“Ah!” A scream rang out beside me, but it was not from me. I turned my head suspiciously, but found that Danzo’s body was covered with black inflammation, no matter how he beat it, it couldn’t be extinguished.

“Sasuke, what do you mean?” Obito gazed Sasuke, coldly said, because he is masked, he can’t see his face, but I guess his expression must be very complicated.

“It doesn’t mean anything, anyway, I was here to kill Danzo. I can solve it all at once, just right.” Sasuke turned his head to the side, looked at the horizon, and stopped talking.

“Stupid.” Obito shake one’s head, without even looking at me, disappeared in a vortex.

“truly worthy of Uchiha Clan’s surviving member, really capricious.” Seeing that the black inflammation could not be extinguished, Danzo stopped struggling and gradually turned to ashes.

Seeing Danzo being burned to ashes, Sasuke relaxed, inserting the Kusanagi sword back into the scabbard, turning around and preparing to leave.

Seeing that Sasuke didn’t say a word, I kindly reminded him: “Sasuke, did you just leave like this?”

“Otherwise? What advice does Kurone teacher have? Or Say, take me back to Konoha?” Sasuke said without looking back, and continued to walk forward.

“I just want to remind you, do you really think you killed Danzo so easily?” Chakra fluctuations in the surrounding environment were exposed to my Sharingan’s Clear Sight Ability. Next, according to the time calculation, Danzo’s Izanagi should be almost activated.

“Although Danzo is not too strong, it is still a bit troublesome to kill him ten times.” I scratched my head, raised the Azure Edge Sword again, and put my hands behind my back, secretly Closed a seal.

“I also think it’s weird to kill Danzo so easily, but he did die under my Amaterasu, and Amaterasu was impossible to be extinguished.” After hearing my words, Sasuke paused. , Then turned his head and began to release the pretense, “as everyone knows, Amaterasu is the strongest physical attack…”

Before Sasuke’s words were finished, a kunai appeared from the side and pierced it. It’s…

“This…how is it possible…” Sasuke looked at the Kunai on his chest and Danzo in front of him in disbelief, slowly said, “How did you escape from Amaterasu?”

“Go to heaven and ask Uchiha Itachi.” Looked at Sasuke with a shocked face, Danzo kicked out with disdain, Sasuke’s chest was sturdy, and his body was like a broken kite , Following a beautiful parabola, flew out heavily.

“Sasuke!” Karin in the distance rushed over when he saw the situation and took Sasuke in the sky. The two of them hugged each other and rolled on the ground for several meters before stopping.

“Quick! Sasuke, bite me!” Karin quickly opened his sleeves, revealing his white but tooth-marked arms, and handed them to Sasuke.

“Crack!” Faced with the life-threatening moment, Sasuke didn’t pretend to be, and took a bite.

“Ah~” Following Sasuke’s bite, Karin made a sound that made people listen easily.

“Karin, many thanks.” Sasuke wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up slowly.

“This physique Interesting, Uzumaki Clan’s?” Danzo’s face showed a surprised expression, and the corners of his mouth raised a strange arc. “Catch it back and study it later.”

“What the hell is going on? How did Danzo survive under Amaterasu?” Sasuke’s eyes fixed on Danzo, muttering to himself.

“What is a dead person doing with so many words!” Wind Attribute’s Chakra re-wrapped Kunai, Danzo moved towards Sasuke and rushed away.

“Damned, the injury has not fully recovered, Chakra is not enough to release Ninjutsu, so I can only continue to use Mangekyo Sharingan.” Seeing my didn’t take action, Sasuke’s face dripped a few drops With cold sweat, bleeding in the eyes again, “continued…”

“Ah!” Before the sequel was released, Sasuke staggered to the ground, “Ah…my eyes… …”

And Danzo has come to Sasuke.

“Go to hell!”

“To kill Sasuke, pass me first…” Seeing that Sasuke is in danger, Karin stepped forward immediately.

“Go away!” Danzo lifted his foot and kicked Karin out, then waved his hand, and a wave of Space-Time Ninjutsu slowly appeared in the air.

whiz whiz whiz! Several rays of light blue penetrated Danzo’s arm, and then penetrated Danzo’s body.

“Lan Dun·Laser Trick!” A strange arc was raised at the corner of my mouth, “Waiting for you a long time.”

pu! Sasuke also covered his eyes, Standing up, facing Danzo is a sword in the chest.

“Um…” Danzo fell to the ground unwillingly.

“It’s always damned this time…” Sasuke leaned down and checked, then sat down on the ground and said to Danzo’s corpse, “Although I don’t know how you escaped Amaterasu , But it should be dead this time.”

“That’s not necessarily…” A cold voice sounded from behind Sasuke, followed by the sound of hu hu.

“Wind-Style ·Vacuum Sphere!”

Because of the last time learn a lesson from the mistakes of one’s predecessor, this time Sasuke reacted much faster, a roll forward He avoided most of the attacks, but there were still many wounds on his body.

Because of life concerns, Sasuke also ignored the side effects of frequent use of Mangekyo, and immediately opened Susanoo and wrapped himself up.

“What the hell is going on? Danzo can’t kill? How is it possible!” Sasuke said to himself, “Is it Genjutsu or some kind of Ninjutsu? Impossible! If you win Genjutsu, mine Sharingan will definitely be aware of it, even more how Kurone teacher impossible… Is that some kind of Ninjutsu?”

“It is indeed Genjutsu, but it is not imposed on the enemy, but on himself That’s all imposed.” The corner of my mouth raised a weird curve, slowly said, “In Uchiha Clan, there is a Sharingan Forbidden Jutsu called Izanagi.”

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