“Did you succeed?” Everyone held their breath.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple. The opponent is Akatsuki after all.” Yamashiro Aoba is frowned, “And this Hohzuki clan, not simple.”

After one hit, I was far away. Dodge, because the touch just now told me that no sneak attack was successful, Hohzuki Mangetsu should have used the technique of hydration.

Sure enough, there was no trace of blood on Qingfeng.

“This is a bit like black lightning.” Hohzuki Mangetsu laughed, licking shark-like fangs, and said, “That’s me, I guess it’s really cut by you. “

“It’s a pity, I wanted to make a decision with you. I was interrupted by these little guys.” Hohzuki Mangetsu made a mark, sealed Lei Fang on his arm, and then the corner of his mouth. A strange arc was raised, “Then, we’ll meet again some day.”

Immediately afterwards, the body slowly melted.

“Not good, Kurone-senior, he wants to run!” Yamashiro Aoba reminded aloud.

“Konoha Big Spin…”

“Water-Style · Water Gun Technique!” Because it was too late to hand seal, I could only use the fastest Attack Ninjutsu, but it didn’t Did not work. The water gun pierced Hohzuki Mangetsu’s body, but he didn’t react at all.

“Wind!” When Guy kicked it up, Hohzuki Mangetsu had completely disappeared into the sea.

“Hateful! He ran away!” Guy angrily kicked the ice under his feet and turned around and said to me, “Kurone big brother, your Sharingan can sense his place.” Is it?”

Needless to say, I have already opened Sharingan, glanced around, helplessly shake one’s head.

“Hohzuki clan’s Secret Jutsu, the name is not in vain, as expected.” Yamashiro Aoba clicked one’s tongue in wonder.

“Aoba, you know this ghost…ghost…what moon, and what kind of Ninjutsu does it use?” Guy approached Yamashiro Aoba and curiously asked, “This kind of thing can turn the body into What is the Ninjutsu of water? It’s amazing!”

“I have seen the record of Hohzuki clan in the village archives. It is said that the clansman of Hohzuki clan will change his body into The magical Secret Jutsu of water is called the art of hydration. And, the more water, the greater the formidable power of this Secret Jutsu. If you go to the sea, use the hydration art to avoid all sense abilities and tracking. Ability, and immune to all physical attacks and most Ninjutsu attacks, so the technique of hydration was once known as the strongest Water-Style. Therefore, Hohzuki clan was once the Great Clan of Land-of-Water, and one of its Clan Leaders Hohzuki Moon Moon also succeeded in becoming Second-Kage Mizukage. But since First Shinobi World War Second-Kage Mizukage and Second-Tsuchikage perish together, Hohzuki clan has weakened day by day, and slowly, the technique of hydration is unknown. Yamashiro Aoba explained, “I saw it today and it was amazing. But I remember Hohzuki Mangetsu should be the second user of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist Twinsword Hiramekarei. I don’t know why, so I switched to thunder knife. It’s really strange. “

“Hiramekarei’s second user? Who is the first?” Guy curiously asked.

“Hiramekarei’s first user was Hohzuki Mangetsu’s father, Hohzuki Chiba, who was kicked to death by your father Might Duy. Also kicked to death was Longsword Nuibari’s first user Kuriarare. Kushimaru, Bluntsword Kabutowari’s first user Akebino Jinin, and blastsword Shibuki’s first user Munashi Jinpachi. The remaining three were also taken care of by us who came later.” I explained, “So far, Seven Ninja Swordsmen of The first term of the Mist all died.”

In the original work, in addition to the four people who were kicked to death by Might Duy, Biwa Juzo later joined Akatsuki and was killed by Fourth-Kage Mizukage. Kurosuki Raiga defected and decried himself after losing to Naruto. Suikazan Fuguki was killed by Kisame.

“I have some impressions, but what happened later? Whose hands did these ninja swords come to?” Guy became more and more curious, and continued to ask.

“After the death of the first Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, the talents of Hidden Mist Village were dying, so I could only select a group of young ninjas for training and quickly inherit them.” I gradually remembered again. The details of the battle, “The user Momochi Zabuza of Kubikiribocho and the user Qing of Hiramekarei were injured by Uchiha Shisui and escaped to the village, and the other five people were killed by me. And Momochi Zabuza later failed to assassinate Fourth-Kage Mizukage and defected. He left the village and died in Land-of-Waves. After that battle, Qing produced a mental shadow and handed over Hiramekarei. After he was wounded, he became the right arm of the current Fifth-Kage Mizukage.”

” so to speak, Konoha is really the nemesis of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.” Guy said with a smile.

In the original work, because of Pakura’s death, Hidden Mist and Hidden Sand did not go to war, so the seven ninja swords were silent for a long time.

I nodded and continued, “After that battle, Hidden Mist strength great injury, until a few years later, the son of the first Hiramekarei user Hohzuki Thousand Blades, Hidden Mist’s once-in-a-century genius Hohzuki Mangetsu was an adult, and his innate talent was outstanding. Not only did he inherit the Secret Jutsu from Hohzuki clan, he was also able to use all seven ninja swords proficiently. However, he finally chose to inherit the Hiramekarei that his father used. The third Master, Ringo Yu Yuri, but she was terminally ill, and soon died an untimely death. And the ending of Zabuza, you understood. The rest, Samehada was destroyed by me, and no one else has inherited the other knives.”

“What about afterwards? I seem to have heard that Hiramekarei is in the hands of Chojuro, the current guard of Mizukage. What is going on? How did Thunder reach Hohzuki Mangetsu?” Guy continued to ask. To.

“Guy, what do you have that many questions today.” I covered my face, a little speechless, so I had to continue to tell, “Later, I heard from the information that Hidden Mist had friction with Hidden Cloud at the border and Hohzuki Mangetsu was fighting. I don’t know how it happened and appeared in Akatsuki. Hiramekarei also returned to Hidden Mist Village and finally reached Chojuro’s hands. As for why Lei Ya was in Hohzuki Mangetsu’s hands, I remembered it. Hohzuki Mangetsu seemed to have A special scroll.”

“scroll? What scroll?”

“It is said that Fifth-Kage Mizukage skillfully uses seven ninja swords for reward Hohzuki Mangetsu, and the special Sealing Scroll As long as the ninja sword does not have a successor, he can be summoned by summon through scroll anytime and anywhere.” My eyes narrowed recalled, “Now except Samehada is destroyed by me, Kubikiribocho is in the hands of Hohzuki Suigetsu, Hiramekarei is in the hands of Chojuro, then The remaining Thunder Teeth, Nuibari, Kabutowari, and droplets seem to be in the hands of Hohzuki Mangetsu.”

“As for why he used Thunder Teeth, it is probably because of his hydration technique that I was responsible for. Lightning-Style restrains, so I want to use Lei Ya to minimize the influence of restraint.” I analyzed.

“But now, Hohzuki Mangetsu has fled to the sea. Unless he comes out by himself, we are afraid we will never find him again.” Yamashiro Aoba sighed and said, “What should I do now, Kurone Senior.”

“Don’t worry.” I picked up the black dagger from the ground and wiped the black powder that fell off with my fingers. The corners of my mouth raised a strange curve, “He is unable to escape.”

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