“Come on, see for yourself.” Guy took me to the 98th room, where a dozen Hidden Sand searchers were using some weird tools Probing, and the stone gate of the 99th room has been cleared out, and a large space has been built with wooden boards.

“Yamato, did you find anything?” I bent down and walked into the 99th room. In the room that evaporated out of thin air, there are still several Sand Ninja digging deep, and Yamato It’s constantly using Wood-Style to build wooden boards to support it. “Have you found Takamatsuhara and the others?”

“No, the situation is a bit weird. Guy should have told you about it.” Yamato looked sweaty. After all, Chakra consumes a lot for him to lay so many planks. While continuing to hand seal, he took out his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, turned his head and said to me, “What the fuck, this room, and The two big people just disappeared, and no traces were left.”

“Fortunately, Kurone teacher made a decisive decision and took us out in time, otherwise, I am afraid that Yamato Captain and I will also disappear together. “Neji walked over from one side, and said with a lingering fear.

“Neji, can’t your Byakugan see anything?” My mood was a little complicated, and I kept thinking about the situation. “This room… really can’t even find a wall “

“My Byakugan has a very good sight at this location. It can see through to a far place. It’s tens of meters in radius and it’s all sand.” Neji said blankly, “This room , I’m afraid it’s really evaporated.”

“What the fuck!” I closed the eyes and rubbed the temple, my mind kept playing back the last expression of Takamatsuhara, “Finally behind the daoist sect, There must be something incredible, otherwise Takamatsuhara Impossible will have such a big reaction, it is most likely that the thing behind the door erased the entire room.”

“I think Kurone Senpai made sense.” Okamoto also walked over from another room, put down his shovel, and said, “Could it be any powerful Sealing Jutsu or Ninjutsu? Senpa Kurone, you are the Ninjutsu Grandmaster. , Do you know any Ninjutsu that can achieve this effect?”

“There seems to be a Sealing Jutsu that erases objects in the killing range. There is a Ninjutsu called the Four-Tetragram Seal technique. , You can seal all the objects tens or even hundreds of meters around the caster within-the-body, but the caster will die, and the corpse of the caster will stay.” Speaking of Sealing Jutsu, I immediately thought of it. After Danzo vs. Sasuke, the move that he used before his death almost erased the entire bridge.

“In the Four-Tetragram Seal technique, I seem to be a little impressed.” Yamato pondered said, “Remember, I have heard of this kind of Sealing Jutsu when I was Root. The whole Root, only Lord Danzo and a few A veteran can use it, and the formidable power is indeed as Kurone described. It is very similar to the current situation, but… there are some differences.”

“Yes, if it is really this This is caused by Sealing Jutsu, the caster’s corpse should stay here, impossible disappeared without a trace, and this Sealing Jutsu is not selective, as long as it kills objects within the radius, it will all be sealed in. But now… “I turned my head, looked at the wall of the 98th room, and said, “The 99th room is not left at all, but the wall of the 98th room is intact. This is suspicious. If it is really caused by Ninjutsu, I am afraid. It is also extremely high-level Ninjutsu, at least it is arranged by an expert above Kage Level.”

“Will there be a Space-Time Ninjutsu technique formula behind the door? Give the whole room Is it transferred?” Neji asked, “Like Kurone teacher’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, can’t it also teleport objects?”

“Stop talking about me, even if I work with Fourth Hokage, It is very difficult to transfer this whole room, including two big living people, so perfectly.” I shake one’s head.

“Could it be that after the daoist sect, is there any secret road or something, or did Ying Songyuan dug to the ground from another direction?” Guy interjected.

“Absolutely impossible! This Earth Palace extends diagonally downward about ten degrees below the ground. Our current position is probably very deep below the ground. It won’t be Space-Time Ninjutsu, depending on the strength of oneself, absolutely impossible to return to the ground.” Okamoto said decisively, “Takamatsuhara Captain, I am afraid it is really bode ill rather than well.”

“Okamoto is right, this Earth Palace Slanting down ten degrees, a room is about ten meters long, and 99 rooms are one kilometer. The sine of ten degrees should be between 0.1 and 0.2. That is to say, we are more than 100 meters deep underground. Place, if the room collapses, it won’t be Space-Time Ninjutsu, absolutely…” Suddenly, thinking of Akatsuki, I realized a little bit and immediately asked, “Okamoto, all your search forces have come in, haven’t they?”

“Yes, only two people were left to meet on the ground. A dozen other people have all come down. What’s wrong?” Okamoto showed a trace of doubt on his face.

“You said, if someone collapses this Earth Palace, you guys…”

“Not good!” Hearing my words, Okamoto turned pale with fright, immediately He said, “Everyone, listen to my orders, stop working and immediately leave Earth Palace!”

bang! There was a muffled sound from top of the head, and then the entire Earth Palace began to vibrate. When I got up, the ceiling began to peel off.

“Hey, I was plotted against!” I immediately took out a few Flying Thunder God Kunai and threw them in different corners, then grabbed Guy, Okamoto, Neji, and two Sand Ninjas When he arrived, he shouted to Yamato, “Yamato! You use Wood-Style for a while, I can only take five people at a time.”

“No problem! I can hold on for half a minute.” Yamato is serious. Nodded towards me, I began to hand seal, “Wood-Style…”

thoughts move, I brought five people back to the ground.

On the ground, two Sand Ninjas have fallen to the ground, and Lee and Tian Tian are fighting with a guy wearing an Akatsuki robe, who is wearing a familiar earth-yellow spiral mask.

“damn it, it really is the ghost of this B!” Looked Tobi suddenly appeared, I suddenly understand, I really want to rush up to beat him, but think about it more than a hundred meters below the ground There are still many people in the area waiting for me to rescue. I can only turn my head and say to Guy, “This guy will be handed over to you first. His ability is virtual. You don’t have to beat him. Just drag him and let me save people. Yes.”

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