“Izanagi?” Sasuke muttered silently, with a surprised expression, “There is such a Ninjutsu in Sharingan Dojutsu?”

“You even have Yi You know all about Xanaqi?” Danzo was even more shocked, “I thought I was already looking at you, Hatake Kurone. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, you are still bottomless than I thought. There is such a split second for me. I even think that Uchiha Madara is not as deep as your city.”

“Thank you, I just heard Itachi accidentally mentioned that’s all before.” I waved his hand and continued, “Izanah Discrimination, its role is to record the state of the caster itself at the moment Genjutsu is launched, and within a certain period of time, no matter what kind of injury or even death and other unfavorable circumstances, it can be transformed into a dream, and The favorable factors caused by the opponent attack are transformed into reality, and after this period of time has passed, the caster will be restored to the previously recorded physical condition.”

“What?! There is such an abnormal Genjutsu?” Just now Karin, who was kicked aside, crawled back at some point, and shouted in surprise, “How can you fight, it’s impossible to win! Isn’t this invincible?”

“doesn’t Exist what invincible technique, this technique must have weaknesses, otherwise Uchiha Clan will not end up where it is now.” Sasuke was very calm, “Kurone teacher, do you know the weakness of this Jutsu?”

“Close Mouth!” Danzo was obviously afraid that I would tell the weakness of this Jutsu, and the flustered and exasperated rushed up.

“Wind-Style ·Vacuum Wave Barrage!” Following Danzo’s low growl, a series of invisible high-pressure air lased towards me. However, under the clear sight of Sharingan, the invisible air contains Wind Attribute Chakra, so I can clearly observe it. Different from the spherical Vacuum Sphere, the Vacuum Wave is shaped like an elongated scythe, which is the same as Temari’s Itachi technique, which brings the enemy a full range of attacks.

“This Jutsu is very strong, I am afraid that ordinary defense Ninjutsu can’t stop it.” In a hurry, I opened Mangekyo Sharingan again, “Susanoo!”

su su 簌! Under the continuous beating, the bones of the sequel actually shattered.

“Can’t you stop the continuous work?” I couldn’t help stared wide-eyed, and didn’t stop my hand movement, I immediately hand sealed.

Shua! At this moment, Sasuke’s sequel Nenghu also stood up and drew an arrow to Danzo.

“Wood-Style·Blasting Spear Tree!” Danzo stretched out his right arm without looking back. His right arm immediately turned into a towering tree, blocking Sasuke’s attack. At the same time, his peripheral light caught a glimpse of a kunai flying towards him.

“The bug is small…not good!” Danzo subconsciously lowered his head and avoided Kunai, and suddenly reacted.

Shua! I appeared out of thin air and cut at him with a sword. Because his right arm was restricted from moving, Danzo had to raise his left hand to resist, but the sharp blue sharp, cut iron like mud, let alone the flesh. Just like cutting tofu, Danzo was divided into two.

“Three lives…” I said silently, and then quickly retreated to the side of Sasuke.

“Is he still dead? Will he be resurrected with Izanagi?” Sasuke asked.

I did not speak, slightly nodded.

Suddenly, the sky of our top of the head darkened, and I raised my head subconsciously, and immediately stared wide-eyed: “Run! Summoned Beast!”

at the At the crucial moment, I pulled up Sasuke, thoughts move, and came dozens of meters away.

bang! The place where we were just now was suppressed by a huge summoned beast. If we didn’t have time to run, I’m afraid it would have become a meatloaf.

Look at that Summoned Beast again. Its body is like a horse, its nose is like an elephant, its face is like a lion, its forehead is like a rhino, its tail is like a cow, and its legs are like tigers. It looks very strange, although I know it is Danzo’s Summoned Beast dream tapir, but the first time I saw it, it was clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

“What is this?” Of course, it was the first time Sasuke saw Danzo’s Summoned Beast, so he asked in confusion.

“This is Danzo’s Summoned Beast, named Mengmo. The legend can swallow human dreams.” I explained, “Be careful, the Wind-Style of this thing is very powerful and can be easily blown through. Susanoo.”

“So powerful? Can even Susanoo blow…” Sasuke murmured, “Wind-Style…I understood.”

“Uchiha Sasuke and Hatake Kurone are really tricky…” Danzo, standing at the top of the head of the dream tapir, muttered to himself, “Shisui’s eyes are still going to be used against Uchiha Madara. In this way, I can’t leave. Hand.”

Speaking, he began to untie the bandage on his right arm…

“Don’t you want to know the weakness of Izanagi?” I raised my finger. Pointing to Danzo’s arm, “Here, look up and you will understand.”

As Danzo took off the bandage, one after another Sharingan appeared on his arm, which made people look at “have one’s.” Hair stand on end, it’s the rhythm of intensive phobia.

“This is…” Seeing this scene, Sasuke’s fist clenched tightly.

“Don’t you want to know where these eyes came from, Uchiha Sasuke?” Danzo’s mouth raised a weird curve, and said playfully, “This is really powerful.”


“Knowing these will only add to my hatred that’s all.” Sasuke laughed contemptuously, then whispered to me, “He has ten Sharingan on his arm, three of which are closed. Combining the three times he was killed by us before, I guess the side effect of Izanagi is that Sharingan is unable to use in a short time, or even blind, right?”

“worthy-of is the younger of Uchiha Itachi Brother, the analysis is right, then I can tell you now.” Danzo raised his right arm, put it down, and said, “The price of Izanagi’s use is the permanent blindness of the eye, which means that each eye can only Use it once. But, even if I tell you, what can you do? I still have 7 Sharingan in my hand, and I have basically figured out your style. Do you think you have a chance to kill me again, 7 times?”

sou! A black sharp arrow pierced Danzo’s chest in an instant, Danzo stared wide-eyed, rolled down from the top of the head of the dream tapir, and with the death of the Master, the dream tapir also It disappeared into the smoke with a bang.

“Now there are 6 times left.” Damn wiped the blood flowing out of his eye sockets, and a strange arc was raised at the corners of his mouth. “I hate people acting in front of me the most.”

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