“En? was bandaged, no wonder the light is so weak.” I touched the bandage in front of my eyes, and then pulled it off.

“Just after the transplant, how are you doing? Are you still used to it?” White Fang asked without raising his head while wiping the knife in his hand.

“Well, it’s good.” I looked around and found that there was nothing uncomfortable.

“You shed a lot of tears after I gave you the transplant. Senior White Fang said it was a stress response, but I always think it’s not that simple.” Shisui sat on the side of my bed and asked, “In Did you see anything when I was in a coma? Kurone big brother.”

“I saw Xiaoxue.” I said every word, and the corners of my mouth raised imperceptibly.

“Really, then you must have a lot to say.” Shisui did not continue to ask, stood up and turned away, “Elder sister, she must hope you are well.”

” Hmm…” I’m just slightly nodded from the back of gazed Shisui’s fading away.

“It seems that there is no rejection reaction, as if you have Uchiha bloodline. Of course, it may also be because Uchiha melts the snow.” White Fang handed me a mirror and smiled at me. , “The past, let her go and live in the present. Now, do you want to try new eyes so that you won’t lose your sight due to overuse.”

“No, many thanks White Senior Fang.” I waved his hand and said, “Send me out, I want to be alone.”

“Okay, then I won’t say more.” White Fang pressed his hand On my shoulder, split second, we came to the forest outside Hidden Leaf Village.

“Then I will go first, take care.” A white light flashed, and White Fang disappeared in front of me.

Because of Koyuki’s matter, my heart could not be calm for a long time, so I did not return to Konoha, but came to Izumo corner, sitting in front of Koyuki’s crystal coffin, watching closely , Silent…

Maybe it’s lost in memory, time is passing fast, day and night alternate. I don’t know how long it took until a heavy paw hit my shoulder and I didn’t recover.

“I see you have been here for three full days. I can’t help it, so I interrupted you.” Tiger King moved the big chair, squatted down beside me, and supported me. Started a pot.

“Although I don’t know what happened to you that made you look so sad, I don’t know how to persuade you.” Tiger King added all kinds of wild vegetables and fish to the pot while long-term The person in focus said to me, “But life must continue, and rice must be eaten, otherwise how do you want to do it, right?”

Speaking, Tiger King is a Fire-Style I lit the pot, soon, bursts of aroma came out of the pot, which made my appetite after I was hungry for three days.

“Your cooking method is not right. The wild vegetables are bitter. You can’t cook them directly. You should blanch the water first to remove the bitterness, and then cook the soup. The lid of the pot should be covered when the soup is cooked. , Otherwise…” I was sorry to eat directly, so I pretended to be faulty.

“Which is so meddlesome, eat or not!” The Tiger King filled a large bowl, and then handed it to me, “If I don’t eat, I’ll eat it myself. We tiger clan are not so particular about eating. It’s not for you, I just ate the raw ones.”

“Eat, eat, eat!” I touched gu lu gu lu’s belly. I was really hungry, and I couldn’t take care of it at this time. It’s not tasty anymore.

“En! Don’t say it, it’s okay.” I took a sip of the soup, then took out a few slices of wild vegetables and chewed them. “Although the wild vegetables are very astringent, they are badly cooked, and the fish soup is added. The flavours are fusion, it’s not hard to swallow.”

“It’s not easy to get your compliment.” Tiger King smiled bitterly, “Anyway, this soup is what I have been trying for so many years. Improved, it can be recognized by you, and it’s worth it.”

“What do you mean? Don’t you Tiger and Rabbit always eat raw? Why do you study this soup?” I asked in confusion. , And at the same time, he kept groaning and drinking soup.

“Actually, this matter started more than ten years ago. That was the first time you and Huaxue came here. Before that, we had always eaten raw food. Because of Izumo’s There are not many animals in the horns, and the prey that we regularly go out to catch is also limited. Our tiger clan and rabbit clan are allies, so the little tigers below can only fish and eat, and occasionally eat some fruit. But the rabbit clan eats only food. It’s more convenient. Izumo no Kok still has a variety of plants. But since you came, we can’t serve you raw food directly, and besides fruits, we don’t have anything to take. It’s something you can do.” As the Tiger King said, he stirred the pot with a spoon while holding a lemon in his other hand and squeezed lemonade into the cup. “So, I’ll discuss it with the Rabbit King. Make some decent foods to entertain you. So our tiger clan produces fish, and rabbit clan produce delicious wild vegetables. As for the method, we don’t know that many, so we just cook the soup. The first thing we cooked, again It’s astringent and fishy, ​​even we can’t drink it ourselves.”

As he said, the tiger king laughed embarrassingly: “Later I learned that the fish had to remove the scales and internal organs, and the wild vegetables had to be rooted. Anyway, we have been experimenting countless times, and we are finally ready to take a shot. As a result, Snow and Rabbit King……”

“Thanks for your hard work, thank you.” I put down the thoroughly drinking bowl and got up patted. On the shoulder of Tiger King, Tiger King handed me a glass of lemonade and continued.

“Before the Rabbit King left, he explained that he was very meddlesome, including the soup. It made me must make this pot of soup and it was delicious. So I have been constantly improving over the years, and finally …The last wish of the Rabbit King, I have completed it.” The Tiger King stood up and said, “You can eat slowly, I won’t disturb you.”

Speaking, he stood up, Walked towards the mountains.

“Thank you.” I was slightly nodded and took a sip of lemonade, “pu!!!!”

I almost soured my teeth, so my whole face was distorted Get up: “Tiger King…Is it on purpose…”

“Oh, yes.” Tiger King turned his head, I tensed my face quickly to prevent it from seeing my embarrassment So, “Go back to Konoha sooner when you are full. Izumo Cape welcomes you often, but I don’t want you to live long.”

finished-speaking, disappeared into the forest with a roar.

I look at the mountain forest in the distance, nodded. Then he leaned down, picked up the pot, wolf down one’s food up.

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