“Nagato, rest in peace.” I pulled out the Azure Edge Sword and inserted the scabbard back. Nagato died under my sword. The third silver lock that seals my strength has been opened. My strength has been restored to the mid-Kage Level super-Kage level. Now I have reached the top of the entire Ninja World. It can be said that there is almost no who Can beat me. However, facing Six Paths Obito and Six Paths Madara, as well as Kaguya, it is still not enough.

“There are still three brass locks…After unlocking, I have enough strength to fight against Six Paths level enemies.” I scratched my head and walked out, moved towards Konan nodded, Konan was expressionless and turned back to the tree.

Naruto also wanted to follow behind and was stopped by me. I patted Naruto’s shoulder and said with a faint smile: “Naruto, you did a great job. It’s over. Go back to the village and have a good rest. “

“Kurone teacher, where’s Nagato?” Naruto looked at me with a tired face, but his face was filled with pride, “Did I convince him.”

“Yes. , You did a great job, Naruto.” When I was about to reach out and pat Naruto’s head, I realized that Naruto was about to surpass me. “Nagato was persuaded by you, and he decided to help you, so I used Revolving Heaven. The skill of life, at the expense of his own life, resurrected the people he killed in Konoha, including Kakashi. And Hinata, it should have been only a little bit injured. It is estimated that Sakura has been rescued by this time.”

“Kakashi teacher…” Speaking of Kakashi, Naruto’s eyes appeared with glistening teardrops, “Is Kakashi teacher really back? Once I return to the village, will I be able to see Kakashi teacher again!” Hinata, thanks to her for saving me, I haven’t had time to thank her.”

“Yes, this is all your credit. Naruto, you have grown up.” I nodded with a smile,” From you, I saw Teacher Minato’s shadow.”

“Hehe, I want to be a Hokage recognized by everyone!” Naruto’s proudly patterned chest, “Let’s go, Kurone teacher, we Go back to the village.”


Naruto staggered and almost fell to the ground just a few steps after he walked. My eyes and hands quickly flashed to Naruto. In front of me, I carried Naruto on his back, just like Kakashi did in original work, but this time, I will do it for you.

“Although I have mastered Sage Mode perfectly, this battle is a bit expensive, and I can’t even stand still.” I smiled and helped Naruto to support him a little. Then walked towards the village, “Go home, the hero of Konoha.”

“Hmm…” Naruto was completely exhausted, closed his eyes, and responded softly to me. .


“I originally thought it was you who came back and defeated Pain. I didn’t expect it to be Naruto…” A figure walked out of the woods and walked to me Next to it, “It seems that Naruto has grown up again and can protect the entire Konoha.”

“Yes, the future of Ninja World depends on Naruto and them. We are old.” My head is also He helped Naruto without returning, and continued to move forward, “How does it feel to be resurrected with blood? Kakashi.”

“Well, how do you say it? It feels good, like a long sleep Same, the injuries on my body have recovered, and the Chakra is full. I met my father in a strange place and chatted with him for a while. Although I don’t know if it’s a near-death illusion, I still told him that I Understanding what he did and being proud of him finally fills up my until now regrets.” As he said, Kakashi’s eyes narrowed to crescents, “Then I told him my story, and he has been patient. Listen, I didn’t say anything until a light appeared on me…”

“I think Senior White Fang must be very pleased and proud of you.” I remembered Shisui telling me After passing, Senior White Fang seems to be the Anbu established by the Mian Lingguan now. Well, what Kakashi saw, unlike what I inferred, was the Chakra left by White Fang before, and it was most likely White Fang himself. That’s why White Fang listened to Kakashi’s story very calmly, and was not so surprised to see Kakashi’s resurrection.

“Yes, many thanks for saving me, Kurone.” Kakashi stopped suddenly, thanking him, “You are getting more and more amazing now, Medical-Ninjutsu is so powerful that it can help me I’m back from heaven, I’m afraid it’s about to surpass Lady Tsunade.”

“It’s not me, I don’t have the ability to resurrect.” I didn’t stop, but continued to move forward. “It’s Naruto, who convinced Pain’s main body, Nagato. Then Nagato launched Rinnegan’s Dojutsu, round Revolving Heaven, and saved you back.”

“That’s it…” Kakashi was silent. After a few seconds, I followed up, “It seems to be Naruto’s credit in the final analysis, which saved me an old life.”

“It’s not just you.” I slowly let go of Naruto. Then he pointed to the front, “Look forward.”

In front of us, the location of the gate of the village had been completely turned into a clearing. On the clearing, there was a group of people standing, including Sakura, There are Hinata, several other Xiaoqiangs, as well as the ninja and many villagers in the villages of Guy and Yamato. They all gathered here spontaneously, waiting for their hero to defeat Pain and protect the hero of Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto.

“Naruto, go ahead, everyone is waiting for you!” I gave Naruto a little lightly, pushing him into the crowd.

“Everyone…” Naruto was a little shocked. At this moment, he might have imagined countless scenes.

“Naruto you guy, it’s too messy!” Sakura stepped forward, a violent thump hit Naruto’s head, and then hugged Naruto who was dazed, and said softly, “Next time, Don’t be a hero alone, you also have a companion.”

“Naruto…very good…” Behind Sakura, Hinata cried with joy.

“Our hero, Uzumaki Naruto!” Under the lead of Lee and the others, everyone lifted Naruto, tossed it high, and cheered.

At this moment, Naruto finally got everyone’s approval.

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