“We are from Hidden Cloud. My name is Samyi. Lord-Raikage wrote a letter to Lord Hokage. We must ensure that it will be delivered to Lord Hokage.” A big-breasted female ninja with shallow yellow hair, which is similar to Tsunade. She took out a scroll from the Ninja Tool Pouch and handed it to the patrolling Chunin, “This is our entry permit scroll.”

“Well, it is indeed from Hidden Cloud.” Chunin looked at the scroll, nodded, “Then you guys come with me. Recently, something happened in the village. Martial law is over. You can’t run around.”

“Okay.” Sam Yi nodded, following Chunin. Behind her, one was a male ninja with short white hair, and the other was a female ninja with rose red hair. The two of them had dark skin and looked only seventeen or eighteen years old. The white-haired man had a serious face, but it seemed that his words angered the red-haired woman, and suffered a thud. If I remember well, these two guys should be the dísciple of Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer B.

When passing by me, the white-haired man suddenly stopped, looked at me a few times, and then asked excitedly: “Excuse me, are you black lightning, senior Hatake Kurone?”

“What’s the matter?” I am nodded, expressionless, in my impression, this guy seems to be very long-winded.

“Yeah! Very good! I finally saw the legendary black lightning!” Omoi waved fist excitedly in front of me, as if small stars appeared in his eyes, “I heard Senior Darui say After so many things about you, there are three people I admire most, one is my Master Killer B, one is senior Darui who inherited the Third-Kage black thunder, and the other is black lightning! I didn’t expect to see live today. That’s it!”

“Darui…I’m an old friend, but since Chunin Exams, I haven’t seen him for almost fifteen years. I didn’t expect that he still remembers me and talks to you Juniors. Talk about me, haha.” I smiled and said, “Darui should be good now.”

“Well, senior Darui is now the left and right hands of Fourth-Kage Lord-Raikage , We all think in private that he will succeed Fifth-Kage Raikage.” When he mentioned Darui, Omoi was full of admiration, “Senior Darui is famous for Ninja World, but he often tells us, Kurone-senior, your Lanban Not under him, he also said that the senior is not only the Ninjutsu Grandmaster, but also the expert of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. We didn’t believe it at first, and disdain it. Later, after Ninja World heard of your deeds, we really convinced him.”

“I’m over.” I laughed, without a lot of expressions, “I see you have a knife on your back, presumably you are also an expert of Nintaijutsu, I have a chance, I can spar with you, I can give you some tips.”

“Really? Thank you Senior!” Omoi became more excited, and began to think about it, “If I got the advice of senior Kurone, maybe sword art advanced by Leaps and bounds and strength are also advanced by leaps and bounds, and they may even surpass the Darui predecessors and be appreciated by Raikage and become the candidate for Fifth-Kage Raikage. In that case, it’s very troublesome. Being Raikage is really a troublesome thing. ……”

“Omoi, you think a little too much!” The red-haired girl came over and hit O Moi said with a smile on his head, and said with a smile at me embarrassingly, “Senior Kurone, forgive me, Omoi is like this, he talks endlessly when he speaks of which, sorry. “

“It’s okay. “I waved his hand to show that I didn’t care.

“Karui, why are you hitting me!” “Omoi covered his head with a grievance.

“Okay, you two don’t make a fuss, business matters. Samui snorted, and then took the two of them to patrol Chunin and walked away.

“It’s a real life treasure. “I shake one’s head, turned and walked towards the red tent that Chunin pointed out to me.

The red tent is indeed a house. As soon as I approached the door, I smelled a strong fragrance, much like Ramen Ichiraku’s. That kind of aroma. I opened the tent and walked in, and I saw that Shoudai was pulling out steaming noodles from a large pot, placing them in large bowls on the table, and then putting pieces of meat rolls and fish tofu.

“It smells so good, hit uncle by hand. Give me a bowl too. I’m hungry. “I smiled and found a place, and sat down.

I gave me a white hand and told other people to take the noodles out, and then gave me a bowl, and said playfully:” one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause, let’s talk, what’s the matter with me. “

“Aren’t you going to ask me about Jiraiya?” “After making sure that there are no other people in the tent, I took a pair of chopsticks, took a few large pieces of meat from the plate in front of my hand to my bowl, and said as I ate, “wo… hey… I thought… Xingsi is guilty. “

“You’re really welcome, let’s talk about it after eating, you are full of noodles, the ghost knows what you want to say. “Slapped a face and stared at me with contempt, and then added a few crab sticks to me, “This war is about to begin, you have to step up preparations, if you accidentally die on the battlefield, don’t Blame me for not reminding you. “

I didn’t intend to ask about Jiraiya when I heard that Shoudai, so I simply didn’t mention it. So I finished ramen with wolf down one’s food and said straight to the point: “Take me When visiting the location of your Anbu, I need Shisui to do me a favor, and I need to check with Senior White Fang for some things. Of course, if it is inconvenient, White Fang can be gone, you can just let Shisui find me. “

I originally thought that Shoudai would refuse my request. After all, the Akobe matter was very mysterious. But I didn’t expect Shoudai to agree to me without asking any questions.

“Let’s go. “The hand beat came to me, and just looked at me, the environment around us changed in an instant. “When you see them, you should understand what you should say and what should not be said. I have to go back to be a ramen. After the talk, Shisui will send you out. “

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