“Don’t worry.” As soon as I finished nodding, the hand punch disappeared out of thin air in front of me.

Looked away, I turned my head and looked at this place. There is no difference between this place and the outside world. It is probably a relatively large island surrounded by the ocean. The island is a jungle. A brown Inn-like building stands in the jungle, which looks a little abrupt. Moreover, although I can still feel the existence of within-the-body Chakra and can also release Ninjutsu, Flying Thunder God Jutsu has completely failed, just like I was on the edge of the plane. If I guess right, this should not be the barrier set up by the Mian Lingguan, but an independent space created by him. So I can’t get in and out freely with my Space-Time Ninjutsu, and it’s meaningless to leave Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s technique formula here.

“This is the power of a semi-God Level expert, who can open up his own space and become the master of a mini-plane, tsk tsk…” I can’t help but envy the scenery of this island. The official came, “If I…………oh………Forget it……”

I shake one’s head and walk into the Inn quickly. This Inn is similar to the ancient Inn I used to see on TV. I don’t know why Mian Lingguan put such a building here, maybe he likes this architectural style. Apart from the counter in the lobby, only a large table and a circle of benches were placed in one corner, and the middle part of the lobby was completely cleared, leaving only the azure floor tiles. Also, there will be no guests visiting the Inn in this kind of place, and there is no need to put that many dining tables. I just don’t know, Shisui if they live here.

“Forget it, let me find it myself, this place looks pretty good, I just happened to stroll around.” Just a few steps into the lobby, I saw a masked guy standing in the second Lou stared at me, motionless.

“???” If it were not for the trust of the opposing spiritual official, I would just draw my sword, because the aura of the person in front of me gave me a lot of pressure, and I forcibly squeezed it out With a smile, he asked, “Hello, senior, is Uchiha Shisui here?”

The man ignored me, but stared at me closely, not knowing what he was thinking. Suddenly, he disappeared in front of me.

“En? Body Flicker Jutsu?so fast…” As soon as I exclaimed, I saw a ray of light flashing in front of me, “Fuck…”

Dang! My Azure Edge Sword was also unsheathed in the split second, and it was placed across my chest. A bright short blade was stuck in front of me, and it ran into the Azure Edge Sword. At the same time, I also saw the general appearance of the person in front of me. Although he was masked, with the silver white ponytail braid and the excellent sword art, I couldn’t guess his identity. However, I did not point it.

“Since the predecessors have such a good Yaxing and Junior spar, then Junior is offended…” The corners of my mouth raised a weird arc, my wrist shook slightly, Azure Edge Sword was on me Pulling a sword flower on his chest, he pressed down the short blade in front of him.

The people in front of me looked a little surprised when they saw my movement, but they reacted instantly, drew the short blade back, and waved it in front of me at a very fast speed.

“so fast!” I can’t see the trajectory of the knife swing at all. I can only rely on prediction to resist it with Azure Edge Sword in advance. In order not to lose the losing end, I immediately opened Sharingan, but even so, I can barely see the illusory shadow of the knife swinging. In front of the quick short blade, my always strong Azure Edge Sword has fallen to the losing end, which has never happened before.

su su 簌! I drew a kunai from the Ninja Tool Pouch and held it back in my left hand to deal with the fast attacking short blade, and used Azure Edge Sword to continuously attack.

Dang! When the short blade stabbed at me again, I quickly stuck the short blade with the small support of kunai, and the right hand Qingfeng immediately followed and moved towards the opponent’s neck. Unexpectedly, the other party did what I was before, used a short blade to pull a sword flower that was exactly the same as me, back pressured my kunai, and then aimed the short blade at my neck, but at the same time, My Azure Edge Sword was also smoothly placed on his shoulder.

“It’s a draw, Sword Art is good, youngster.” The person in front of him retracted the short blade, saying with a smile.

“What’s the matter, Senior White Fang, you let me win.” I also inserted Qingfeng back into the scabbard, and then said modestly, “The weapon I use is one of the one in Ninja World. The very best Divine Weapon is now, and the predecessors of White Fang only use an ordinary short blade. Although I did not use the increase of Chakra, there is still a gap between me and the predecessors in the sword art alone.”

When I heard me directly speaking about his identity, White Fang was obviously taken aback, but he reacted immediately, laughed and took off his mask, and waved his hand and said, “If you say that, according to your relationship with Kakashi, You should call me White Fang Uncle or Uncle Sakumo.”

“Uncle Sakumo knows about me?” Although I think that Senior White Fang, as a member of Anobe, it is not surprising that I know these things, but Unexpectedly, he knew so much, “By the way, after Pain invaded Konoha, I heard Kakashi say that he saw you.”

“Yes, I was going to talk to him for a while. , And then saved him. I didn’t expect to be rescued by someone else, so don’t hesitate to avoid him.” When he mentioned Kakashi, White Fang’s gaze became kind, and his expression was relieved, “I didn’t know much about you. , But during the chat, Kakashi told me. You are very good, qualified to be a Hatake Clan person, speaking of which, I should thank you.”

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