“pu 呲!”

With the fall of Raikage’s three guns, I have moved aside with Flying Thunder God Jutsu a long time ago, but Raikage’s strength It was all poured into the left hand, and naturally it was too late to put away the attack. He could only slightly change the direction of Sanben Kanou. The sharpness of Sanben Kanou brushed his right shoulder and left a hideous wound.

“Lord-Raikage!” Seeing Raikage hurt himself, his guards immediately stepped forward, but were stopped by Darui.

“Don’t act rashly, Lord-Raikage and Hatake Kurone’s contest is not over yet, and now they are rushed closer, they will be affected.” Darui stared at Raikage with a stern face, and said silently.

“Interesting, Hatake Kurone, I underestimated you.” Regardless of the bloody shoulders, Raikage admired me.

“Lord-Raikage, since you are injured, then this spar will end here, I hope you…” After all, the other party is Raikage, so my tone is more respectful.

“Stop talking, it’s not over yet!” Raikage waved impatiently to interrupt me, “It’s just tickling that’s all, I haven’t tried hard yet!”

tone barely fell, the imposing-manner on his body climbed up, and the Lightning Attribute Chakra on the Lightning-Style armor became stronger.

“Not good, Raikage is going to die…” My brows wrinkled. Raikage has a very grumpy temper. If he gets anxious and squats with me, it won’t be easy. .

sou! Only split second, Raikage came to me.

“Lightning-Style·Thunder-abuse level!” Raikage’s elbow was far away from a large amount of Lightning-Style Chakra, and he hit me hard. If If I remember correctly, this move should be one of Raikage’s unique tricks. Compared with the Thunderbolt bombs just now, this move is not a grade at all. In the original work, Sasuke’s Susanoo was easily penetrated by this move, but because Susanoo was covered with Amaterasu, Raikage lost an arm.

Since Sasuke’s Susanoo can’t stop it, my Susanoo may not be able to stop it, so I used Flying Thunder God Jutsu subconsciously and moved to the side.

But when I moved to a tree next to me, Raikage instantly appeared in front of me.

“I knew you would use Flying Thunder God Jutsu. I have already figured out where you put the technique formula. This time you can’t run.” Raikage’s mouth raised a weird corner Radius, continue to hit me.

“There is no way to avoid it, it seems that I can only carry it hard.” I had to move back to the ground again, open it and hand seal it quickly.

“What is Ninjutsu?” Seeing Susanoo, Raikage’s eyes narrowed, but the speed did not slow down, but continued to hit me.

“Crystal-Style · Crystal Wall! Earth-Style · Mud Wall!” For one-handed hand seals, I have already been very proficient, so it is easy to use left and right hands separately Two defenses against Ninjutsu, hoping to weaken the impact of Raikage’s attack.

“You can make two kinds of Ninjutsu seals with both hands at the same time! Truly worthy of Ninjutsu expert!” For me to be able to use Crystal-Style Kekkei Genkai, Ninja World has been widely circulated, so everyone is not surprised Weird. It’s just that my one-handed hand seals are still shocking.

“Kurone teacher is amazing!” For my operation, Kakashi and Yamato were not too surprised, but Naruto stared wide-eyed.

“Originally, one-handed hand seals are extremely rare. To perform one-handed hand seals with both hands at the same time requires not only doing two things at the same time, but also very precise control of Chakra. Especially Ninjutsu, which uses two different attributes, is even more difficult. The entire Ninja World, I am afraid that Kurone can do it.” Kakashi did not hide the admiration in his eyes, and said excitedly.

“Hatake Kurone is a powerful hand, but the destructive power of Lord-Raikage this move is very powerful. If you want to block it, it may be very hanging…” Darui frowned, staring in front of him nervously Showdown.

At this time, I can’t hear other people’s voices clearly. Only the hu hu wind of Raikage high speed movement and the lightning current sound of zi zi are in my ears.

“Break for me!” Raikage’s elbow hit the crystal array wall heavily. The original solid crystal array wall, like a watermelon peel, burst open.

My expression froze. Although I didn’t expect the crystal wall to block Raikage’s attack, I didn’t expect the crystal wall to be like paper, unable to withstand a single blow.

It is Mud Wall, because the soil here is relatively soft, which effectively slows down Raikage’s speed. Therefore, my Susanoo successfully blocked this move, but even so, a lot of impact still fell on me through Susanoo.

“Um…” Under the huge impact, I was knocked into the air for several tens of meters, knocked down several big trees before I stopped, and the smoke formed by the agitated dust, It blocked me.

“How’s it going?” The hearts of all the people in the audience lifted up and looked into the smoke.

The smoke slowly dissipated. At this time, there was a lot of blood flowing out of my eye sockets, and Susanoo has disappeared. If I use Mangekyo Sharingan forcibly, I am afraid I will be blind before I see Danzo. .

Seeing that I was standing still intact, Raikage clenched the teeth, gathered Chakra on the palm, and continued to rush towards me.

“Lord-Raikage! start off leniently!” Darui was afraid that Raikage would kill his eyes, so he quickly reminded him loudly.

Raikage didn’t know if he didn’t hear Darui’s yelling or whether it was deliberate, but speeded up and rushed towards me.

The move I looked at Raikage released is similar to Chidori’s Ninjutsu, and I can’t help but feel a little moved. I don’t know which move is better than Chidori?

“Heavy flow!” Raikage’s palm pierced my chest.

“Raikiri!” Since it was too late to sprint, I used Raikiri directly and greeted me.

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