“Guide? I have the impression that this Dojutsu is very strange and requires death as a prerequisite. I always thought it was a kind of perish together style, so I have never used it… Could it be…” There was a flash of thought in my mind, “Could it be that this is why I saw you today?”

“Yes.” Xiaoxue smiled slightly, then blinked at me Said, “Actually, when I first opened Mangekyo, I was also very confused about this Dojutsu, but because of your disappearance at the time, I was not in the mood to care about what this Dojutsu was.”

With Xiaoxue Speaking of what happened after my disappearance, her expression gradually became sad. I took her cold hand and held it tighter.

“Until later, that night, I was beaten into serious injury and dying by the mysterious masked man. I was actually very calm at the time because I thought I could see you. At this time, you It suddenly appeared, which made me both surprised and regretful…”

“No wonder, I picked you up at the time. You have been dumbfounded, but you didn’t say a few words.”

” Not because of this. When I was about to die in your arms, a voice suddenly told me: If you want to see Hatake Kurone again, hurry up and use Yukun and place your soul in your eyes. There will be a chance to meet in the future. To him again.” Xiaoxue said, lost in thought, “At the time, I wasn’t sure if these voices were the illusion that I was dying, but in order to see you again, I took a gamble, exhausted the last Chakra, and started it. Yuhun.”

“Fortunately, I was right.” Xiaoxue hugged me tightly and rubbed my cheek. “I really saw you again, my favorite Kurone. “

“Although I don’t know which senior gave you the hint, thanks to him, we can meet again.” I raised my head and shouted, “Many thanks, senior!”

Although I don’t know who it is, I think it should be one of Lei Ling Guan or Mian Ling Guan. It shouldn’t be Sage of Six-Paths. I have the opportunity to ask later.

“I can predict that I will transplant Xiaoxue’s Sharingan. Is this a semi-God Level expert? It’s so terrifying……” Pondered carefully, I couldn’t help swallowed saliva, “If I could also reach this realm , There must be a way to save my Xiaoxue!”

“Will there be any restrictions on this Jutsu? If Xiaoxue, your soul is always in these eyes, I will not transplant Shisui Eyes, so that I can see you every day!” I smiled and said, if I could, I would see Xiaoxue every day, even if he was blind, it would be nice, “Without your world, as far as I’m concerned It’s no different from blindness.”

“Of course, there are restrictions. As long as it is Ninjutsu, Chakra is needed to activate.” At this point, Koyuki’s eyes dimmed again, and she broke free from my embrace and walked to In front of me, I looked my eyes and said, “Kurone, you are the man I look after. In the future, you will be the best, most upright and strongest ninja in this Ninja World. I don’t want you to ruin yourself for me. , I can see what you have done over the years, including Pakura and Zisha, and I have been looking at you.”

“Do you also understood the Pakura and Zisha?” I A little embarrassed, sorry said, “I have tried my best to reject them, but I really didn’t expect them to be so persistent, but I only have you in my heart, and I have done nothing to apologize to you, so don’t be angry about them… …”

“I know…” Xiaoxue’s hand gently stroked my face, two lines of tears were drawn on her cheek, “You fool, if I’m still here, of course it is It’s not the same. But I’m already not in. If someone can take care of you instead of me, that would be great. Even more how those two women are so pretty, so good, they can be seen Kurone, you just show that my Kurone is very attractive! It’s just a pity that the rosy face is fateful, and I have no destiny.”

“Don’t say it, my heart is very small, I can only hold you. , I can’t pretend to be someone else.” I extend the hand, holding the hand that Koyuki put on my face, and said, “No matter how much you pay, I will definitely let you come back to me, even if you are the enemy of the entire Ninja World. !”

“I know I can’t persuade you, then you promise me, must live well, you can only see me if you are alive!” Xiaoxue smiled and shake one’s head, without looking away My double Eyes, she slowly said, “Time is coming. “

“What do you mean…” I looked at her suspiciously, and suddenly found that her body gradually became transparent and emits faint rays of light, “This…what’s the matter? ? ! “

“I told you that any Ninjutsu launch requires Chakra. The Chakra I used to maintain the soul has almost disappeared, so I will soon disappear, and my soul will Forever sealed in these eyes. And you, Shisui should have almost finished the transplant operation. “Even if it is about to disappear, Xiaoxue still smiles. “I have witnessed the past ten years with you. I am also a little tired. It’s time for a good rest. The road behind you is still very long, I can’t continue to accompany you, so I will work hard for you to go on alone. “

“Xiaoxue! Do not! do not go! Isn’t it Chakra? I give you! I give you! Don’t go! “I anxiously condense the within-the-body Chakra, and want to release it to Xiaoxue, but no matter how I condense, I can’t feel the slightest Chakra.

“It’s useless, this space belongs to the soul. At the level, without the slightest connection to the material world, you naturally cannot mobilize Chakra. Xiaoxue put her other hand on my cheek and said with a smile, “By the way, there is still something to tell you.” When you were training Ryuchi Cave Senjutsu almost violent, I used a trace of Chakra to straighten out your chakra within-the-body disorder, remember? “

“I remember! It turned out to be you, Xiaoxue! “I suddenly remembered what happened back then. Because of Senjutsu in Ryuchi Cave, I almost lost myself. It was the refreshing sensation of the spring breeze that calmed me down. Thinking about it now, it feels like Koyuki caressing me. “No wonder…”

“Okay, I should go…” The rays of light on Xiaoxue’s body are even worse, and her figure is almost transparent. She smiles at me. Yelled, “I remember you said, you like to watch me smile the most, you say I smile best! Remember the way I am now, and let my image in your mind always be beautiful! Kurone, I love you! “

“I love you too! Xiaoxue! “I know I can’t do anything, so I can only watch Xiaoxue’s delicate face closely, and engrave her deeply in my mind.

With the rays of light getting more and more dazzling, I really couldn’t help covering my eyes, and my head was dizzy…

I don’t know how long it took, I slowly opened the eyes, a faint light passed through some slits and entered my pupils. , Accompanied by the sound of two people talking.

“Well, the transplant is over. “

“Huh? Why did you wake up so soon? “

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