“good!” Naruto said without hesitation agreed, and then immediately walked forward, but was stopped by Kakashi and Yamato.

“Naruto, don’t be impulsive!” Yamato reprimanded, “The other party is Raikage! You are not an opponent!”

“Don’t worry, I’m different from before, don’t forget, I defeated Pain!” Naruto’s confident patted chest said indifferently, “Is Raikage stronger than Pain?”

“Although strength may not be as good as Pain, Fourth Raikage Pain is different. You won’t be given a chance to enter Sage Mode. You will be killed in seconds before you can hand seal.” I waved his hand and said.

“Kurone and Yamato are right. Don’t think that defeating a Pain is invincible in the whole world, Naruto.” Kakashi shake one’s head said, “I once heard Teacher Minato say that he Having played against Fourth Raikage, it was just a narrow victory over that’s all. Fourth Raikage is very fast, almost comparable to Flying Thunder God Jutsu. How do you think you have odds of success in the face of Flying Thunder God Jutsu?”

“I…” Naruto was shocked, pondering for a moment, and shake one’s head, “What should I do?”

Kakashi did not speak, turned his eyes to me and said: “Kurone, you What do you think?”

Before I could speak, I was roughly interrupted by Fourth Raikage: “I am not interested in playing against a Genin, Hatake Kurone. I heard that you inherited the Flying of Namikaze Minato. Thunder God Jutsu. I lost to him back then. Over the years, I have been researching ways to deal with Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Unfortunately, he died an untimely death. I have no chance to fight him. However, since you are called black lightning, Then let me verify the gap between you and Yellow Flash! How about, accept my challenge?”

Listening to Fourth Raikage’s challenge, I thought about it. From the perspective of strength alone, my strength is naturally far surpassed. According to the original work, Fourth Raikage has survived the strength from Kage Level late stage to Kage Level Peak. However, his speed is very fast. Among all the experts above Kage Level I have dealt with, I have never encountered an enemy with such high agility as Fourth Raikage. Not only is his speed fast, but his strength is also very strong, no less than Tsunade. With his extraordinary speed and strength, and properly used, he can completely defeat the expert who exceeds Kage Level. In the past, Fourth Hokage almost overturned. If I want to fight him, I definitely can’t be like before, relying on the when least expected Ninjutsu yin person, I must concentrate attention completely and bring my own speed to the extreme. If you are not careful, you will withdraw from the battle if you hit it a little bit. Of course, if you use the beard, it’s another matter, but I don’t plan to use Mangekyo’s power too much. After all, Shisui hasn’t got the other eye yet. If he suddenly goes blind, it will be very tricky.

“Why? Afraid? Then please go back, Uchiha Sasuke’s corpse, I will send someone back to Konoha.” Seeing me for a long time, there was no response, Fourth Raikage mocked.

“What did you say?!” After hearing Fourth Raikage’s words, Naruto broke free from Yamato, and stepped forward angrily.

“Naruto, don’t be impulsive.” I grabbed Naruto’s clothes, dragged him forcibly to the back, and then faced Raikage and said, “You are the battle book, I’ll take it.”


“Lord-Raikage, be careful, Hatake Kurone is not easy to deal with, not only Flying Thunder God Jutsu, his Lightning-Style Ninjutsu and various Kekkei Genkai are also very difficult to deal with.” Darui reminded.

“Don’t worry, he won’t have the opportunity to use it.” Fourth Raikage waved his hand, and said, “You guys step back, don’t hurt.”

” Kakashi, you and Yamato take Naruto away and don’t get affected.” I also turned my head and said.

“Well, Kurone, be careful, too. Although I believe in your strength, Fourth Raikage is not easy to deal with. Don’t be careless.” Kakashi reminded, “The other is, don’t do it too hard, otherwise It is easy to cause a diplomatic crisis.”

I was nodded, did not speak, looked Kakashi and they backed away several tens of meters.

“Okay, any last words to say quickly, your time is running out.” Raikage took off his jacket, revealing his black and strong chest muscles, and the blue Lightning-Style Chakra slowly covered the whole body.

“Lightning-Style armor! I didn’t expect Lord-Raikage to use this at first. At extremely fast speeds, I’m afraid Hatake Kurone can’t resist it.” Darui exclaimed and shouted intentionally or unintentionally. come out.

After listening to Darui’s words, I couldn’t help but hum. I wanted to slow down the Fourth Raikage. I didn’t expect him to use Lightning-Style armor when he came up. It seems that I underestimated his battle IQ too much. .

“In this case, then…” I put my hand back behind me, secretly pinched a seal.

“Want to hand seal?” As a blue light flashed, a thick arm was about to touch my face.

“Thunder plow hot knife!” Fourth Raikage roared and called me, the attack was so close, there was no way to avoid it. If this is hit, even if the head does not explode, the spine will have to shift.

“You are dead!”

bang! The next second, Fourth Raikage’s forearm hit my neck heavily.

“That’s not necessarily.” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc.

zi zi …… The body that was hit suddenly turned into a large amount of lightning current, following the Chakra quickly into the body of Fourth Raikage.

“Lightning-Style clone? Damned!”

Taking advantage of the time when Fourth Raikage was paralyzed, I instantly appeared from behind him and moved towards him with a punch.

clang! My fist is like hitting a steel plate. I didn’t expect the defensive power of Fourth Raikage to be so strong.

As I was about to separate, Fourth Raikage suddenly grabbed me and threw it away.

“Thunder Me Blast!”

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