“Okay, don’t shoot flattery. Let’s do business. Let me introduce you. This is Uzumaki Naruto. You may have heard of it. Pain, the leader of Akatsuki, is He defeated it.” With that, I pulled Naruto out of the team, pointed at Killer B, and said, “Naruto, this is Eight-Tails Killer B. He is one of the few perfect Jinchuriki who can follow Tailed Beast reached an agreement, perfect fusion, this time he will teach you the skills of fusing Tailed Beast Chakra.”

“Well, I am Uzumaki Naruto, Killer B teacher, please give me some advice.” Naruto stretches After leaving the fist, he showed a sincere smile.

Killer B and Naruto punch each other, and then a strange arc rises in the corner of his mouth, saying: “I like this kid, he is not artificial at all, not bad!”

“Then you train as soon as possible, Yamato, you follow Naruto to prevent Nine-Tails berserk.” I waved his hand, Yamato walked out of the team, followed Naruto and Killer B to the depths of the island.

“other people, three-person group, spread out on the periphery of this island, guarding the safety of this island, and report to me immediately if there is any situation.” Guy and I glance at each other, the latter immediately Lead the team to set up a sentry.

“Kurone Lord, I think you are too worried.” Kei walked up to me and said indifferently, “Frankly, this turtle island is actually located on a huge tortoise. , This tortoise has existed since the establishment of Hidden Cloud. The Eight-Tails Jinchuriki has been trained on this island in all dynasties, and the island moves at sea all year round, and the enemy is hard to find. Even if it happens to be by the enemy I found that this Turtle Island will also immediately sense a different Chakra, and then notify us. So, in this training, absolutely foolproof.”

“Really?” I laughed, if I remember That’s right, Hoshigaki Kisame hid in Samehada in the original work, easily mixed into Turtle Island, and obtained information and sent it out with a small shark. If it wasn’t for Guy who opened seven-gates and defeated Hoshigaki Kisame with Daytime Tiger, he might still be able to retreat whole body.

But this time, Hoshigaki Kisame was killed by me a long time ago, and Samehada was also destroyed, so impossible appeared again. Hohzuki Mangetsu, replacing Hoshigaki Kisame, may appear. However, Hohzuki Mangetsu impossible uses Hoshigaki Kisame’s method of infiltration. Then, he has to find here by his own ability.

Looking back on the several times I played against Hohzuki Mangetsu, it was me who won. This guy is far from the strength of Hoshigaki Kisame in the original work, so I don’t worry about playing against him at all, even I hope he will come to give away the heads. After all, my cultivation base seal is still two brass locks to be unlocked. Although he killed the Kage Level super Kage Level before, Itachi and Nagato, so far the three silver locks have been unlocked. But because the brass locks were not fully unlocked, the strength corresponding to the silver locks did not return to me. This is probably also the measure taken by the Light Spirit Officer to prevent me from cheating. (The other four brass locks are Sasori of the Red Sand, Yinjiao, Deidara, and Shimura Danzo)

I’m still stuck in the Kage Level late stage, as long as I unlock these two brass locks, I can break through to half Sage Level, plus the strength of the three silver lock seals, and I can reach the Sage level late stage, which is the same level as Sage of Six-Paths. When the time comes, playing Six Paths Madara is probably not Imaginary.

“Hohzuki Mangetsu! Come out! I can’t wait!” Walking to the beach, I pulled out Qingfeng excitedly, and shouted at the sea, “Let’s fight it out!”

“The worthy-of is Hatake Kurone. The sense is so strong that it can see through Hohzuki clan’s concealment technique.” Suddenly a waterman stood up on the sea, and the figure gradually became clear. “The first few Back when I lost, I have been unconvinced. I just borrowed this time, both principal and interest to get it back!”

“Fuck! Hohzuki Mangetsu, are you really here?” I almost got shocked. Falling to the ground, “I just yelled casually, I really yelled…”

“What? Didn’t you find me?” Hohzuki Mangetsu was also taken aback, he gnashing one’s teeth asked Then, “call it casually? Then why did you call my name?”

“The people in Akatsuki are almost dead, aren’t you just a part-time worker? I just yelled casually , I didn’t expect to call you a second fool.” I couldn’t help but laugh, “But your concealment technique is really amazing, I didn’t find it at all. If it weren’t for you stupid, I’m afraid I would really be plotted by you. Against it. I am very interested in your concealment technique. Or I will spare you for not dying and teach me!”

“Hateful! I’ll just say it, how can I have someone with Hohzuki clan’s concealment technique Found.” Hohzuki Mangetsu said fiercely, “I admit that my strength is not as good as you, but today, with the help of the geographical position, you will definitely die! I…”

Hohzuki Mangetsu’s cruel words stopped abruptly , Because I have dashed towards him. Although I think Hohzuki Mangetsu is not his own opponent at all, but the lion fights the rabbit still needs to do everything possible, how can I despise him. Moreover, Hohzuki Mangetsu is already good at Water-Style, although he is not strong in Kage Level on land, but in the sea, his strength is likely to match the Super Kage Level.

“Gate of Limit, open!” I didn’t dare to underestimate the enemy. I instantly opened the fifth gate of the Eight-Inner Gates and moved towards Hohzuki Mangetsu at a very fast speed.

“Ice-Style ·Ice-bound for thousands of miles!” I pulled out the green front and cut off at Hohzuki Mangetsu. If it were the ordinary Elite Jonin, it would definitely not be able to stop such a move. But Hohzuki Mangetsu’s reaction was not so slow, not to mention that the sea is his home court.

He only leaned back slightly and was pushed back more than ten meters by the waves. But my move is not that simple. The sea surface touched by Qingfeng freezes tens of meters in an instant. Hohzuki Mangetsu and I are standing on a smooth surface of ice and looking at each other.

“Now you can’t hide, right? I don’t believe you can turn into ice?” A strange arc was raised at the corner of my mouth, and Qing Feng pointed diagonally, “Look where you hide ?”

“Who said I’m going to hide?” Hohzuki Mangetsu’s expression became fierce, and he suddenly threw out two short blades with barbs, which were covered with weak lightning current. “Also Remember it?”

“Oh Huo, Thunder teeth? You stole this knife? Great!” I laughed at hehe with a mocking expression, but I secretly pinched a seal with my left hand behind me. “Who gave you the courage to play Lightning-Style in front of me?”

“You are so arrogant until you die, I just want you to die under the Lightning-Style you are proud of, To revenge my previous humiliation!” Hohzuki Mangetsu shouted, and the lightning current on Thunder Tooth instantly became a bit dazzling. He pierced Thunder Tooth into the ice and said, “Go to hell! Lightning-Style Secret Art · The art of sea condemnation!”

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