“What kind of black lightning, it’s just a person who has gained a reputation, and said that it is as famous as Yellow Flash, which is really insulting to Namikaze Minato.” Raikage kicked the underfoot corpse like mud, disdain Ridiculed, “I haven’t tried my best yet, so I can’t do it.”

“Kurone teacher ……No way …” Naruto and others looked dumbfounded. I was killed by Raikage, even though they treated me. They were very confident in their strength, but the powerful defensive power and extremely fast attack speed that Raikage showed just now really shocked them.

“Don’t worry, if he is so easy to be killed, he would not be Hatake Kurone.” Kakashi pretended to be a relaxed shake one’s head, wiping the sweat from his forehead without showing a trace.

“Lord-Raikage, although they were provoking first, you killed an Elite Jonin from Konoha like this. I’m afraid it’s a bit diplomatic trouble…” One of Raikage’s guards approached Raikage and reminded him softly. “Hatake Kurone’s influence in Konoha is still very large. I heard that he almost became the sixth-generation Hokage.”

“I didn’t have a killer, because he was inferior to others. What do you have with me? Relationship!” Raikage waved his hand disdainfully and said, “I haven’t pursued Konoha Missing-nin Uchiha Sasuke for taking my younger brother away!”

“Lord-Raikage, don’t be careless, though You are very strong, but I don’t think Hatake Kurone will be so easily…” Darui frowned, reminded.

“Konoha-Style Nintaijutsu ·Crescent Moon Dance!” I suddenly appeared in front of Raikage and swung my sword away.

“Lord-Raikage be careful!” Before Raikage’s bodyguards hadn’t reacted, Darui took the lead in pulling out Longsword to protect Raikage, but it was too late.

Azure Edge Sword is extremely sharp, even with the protection of Lightning-Style armor, it can still be pierced under the blessing of my Chakra. However, the sound of the sword piercing the flesh and blood did not reach my ears, and the Raikage in front of me had instantly disappeared.

“so fast!” I used Flying Thunder God Jutsu almost instantly by instinct, and moved to a tree next to me. I saw that the air in my original location was all because of Raikage’s blow. The fist was twisted, and if I reacted a little more slowly, this fist would hit me firmly on the back.

“Don’t bother you, this is a contest between me and Hatake Kurone.” Raikage glared at Darui, and then swept to the ground. He was killed by the Thunder’s explosive bomb before. It’s my Earth Clone that’s all.

“No wonder I was paralyzed and muddy, it turned out to be Earth Clone.” Raikage regained his gaze on me, with a strange arc of his mouth, “Is this something like that? Some of the feelings of playing against Namikaze Minato.”

At this moment, I finally understand why the Light and Spiritual Officer should seal my power, and gave me a trial. My combat experience is too great. Lacked. Although I rely on Ninjutsu’s innate talent and advance deduction, I can defeat a powerful enemy like Pain. But when I encounter an enemy like Raikage, the attack speed is so fast that I won’t give me a chance to release Ninjutsu. Although Raikage’s strength may not be as good as Pain, it poses a much greater threat to me than Pain. It is precisely because of my lack of combat experience that I cannot react quickly to Raikage’s attacks. The enemies I faced before, thanks to Flying Thunder God Jutsu, their speed is far lower than mine, so I have time to respond, and Raikage’s speed is no less than Flying Thunder God Jutsu, my speed advantage is not With the re-existence, Ninjutsu’s advantage will be minimized.

This time, I have to mobilize all my attention. Only by the limit of breakthrough’s own reaction can it stand in the invincible position. If you can’t even beat Raikage, you will only be abused if you face powerful enemies like Uchiha Madara, or even Six Paths Madara and Kaguya in the future.

Just now for the sneak attack Raikage, I also used the Lightning-Style armor, but now it seems that it is completely playing Greatsword in front of Guan Gong.

“Eight-Inner Gates, seventh gate open!” In order to keep up with the speed of Raikage, I opened the seventh gate directly, and the blue steam immediately covered my whole body, replacing the Lightning-Style armor . Of course, the Lightning-Style armor has not been lifted, but is covered by the blue rays of light.

“Unexpectedly, he would also use Lightning-Style armor, although it is very weak…however, how did it become like that in an instant…strange…” Raikage looked at me suspiciously, and said to himself , But soon shake one’s head, staring at me fiercely, “No matter what Ninjutsu you use, you can’t keep up with my speed, today you are determined to lose.”

sou! Raikage appeared instantly In front of me, with the blessing of seven-gates, I can already keep up with Raikage’s speed, but his speed still makes me a little completely unprepared. I had to put the sword across my chest to block Raikage’s speed. fist.

clang! Azure Edge Sword was bent with a heavy punch by Raikage, and part of the shock wave hit my chest, making me fly out heavily.

Fortunately, Azure Edge Sword is a Divine Item. The material is extraordinary. After being hit so hard, it still bounced back to the original shape, thus canceling most of the impact.

I rubbed my aching chest, lifts the head and stared closely at Raikage’s movements. Three tomoes have appeared in my blood red eyes.

“As expected by Ninja World, you transplanted the Sharingan of your dead wife.” Raikage stared at my eyes blankly and said, “However, your Sharingan can’t keep up with me. Speed.”

Of course, I know that Sharingan can’t capture his speed. The reason why Sharingan is turned on is just to make it easier for me to use Susanoo for defense at any time.

“It’s time to change me this time, Daytime Tiger…” I just wanted to use Daytime Tiger, but found that the Raikage in front of me disappeared again.

clang! I immediately turned around and slashed with a sword. I was slashing on Raikage’s steel essence wristband, splashing bright sparks.

Raikage blocked my attack with one hand, and hit me with a fist with the other hand. I immediately abandoned Azure Edge Sword, grabbed his arm, and flipped sideways with my feet. Wrapped Raikage’s neck, solidified with a three-hundred and sixty-degree spiral cross, and slammed Raikage to the ground heavily.

“What? Lord-Raikage was actually restrained by pure Taijutsu, I am not mistaken!” Raikage’s bodyguards stared wide-eyed, said in disbelief.

Originally, with my strength, it is naturally impossible to use pure Taijutsu to affect Raikage, but with the blessing of the Eight-Inner Gates seventh gate, my strength and speed have doubled several times. With Real World’s exquisite anti-joint fighting technique, Raikage can naturally be defeated when least expected.

“scoundrel! Get me up!” Under the condition of being held by me with a cross, Raikage used his own strength to take me to stand up together, wanting to use the thunder and me to explode. Attack me.

“The python twists!” Seeing that the cross is not strong, my hands immediately passed through Raikage’s neck and armpits, locking his head and one arm, making him impossible to use Lei Wo Explosive , And his legs are also tightly entangled by mine.

“Um…what kind of Taijutsu is this!” Raikage was strangled by me and gasped, but there was still one hand that could move, so he gathered all the power to the only one that could move. On hand.

“Sanben Kanade!!”

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