Seeing me suddenly appearing, Tobi’s expression was obviously taken aback, and he probably froze for a while. When he saw me and didn’t take action, he immediately returned to amusement. appearance.

“Hey, a few ran out, it seems that my plan was not completely successful!” Tobi scratched his head pretendingly, said with a laugh.

“you guy!” Guy rushed straight up and fought with Tobi, “Leaf Strong Whirlwind!”

I looked at Tobi a few times, and then thoughts move, Return to Earth Palace to continue to save people. Ah Guy, they are on it. Although they can’t take that guy down, they are definitely okay to deal with each other. What I have to do is to save people as quickly as possible before the Earth Palace collapses. There are two Flying Thunder God Jutsu marks. Although there are many people, it is not very difficult for me to rescue people. It takes less than 1 minute to send everyone out.

While saving people, my mind was analyzing Tobi’s conspiracy. I am afraid that the clues of Anbu Tracking to Akatsuki this time were deliberately left by them, and the purpose is probably to lead us to this place. This so-called Hundred Eyed Ghost should be just a guise. Under the Kamui of Obito, go to the 99th floor of the Earth Palace, take the Hundred Eyed Ghost away, and take it back for research. But he didn’t do that. Instead, he left the Hundred Eyed Ghost to us to discover intact. After the 100th daoist sect, it should be Ninjutsu with some kind of large formidable power, which is to make a fatal blow while we are careless. If you think about it again, it’s very possible that this arrangement was specifically designed to deal with me. Because once the Akatsuki matter is involved, Konoha will definitely send a team with high battle strength to deal with it. I am the most suitable. No matter how bad, I will send Kakashi. And with my curiosity, if I discover the daoist sect first, it will open immediately, then I am afraid that everyone in this room will have to disappear. However, in the end, Takamatsuhara became a replacement for the dead, which was beyond their plan. Seeing that the plan failed, I expected that we would definitely go down to save people, so Tobi, who was hiding aside, appeared and wanted to blow up the Earth Palace and bury us all underneath. Although I can save people through Flying Thunder God Jutsu, But I can’t take care of both sides, so that he can unscrupulously annihilate other ninjas. However, he still miscalculated, because this time, I am not the only Konoha Jonin, but Guy and Yamato are here, so he is doomed to be unable to slaughters.

This plan seems to be very closely linked with one another, very close, attracting us to this monument with the trail of Akatsuki, and then using absurd ancient legends to divert our attention, and then use the real body of the Hundred Eye Ghost Relax our vigilance, so that we step into the trap step by step. In the end, either died in the organ after the 100th daoist sect, or was buried under the Earth Palace at a depth of more than one hundred meters, trapped in the uninhabited desert. For other people, this can be said to be a seamless plan, but for me, this plan happens to be full of funnels. My Flying Thunder God Jutsu just blocked this plan and made all his arrangements invalid. If it’s an enemy who doesn’t know my abilities, it’s okay, but Obito should be very familiar with my abilities. After all, he suffered more than once on Flying Thunder God Jutsu. How could he make such a stupid plan to try to get rid of it. Drop me? In the whole plan, only that door could pose a threat to me, making me die before I could use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but the unexpected factor was too great, and he could not guarantee that I would open that door at all.

“Is it possible, is there any conspiracy? I didn’t find it?” After rescuing the last few people trapped below, I stared with a serious face while still playing hide- with Guy. And-seek’s Tobi, frowned, “But, I have rescued everyone, what else can he do to deal with us?”

“Leaf Whirlwind!” Guy is another hit Kicking, naturally, passes through Tobi’s body without exception, and flies towards me.

“Okay Guy, stop, this guy’s ability is too troublesome, we can’t keep him.” I caught Guy, then let him stand aside, and moved towards Tobi Asked, “Can you tell me, what do you want to do? You should know that with my Flying Thunder God Jutsu, all these things you do are useless that’s all. It is the organ after the 100th daoist sect, Interesting, no I thought you could make such a powerful Ninjutsu.”

“Although I know the daoist sect, the Sealing Jutsu behind the door was not arranged by me. Speak frankly, I am not that capable. Even myself, passing through that daoist sect, almost couldn’t come back.” Seeing my showdown, Tobi immediately put away the funny look and became serious, “You reacted fast enough to escape. It’s.”

“You didn’t arrange it? Dont tell me….. …” I was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, with his ability, he really couldn’t arrange such a powerful Sealing Jutsu. Come, be able to erase a room and the Elite Jonin inside without leaving a trace. This handwriting is a bit like someone’s Truth-Seeking Ball.

“You probably already know the legend of the Hundred Eyed Ghost, yes, although this is a trap I laid out, but this monument and legend, and even the Hundred Eyed Ghost inside, are real.” Tobi Said blankly, “You should remember the mysterious old man who sealed the Hundred Eyes Ghost in the story. There was no conclusive evidence to prove who he was, but when I entered the 100th daoist sect, I saw the mysterious old man behind the door. After the Sealing Jutsu style, you understand. The mysterious old man is Sage of Six-Paths, and in order to prevent the Hundred Eyes from escaping, he arranged a powerful Sealing Jutsu behind the door. Once the door is opened, the entire room will be wiped. Go. It’s just a pity that when the older generation in the village slowly dies, no one knows this secret anymore.”

“What? Sage of Six-Paths? That’s not a legendary character. Is it?” everyone said in surprise.

“No wonder, at that time, Takamatsuhara’s reaction was so horrified. It seems that he would only show his face in total despair in the face of an extremely powerful force.” Yamato shake one’s head with lingering fears.

“Although the Sealing Jutsu behind the door is very powerful, even First Hokage may not be able to retreat from the whole body, but you, Hatake Kurone, with your Flying Thunder God Jutsu, can still respond quickly enough Escape alive, so I didn’t have much hope. Sure enough, you didn’t live up to my expectations and escaped, haha.” Tobi laughed self-deprecatingly.

“No, don’t look at who our Kurone teacher is! Many of you in Akatsuki are already in the hands of Kurone teacher.” Lee said proudly.

“I don’t think so, let’s talk, you should have something to do.” Looked Tobi looked indifferent, and my expression became more solemn.

“When you return to Konoha, you will understood and say goodbye.” Tobi barely fell, the air in front of Tobi fluctuated spirally, and he quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

“Hateful, what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd!” I clenched the teeth, staring at the air as if he was still there.

“Kurone! It seems something has happened!” Yamato hurriedly ran up to me and stretched out his hand, “Look at…”

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