“Okay, without further ado, I will take Kakashi and Naruto over, you guys will stay here, waiting for news.” I waved his hand and said to Yamato.


In the second month of Shiwei, the preface is in the middle of spring, and there is heavy snow, and the number of clouds and forbearance is slowly walking in the forest. Suddenly seeing four people in the road, it seems……… I’m sorry I can’t make up anymore.

Now Naruto World has come to mid-February. At the end of winter and early spring, Land-of-Iron is all north, so it is still relatively cold. A few days before the Five Kages meeting, there was a heavy snowfall, just like the relationship between Great Ninja Villages frozen in ice.

Fourth Raikage Ai is a rush, fast as lightning all the way, but it happened to run into a heavy snow-covered road, so I had to slow down, stepping on the thick snow, looking for road signs, moved Moving towards Land-of-Iron slowly.

“Lord-Raikage, according to the distance, we will be able to reach the main city of Land-of-Iron before this evening.” Darui looked at the map and said, “There is still a distance from Five Kages. For several days, there is definitely enough time.”

“The past few days have been hard on the road, Darui.” Raikage approves of nodded, suddenly, he looks terrified and stops. Before turning to gazed, each minding their own business said, “Since you are here, let’s come out, four Konoha friends.”

pa pa pa!

“Worthy-of is Raikage, so vigilance is really high.” I clapped and jumped down from the tree. Kakashi, Yamato and Naruto followed from behind the tree onto the road.

“Protect Lord-Raikage!” Although Raikage’s bodyguards hadn’t noticed before, as soon as they saw us appear, they immediately became nervous, drew out the weapon with a scream, and guarded around Raikage, only Darui bide one’s time, but a hand also reached into the Ninja Tool Pouch, it seemed that he was ready to attack at any time.

“Lord-Raikage, I have something to ask you.” Naruto took a step forward and said sincerely.

“Who are you?” Raikage waved his hand, motioning to the bodyguards to put away their weapons, holding their arms, and looked at Naruto playfully, but the attention was basically on me.

“I am Konoha Ninja Uzumaki Naruto.” Naruto replied.

“This yellow-haired little demon is Konoha’s Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. He just defeated the leader Pain of Akatsuki some time ago. Strength is probably comparable to Lord.” A guard approached Raikage, cautious. And solemn said, “The silver-haired ninja standing behind him should be Dingding Daimyo’s Konoha Copy Ninja, Hatake Kakashi. The other black hair ninja is…”

” Shock Ninja World’s Konoha black lightning, Hatake Kurone.” Raikage twitched the corner of his mouth, and said disdainfully, “Darui didn’t mention it less.”

And Yamato, because he works in Anbu all the year round. Coupled with the confidentiality of Wood-Style, apart from Konoha’s Jonin, they are almost unknown, let alone other Ninja Villages.

“Yes, it’s Hatake Kurone.” Darui looked a little excited when he saw me, but he glanced at Raikage, quickly calmed down, and sternly shouted, “I don’t know Kurone big brother, you stop me Our way is to find Lord-Raikage. Is there anything wrong with it?”

“I trust you have been well since we last met, Darui.” I smiled and waved, then hugged my arms. He said indifferently, “I’m fine. Naruto has something to ask Lord-Raikage. As his teacher, I naturally accompany him.”

“So it is.” Listen Following my words, Darui relaxed and said to Raikage, “They shouldn’t have any evil intents, they just have to find Lord-Raikage.”

” Put your weapons away, don’t get rid of everything.” Raikage Waved his hand expressionlessly, then walked slowly to Naruto, released his imposing-manner, and asked each word, “little demon, what’s the matter with you looking for me?”

“Did Lord-Raikage give the order to hunt down Sasuke.” Naruto was not scared by Raikage’s imposing-manner, but instead asked sensibly.

“Are you Missing-nin of Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke?” Raikage nodded, saying, “The scoundrel caught my younger brother and took away the Eight-Tails, since you don’t care about Missing. -nin, I have to take action to help you clean up the trash and save my younger brother by the way.”

Raikage’s tone is very calm, as if he is stating a fact. But between the eyebrows, the murderous aura still couldn’t stop spreading out. This shows that he is suppressing his anger.

Naruto didn’t notice Raikage’s abnormality, but went on to say: “Sasuke is my good friend and my companion. He was only temporarily deceived by Orochimaru, and I will definitely get him back. , I hope Lord-Raikage can let him go and I will help you rescue your younger brother.”

“If you are not Konoha Ninja, or if you are the only one to come to me, I will punch him Send you home. I hope you won’t be unsatisfied and refute my face.” Raikage’s anger gradually accumulated, and the flesh on his face trembled, as if ready to take action at any time.

Yamato and I and Kakashi glance at each other, as long as Naruto is attacked by Raikage, we will immediately take action. With my current strength, there is no problem at all to protect Naruto.

“No, you can go.” Raikage turned around and stopped looking at Naruto. “Uchiha Sasuke took my younger brother, so I will kill him.”


Hearing the sound, Raikage looked back in surprise, but never said anything.

“Lord-Raikage begs for life around Sasuke.” Naruto begged on her knees.

“The man has gold under his knees, you just kneel to me for a Missing-nin?” Raikage asked puzzledly, and then categorically said, “I won’t promise you.”

Suddenly, Raikage looked at me and Kakashi, and then said, “It’s not impossible to let me let Uchiha Sasuke go. Back then, my subordinate was injured. I asked Tsunade to let her help. She I refused. In the end, I made a bet with her to save my life. Today, I also made a bet with you.”

“One of you stand up and tell me Fight. If I win, I won’t kill Uchiha Sasuke. If I lose, I’ll get out with my tail and don’t show up in front of me in the future.”

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