“Hatake Kurone, don’t think that I haven’t troubled you for so long, it means I have forgotten you.” As soon as I walked to the door, Danzo’s voice was in my ears It sounded, “Now I am the sixth generation of Hokage. If you don’t obey the order, you will be beautiful.”

“hehe.” I heard a thoughts move and went straight back to the village. Danzo has just succeeded the sixth generation of Hokage. Although he hasn’t come to trouble me for several years, after taking office, in order to be in power, he must rule out dissidents, and I bear the brunt. So this period of time, I will first go outside the village to be active. Anyway, after Danzo becomes Hokage, he won’t be able to live long.

“hmph, let you jump for a few days, and when you are about to die, I will take Shisui’s eyes.” I stretched out my hand and shook my eyes, because Mangekyo has been used more often , My eyesight has dropped to a very serious level, even if I look at my hand close at hand, there is some ghosting. When fighting, you can only act with Sharingan to see the opponent’s Chakra Flow, which can be said to be half blind. So before opening Eternal Mangekyo, I have to converge a bit, and I can no longer abuse Mangekyo Dojutsu.

“How is Lady Tsunade? Anything to say?” I opened the tent, walked in, and saw Kakashi, Shizune and Sakura standing by Tsunade’s bed in a daze.

“En? Kurone, are you back?” Kakashi recovered, “Lady Tsunade fell into a coma again when I entered the tent. Until now, there is no sign of awakening. By the way, Kurone, you go and participate. The Daimyo meeting, what’s the result?”

“Um…the result is not so good, Danzo has been appointed as the sixth generation of Hokage.” I scratched my head and said, “Shikaku recommended the two of us , But they were all refuted by Danzo, and finally Daimyo was persuaded by him.”

“What? Danzo has become the sixth-generation Hokage?” Shizune frowned said, “This is not a good sign. “

“Normal.” Kakashi expressionlessly, “Lord-Jiraiya passed away, except for the two high-level staff officers, Danzo is now the oldest person in Konoha and was appointed the sixth generation Hokage, not altogether inexcusable.”

“But I heard Lady Tsunade say that Danzo seems to have a festival with Kakashi teacher and Kurone teacher, especially Kurone teacher. Danzo tried to kill you several times before. No success.” Sakura cautious and solemn asked, “Now that Danzo is in power, will it…”

“Now Konoha is facing a crisis, Danzo will not do such a stupid thing, he shouldn ‘t be against me. But Kurone, Danzo may find a way to fix you.” Kakashi looked towards me, “You better be careful, but don’t confront him, otherwise you may be arrested by Danzo in the name of Hokage .”

“It’s okay, let him toss, the village is almost settled, I won’t stay in the village anymore, go out and go around, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.” I waved his hand impatiently, “looked, Danzo will not be a Hokage for long.”

“Hope, otherwise I don’t know what Konoha will become in the future.” Kakashi shake one’s head, opened the tent and walked out, “I’ll go see Naruto . “

“Then I also go roam around. “I suddenly wanted to confirm one thing, so I said goodbye to Shizune, and pushed the tent away and went out.

“Hand hit that guy…Although the buildings in the whole village, including the guy’s noodle shop, were also destroyed. , But he himself must be fine, just don’t know where he is now. “I scratched my head and thought about it, just after a while I need transplant Sharingan, so I need Shisui to help me. Moreover, I also want to confirm White Fang’s affairs. Therefore, it is necessary for me to find a hand and have fun now. , That is, a visit to the Mian Lingguan to find out the location of the obscurity.

Now the entire village has been flattened, and most of the villagers have been resurrected by Nagato using the Revolving Heaven technique. They should be in ninja. Under the organization of the army, search for the remaining villagers buried in the ground. Another part of the villagers and Yamato should organize and rebuild the village. Fighting the boss who is a noodle restaurant, the probability of participating in physical strength is not great, and it is impossible to follow. Medic Corps, the biggest possibility is to work with people with a better cooking level in whole village, organized by the village upper layer, and cook for everyone.

After a close analysis, I guessed it. After finding the position of the hand, I went straight to the platform on the edge of the village and found two Chunin who were patrolling.

“who! “The two Chunins were very vigilant, and immediately took out the kunai and surrounded me, “Raise your hands and prove your identity.” “

“It’s me, Hatake Kurone. “I pulled out the Azure Edge Sword from my back and plugged it into the ground. The two Chunins were startled.

“This is…it seems to be the Azure Edge Sword of the predecessor of black lightning Kurone. “A Chunin put away the kunai and said.

“Well, black short hair, cyan ray sword, and this powerful Chakra are the same as everyone’s legend. “The other Chunin looked at me, and put away Kunai, “Sorry, Senior Kurone, this happened in the village, so the inspection is a little stricter.” “

“It’s okay, I can understand. “I waved his hand, inserted the Azure Edge Sword back on my back, and asked, “Where is the cooking team?” “

“En? Senior, are you hungry?” “A Chunin pointed his finger at the tent in the distance, and said, “The big red tents are the places responsible for cooking. “

“I understood, many thanks, both of you have worked hard. “After the village was destroyed, my Flying Thunder God Jutsu mark was almost destroyed, so now I can only rely on two legs to walk where I want to go.

“Well, it should. This is our duty. Compared to those things done by the predecessors of Kurone, what we did was somewhat insignificant. “The Chunin sorry scratched his head and said modestly.

Suddenly, two Chunin immediately pulled out Kunai again, moved towards me and ran behind me.

“Stop! who! “

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