“It’s not just to be a Hokage to be recognized by everyone, but to be recognized by everyone to be qualified to become a Hokage.” Kakashi muttered to himself.

“Yes, Naruto finally came to this step. It is not easy.” I put my hand on Kakashi’s shoulder, said with a smile, “We old fellows, it’s very fortunate to see this The scene is over.”

“Oh! This is not Kakashi!” Guy ran over and punched Kakashi in the chest. Looking Kakashi frowned, Guy laughed loudly, “I’m still losing money. I was always worried, thinking you were dead, but I didn’t expect to be alive and kicking! Come, let me see if there are any missing parts on my body!”

“Guy, stop making trouble.” Then, Kakashi told Guy started fighting intimately. I shook the goosebumps, and walked to the side by myself. The huge pit in front of gazed sighed with emotion, “It seems that it will take a few months to rebuild the village.”

“As long as everyone is united, the village will return to its original state soon.” Shizune walked from a distance and said solemnly, “Lady Tsunade would like you to go there with Senior Kakashi. I have something to ask.”

“Well, I’ll go to Kakashi right away.” If I guess it’s right, Tsunade should be because Chakra is over-used and won’t be able to recover for a while, so find someone to represent Hokage. And now in the whole village, considering the factors of influence and ability, only Danzo, I and Kakashi are qualified to serve as Hokage. Leaving aside Danzo, Kakashi is the direct dísciple of Fourth Hokage, and I am also considered half of the discipline of Fourth Hokage, and we both belong to the core positions in Elite Jonin in the village, and both have the ability to deal with various sudden occurrences and leadership. The ability of the entire Konoha. However, Danzo was too gloomy. Although it was all for Konoha’s sake, the methods were not very bright. Naturally, Tsunade was uneasy to give Hokage to him, so we were the only ones left.

After I found Kakashi, I told Kakashi about the general situation, and then I was about to leave to find Tsunade, but I ran into Nara Shikaku who was looking for me halfway through.

“Hatake Kurone, I’m looking for you, follow me, hurry up.” Nara Shikaku wiped the sweat from his head and said.

“What’s the matter?”

“Because this time Konoha suffered such a serious disaster, Daimyo decided to hold a meeting to negotiate the reconstruction of Hidden Leaf Village. This is just the pigeons. Information.” Nara Shikaku took out a note, handed it to me, and said, “Daimyo appointed two high-level staff officers, Lord, Lord Danzo, and I, and then elected a representative of Jonin to attend the meeting. I’m pondered, and it’s more appropriate for you to represent Jonin. It’s not too late, you leave with me immediately.”

I took the note and glanced roughly at it, and it was not bad to Nara Shikaku.

“Okay, then I’ll go to Daimyo’s meeting with you, Kakashi, you go see Lady Tsunade.” I turned back and said to Kakashi.

“Okay.” Kakashi said nodded concisely.


In the Conference Hall of Daimyo House, Daimyo is sitting in the middle, shaking the fan with a dull expression. I don’t know the few people sitting next to his right hand. They seem to be the staff under Daimyo’s hands. On the left hand side, there are Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, Shimura Danzo, Nara Shikaku and I in turn. Status, I am indeed ranked last, and basically do not have much right to speak.

“For the handling of Akatsuki, we and the Allies intend to continue in the future.” Mitokado Homura took the lead in speaking and broke the deadlock.

“Now the village has become that kind of horror. We, Land of Fire, must fully support the reconstruction of the village.” The most recent staff member sitting in Daimyo pushed his glasses and said, “Well, of course. First of all, we must make a budget… and then the tension with other countries will also…”

“Compared to these, I think some things are more important.” Danzo suddenly interjected, “For example, who will be selected as New Hokage.”

“As expected, Danzo is going to do something.” Nara Shikaku and I glance at each other, looking helpless.

“Wait for Tsunade’s body to recover?” Daimyo shook his fan, his expression indifferent.

“Your Excellency Daimyo, Tsunade is still in a coma.” Utatane Koharu explained, “In the situation of the village now, if you don’t even know when Tsunade wakes up, there is no way to formulate the next policy. Moreover, this time Konoha is destroyed, she also has a certain responsibility.”

“Well, in order, then Hokage should be Jiraiya’s turn next.” Daimyo closed the fan and knocked on the head. , “I almost forgot, Jiraiya passed away, I am quite optimistic about him, it’s a pity. In that case, who else can serve as Hokage?”

“I think…I”

“I recommend Hatake Kurone and Hatake Kakashi.” Nara Shikaku immediately interrupted, interrupting Danzo’s self-recommendation. Danzo gritted his teeth and gave Nara Shikaku a glance.

“Oh! I know these two people, one is the son of White Fang, right? The other is black lightning from Ninja World.” Daimyo Yin-Yang said with a smile, then Looked at me, nodded, “Well, it’s not bad, what do you think.”

“These two people have both reputation and ability, I think they can do it.” An official said, ” I support Hatake Kakashi. It is a pity that his father White Fang did not become Hokage before. This time his son shouldn’t miss it.”

“Will Kakashi be too young? I think Hatake Kurone It’s more appropriate.” Another aide retorted, “Hatake Kurone killed Fourth-Kage Mizukage in the war when he was young. He is well-known for Ninja World. Now he is more mature and more mature. I think it is more appropriate for him to serve as Hokage. “

“You can’t say that. Namikaze Minato was only twenty-four years old when he was Fourth Hokage. I think Kakashi is quite competent.” Another staff member expressed his opinion and asked, “Whose dísciple of Hatake Kakashi and Hatake Kurone?”

“Hatake Kakashi is the dísciple of Fourth Hokage, and Hatake Kurone inherits the Legacy of Fourth Hokage, which is also considered the dísciple of Fourth Hokage. He was recognized by Third Hokage.” Mitokado Homura explained.

“Oh, that’s it. The Fourth Hokage is the dísciple of Jiraiya, and Jiraiya is the dísciple of Third Hokage, so that’s okay. Then it’s up to your village to decide which of them will serve as Hokage. Okay, that’s it…”

“No, I don’t agree.” Danzo stood up and said sharply, “Pain who destroyed Konoha was originally the discipline of Jiraiya. Sympathize with the people of other countries and teach them This is the consequence of Ninjutsu. And this great mistake once caused the betrayal of the Allied Power Hidden Sand and allowed Orochimaru to launch an attack on Konoha. Even more how is now Uchiha’s remnant party, Missing-nin Uchiha Sasuke, and Hatake Kurone and Hatake Kakashi’s discipline. So what Konoha needs now is someone who can handle these troubles, bring changes to Ninja World, and implement the ninja rules, that is, I, to serve as Hokage.”

” I think it can be handled by Danzo.” An staff member seemed to be frightened by Danzo’s imposing-manner, and said only innocently.

“No! I…” Nara Shikaku was about to refute, when Daimyo interrupted.

“Well, it’s decided, let’s appoint Danzo as the sixth-generation Hokage.” Daimyo pointed at Danzo with a fan and said, “Okay, this matter end here, let’s end the meeting.”

The corners of Danzo’s mouth raised in a strange arc.

“Kurone, you can talk about it too…” Nara Shikaku pulled my clothes and said anxiously, “Can’t let the group…”

“Let’s do it.” I Shake one’s head seriously at him, then got up and left.

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