“What? S-Rank mission, great!” When Naruto heard this, he didn’t have any doubts, and immediately cheered, “Investigate the ecological system, this mission just listen to it Very interesting!”

“Sure enough…” Tsunade and I looked like Naruto with black lines jumping around.

“In addition to you leading the team this time, I also assigned Might Guy, Yamato and Yamashiro Aoba to you, apart from this, and a dozen Chunin.” Tsunade said solemnly Then, “Now there are a lot of things in the village, so I will leave Kakashi in the village. Do you have any questions.”

“No problem, Konoha’s strongest Jonin is basically here. “I shrugged, “When will we leave?”

“It’s not too late, go now.” Tsunade looked serious, “I have sent other people in the team to the village entrance.”

“In such a hurry? Okay.” I waved his hand and said to Kakashi who came with Naruto, “This time Mission Lady Tsunade didn’t let you go with you. Kakashi, you stay in the village, though Once Naruto is gone, the village will not be in any danger now, but it still needs some rich experience of Jonin to stay behind.”

“Don’t worry, Akatsuki is almost dead, and there is no power to invade Konoha anymore. Five The Kages conference has just ended, the enemy is currently, and other Ninja Villages are unlikely to invade at this time, so the village is still very safe.” Kakashi patted my shoulder and said with a smile, “Furthermore, in case something really happens. , The village will also use Nin-Hawk to inform you that you will be back with a Flying Thunder God Jutsu.”

“Well, then I’ll be relieved to leave, do you want to go to the village entrance to send Guy and the others “

“Pull it down, Guy…” Kakashi laughed, covering his face, “You guys go.”

After meeting Guy and others at the entrance of the village, according to Hidden At the request of Cloud Village, I led a team to a port in Land-of-Water, boarded a ship, and went around half a month. Except for Guy’s seasickness and some episodes, nothing happened on the road. What a big deal. After we finally arrived at Turtle Island, I guessed that Fourth Shinobi World War was about to break out.

“You are the people sent by Konoha, welcome.” Hidden Cloud is in charge of receiving a guy named Jonin. Although he looks very cold, he holds it with enthusiasm. I took my hand and said, “This must be Konoha’s Legendary, black lightning, Hatake Kurone Lord!”

“Hello.” I glanced at Ji’s back, one wearing dark glasses and dark skin But the uncle, who is very strong, is immersed in writing something in his notebook.

“This must be the Hidden Cloud Killer Bee, the younger brother of Raikage, Mr. Killer B who is known as the perfect Jinchuriki!” After shaking hands with Ji, I smiled and walked to Killer B. He stretched out his hand, “I am Hatake Kurone, and Uchiha Sasuke is my student. I apologize to you for his previous behavior.”

“Kurone Lord, Uchiha Sasuke is also the Missing-nin of Konoha, you Don’t have to…” Ji persuades from the side.

I waved his hand and continue looking towards Killer B.

Killer B glanced at me. He didn’t know what his expression was under the sunglasses. He put away the notebook and slowly raised both arms.

“Kurone-senpai, be careful!” Yamato tried to rush forward but was stopped by me.

“It’s okay.” I waved my hand to stop Yamato, because I knew Killer B was about to start the show again.

“idiot ♪ space teeth road ♪ black lightning Daimyo, Megatron mainland ♪ rumored that you played against your big brother, very exciting♪ I must be able to show a hand, surprised me♪ Oh yeah♪” Killer B on the side Twisting the weird dance, while talking, I don’t know if it was a weird rap line written in advance.

The scene is very embarrassing…

“Hey…Yamato, is he really Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, Killer B? He was not sent by Hidden Cloud to fool us…” Guy stepped back a few steps, leaned close to Yamato, and complained.

“It should be…Is it…” Yamato also glanced suspiciously at Hidden Cloud entire group.

“This is provoking me.” The corners of my mouth raised a weird arc, brewing for a while, “Then let you see the real technology.”

“I’m not talented♪ The so-called prestige is purely a myth♪ I once heard of Hidden Cloud’s good rappers, the name is Killer B ♪ The killer bee ♪ I have been friends with God for a long time, I saw it today, it is really extraordinary♪ Wen Jun and brother♪ Once and Yellow Flash, no distinction between superior and inferior ♪ is a hero♪ Kurone is not a talent ♪ ashamed of being inferior ♪ But since the war, Akatsuki has a masked man ♪ calling himself Madara, launch Fourth Shinobi World War ♪ intends to capture Tailed Beast, subvert Ninja World ♪Konoha Hidden Cloud, Eight-Tails Nine-Tails, should join forces to go to Fourth Shinobi World War ♪Achievement story♪Personal honor and disgrace, what is the way♪The end♪”I was doing the rap that I had seen on TV before Action, a paragraph is now compiled on one side. Although bullshit doesn’t make sense in Chinese, and it doesn’t rhyme, Naruto World uses Japanese, so the word is very smooth, clear in mind, and catchy. Everyone is dumbfounded.

When I was improvising during this period, Killer B was shocked. He immediately changed to a respectful look and bowed to me, making everyone confused.

“Kurone teacher, please teach me how to rap.”

I didn’t return him, but clenched my fist and covered my mouth.

“Kurone-senpai, what are you doing? What do you mean?” Yamato looked at Guy with a puzzled look.

“Maybe it is to spray Killer B face with Water-Style…” Guy said casually.

“pu 呲塔茨♪ can be puff times ♪ la la la la ♪ bitter wow puff puff puff puff ♪ puff puff puff puff puff puff ♪ o_O♪←_←♪(^o^ )/♪┏(`ー´)┛♪┏(^0^)┛♪(o´ω`o)ノ……………………┗(^0^)┓♪┏(`ー´)┛ ♪ヽ(ー_ー)ノ♪” In order to put the comparison to the end, I improvised the B-BOX again. Although it was not good, it was enough to shock the four, because Naruto World does not seem to have this form of expression.

Killer B was even more shocked, closing his mouth from ear to ear, crying and crying to worship me as a teacher.

“Mr. Killer B, let’s do business first, rap, I can point you back.” I stretched out the fist, faced Killer B, and gestured to the base who was standing behind. .

“Kurone Lord is right!” Kee knew immediately and said to Killer B, “Killer B Lord, Konoha is here to learn how to control Tailed Beast, it shouldn’t be too late!”

Killer B is not an unreasonable person, he was nodded, and immediately retracted the hippie smiley expression, stretched out the fist, and bumped into me.

“This Chakra…really strong…” Killer B was full of look of shock, “I’m afraid I and my big brother together may not win the game. Black lightning, I’m afraid it has surpassed Yellow Flash… …”

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