whiz whiz whiz whiz! One after another Thunder pillars pierced through the ice surface of underfoot. The density was so dense that there was no way to hide. I was instantly pierced by the dense lightning pillars, and the plop fell to the ground.

“Don’t pretend, dignified Hatake Kurone, how could it be dead like this, come out!” Hohzuki Mangetsu’s mouth raised a weird curve, pulled out thunder teeth, and pointed at in the sky. Throw, “Lightning-Style · Thunder teeth chase!”

dang dang! With two clear metal collisions, Thunder teeth was bounced off by me with a green front and returned to Hohzuki Mangetsu’s hands. At this moment, I am floating in the sky with Particle-Style, and the ice is dried out, it’s just a wooden clone that’s all.

“Interesting, it seems that your strength has improved a lot!” I laughed, holding a sword flower, “It’s fun to fight like this!”

“You will do it in a while I can’t laugh anymore.” Hohzuki Mangetsu wielded Thunder teeth in a defensive posture, “I heard that your Sword Art matchless in the world, as the former leader of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, I’m not convinced. World War I?”

“boasted shamelessly!” My whole body rushed down like a whirlwind.

clang! Due to the inertia of dropping from the sky, Hohzuki Mangetsu, despite being able to resist with two thunder teeth, was retreated several steps by the shock, and the ice surface of the underfoot cracked a lot.

“It seems that the material of this thunder tooth is not inferior to the Kusanagi sword. After being hit by Qingfeng, it did not break.” The thunder tooth double blade in my gazed Hohzuki Mangetsu’s hand showed greed. The look in his eyes, “I just turned around and gave Longsword to Kakashi.”

“I still think your Azure Edge Sword is better to use. It is wasted in your hands. I will get it back today. “Hohzuki Mangetsu coldly-snorted, rushed up.

I’m not afraid at all, and confront him.

Dang dang dang! One sword and two swords confrontation constantly, and sparks collide, and no one takes advantage. I didn’t expect Hohzuki Mangetsu’s sword art attainments to be so high. Among the sword (sword) experts I have played against, I can definitely rank in the top three. Although not as good as the predecessors of White Fang, it is definitely above Kakashi, Orochimaru, and Sasuke. Worth-of is an expert who can proficiently use all Seven-Swords of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist in original work, and is well-deserved first of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

However, over the years, after constant practice and guidance from many seniors, my Sword Art has also reached Peak, which is infinitely close to the seniors of White Fang. Therefore, no matter how great Hohzuki Mangetsu is, it can’t break through my defense. Of course, I couldn’t hurt him for a while.

In this way, the two of us attacked at high speed for many hours, and finally got a little weak. I flicked a sword and withdrew from his attack range. Hohzuki Mangetsu was obviously also exhausted. Unceasingly panting in place.

“It’s not a way to go on like this. His level is almost the same as mine. I’m afraid it won’t be determined by playing for a few days and nights. I have to change my style of play.” I panting evenly to restore physical strength. I quickly thought about the countermeasures in my mind.

“black lightning merely this!” As soon as Hohzuki Mangetsu recovered, he turned on the taunt mode, “Isn’t it said that you Sword Art matchless in the world? How come I even take my nameless Hohzuki Mangetsu Don’t come down? Don’t be so proud!”

“Don’t be proud, it’s just a warm-up that’s all, and then I’ll let you see the real technology.” I thought about it, holding Azure Edge in both hands. Sword’s attack speed is too slow, so I can’t take it off. This time I changed to a right hand holding a sword and holding a short dagger in my left hand. This combined offense and defense, and increased the attack speed.

Speaking, I took out a shuriken from the Ninja Tool Pouch, moved towards Hohzuki Mangetsu, threw it, and quickly hand sealed it.

“shuriken Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

This is the new Ninjutsu that I improved on the basis of Third Hokage’s Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, which makes the number of shuriken changed Dozens of times, so as to achieve the effect of all-round attack without dead ends. The disadvantage is that it will consume a lot of Chakra, and there is no way to use other large formidable power Ninjutsu in a short period of time after the operation. But at the moment I and Hohzuki Mangetsu are going to fight close to each other, so I don’t need to think about Chakra.

“This technique is interesting, but…” Hohzuki Mangetsu didn’t fear at all, and waved Thunder Fang, faster and faster, until it formed a blue light curtain visible to naked eye.

“Lightning-Style · Thundertooth Iron Curtain!”

Dang dang! The shuriken rain was blocked by the airtight Thundertooth Iron Curtain.

When all the shuriken landed, my attack came in front of him. At this moment, I am holding a sword in my right hand, and holding a small black dagger in my left hand.

clang! clang! clang! Hohzuki Mangetsu’s attacks were all blocked by me with a green front, and the small black dagger in my left hand was like a black mamba, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Crack! Finally, I caught a chance. I pressed Thunder Ya with a green front, and the dagger in my left hand quickly slashed to Hohzuki Mangetsu’s neck.

Hohzuki Mangetsu saw that the situation was far from good, immediately turned Lei Ya, back pressure on Qing Feng, the Lei Ya in the left hand still suppressed Qing Feng, the right fang was drawn out One block resolved the crisis of cutting the throat.

“It seems that you are a little black dagger!” Hohzuki Mangetsu ridiculed, “Where are the defective products, it seems that you have time to lose sight!”

I took a closer look. It turned out that the little black dagger was blocked by Thunder Fang, and it was cracked.

“Broken!” With a harder Lei Ya, he cut the dagger in my hand into two directly, without losing power, and slashed towards my neck.

I had to draw out the sword, and quickly withdrew from his attack range. looked Only half of the black dagger left in my hand, I wrinkled my frowned head and didn’t say anything.

At this moment, I should have heard the fight between Hohzuki Mangetsu and I. Guy and Yamashiro Aoba finally rushed over.

“Kurone! Sorry for being late!” Guy and others stood side by side behind me, and Guy smiled and said, “What’s this guy coming from? Why haven’t you been fighting for so long? Take it, do you need me to help you?”

“Also, although I can take it alone, but it takes some time, this guy is more difficult, since you are here, let’s go together Come on!” I waved his hand and said indifferently.

“Is this a crowded tactic? I’m not stupid, there will be…” Hohzuki Mangetsu turned and tried to escape.

“Lightning-Style · Thunder Pen!” I poured Chakra with the remaining half of the dagger in my hand, and then moved towards Hohzuki Mangetsu and threw it out.

“Want to sneak attack me, do you think I will leave your back easily?” Hohzuki Mangetsu turned back to the sword and chopped the broken dagger into two halfs again.

“Not good! You were fooled!” He reacted fiercely, but it was too late.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu!” I suddenly appeared from behind him, and with one blow, Qingfeng penetrated his waist like tofu.

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