean up all the sand in other rooms and pile it up. But in this last room, the situation inside is very strange, no matter how we dig or dig As much sand is released, there will be as much sand to fill, and it is impossible to advance at all. Then Okamoto Captain analyzed that it may be that the 99th room completely collapsed, and the flow of sand is very large, so as much sand as we dig, it will be How much sand is flowing back in.”

“It’s possible, but if this happens then digging is more troublesome. You have to dig and lay planks to support the structure.” I said casually.

“Yes, that’s what Okamoto said, but the search team didn’t bring so many planks, so we specifically asked Yamato to come in to help. It took more than ten hours before we went I dug ten meters inside.”

“Isn’t that okay, have you found Takamatsuhara and Hundred Eyes?” I have a faint premonition in my heart, “Could it be that?”

“Yes, let alone find people. We didn’t even find the fragments of the ceiling and walls. After digging the ground for three feet, we didn’t even find the floor. There was infinite sand underneath.” Guy’s expression became very complicated. “It’s as if that room has never existed before, even with Takamatsuhara and Hundred Eyes, disappear from the face of the earth.”

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