“What do you mean? Kurone, do you have a way to find him?” Guy asked excitedly, “Quickly, take me to find him, I will give him a kick.”

“I am afraid that the tiger away from the mountain, Naruto’s safety is the most important, you all person immediately go back to the island and guard.” I waved his hand and said, “I’ll be enough to deal with Hohzuki Mangetsu. If there are too many people, he will run.”

If I remember well, the pocket should be coming soon. A sudden attack on the inside pocket of the original work captured Yamato. Although Yamato was fine in the end, he also used soy sauce for the entire Fourth Shinobi World War.

“Well, senior Kurone, be careful, we won’t mess with you.” Yamashiro Aoba dragged Guy away.

As for me, I used to hide the figure through evasion, and moved towards the other direction.


Actually, the reason why I have the confidence to find Hohzuki Mangetsu is all because of this handle. black dagger. Speaking of which is the inspiration given to me by Pain. Nagato controls six Puppets through the black receivers on Pain. It is precisely because the black receivers can transmit and sense Chakra. And Naruto also used black receivers to back-sensing to Nagato’s location.

After my research and analysis, Nagato’s black receivers are made of ferroferric oxide powder doped with his Chakra, and ferroferric oxide is also magnetic. The Chakra signal is also released, forming a connection with the main body, just like wifi.

So I used this principle to dope my Chakra with Fe3O4 powder to create several weapons. Because of the limited materials, the capacity of the Ninja Tool Pouch is limited, and I don’t like to play with sticks, so I built a few daggers.

It’s just that this weapon has a characteristic, that is, although it is very hard, it is very brittle. Therefore, it is easy to break when making a long strip. When I was fighting with Pain, I cut off a lot of black receivers. Later when Pain invaded Konoha, Kakashi even broke the black receivers in Deva Path’s hands with his bare hands. Therefore, the thunder-tooth cutting dagger in Hohzuki Mangetsu’s hand was unexpected, and it was also a weak spot that I deliberately leaked. The purpose is to smash the dagger, and then splash out the tiny fragments of the dagger, so that once Hohzuki Mangetsu uses the technique of hydration, the imperceptible powder of iron tetroxide from naked eye will enter his body. Then I can naturally find his position in top secret.

“I’m such a damn genius! Hahaha!” The corners of my mouth raised a weird arc, and then frowned, “I found a place!”

“Good guy, it turns out I dived to the bottom of Turtle Island.” I wrapped the whole body with a layer of Ice-Style armor, and then sneaked down with a pass. To be honest, my water level is not good. Even before I came to Naruto World, I didn’t know how to swim at all. Later, Xiaoxue taught me. So in this seabed, my movement is severely restricted. With the oxygen wrapped in the Ice-Style armor, the diving time is no more than fifteen minutes.

If Hohzuki Mangetsu cannot be resolved in 15 minutes, I must use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to leave immediately, otherwise I will lose my fighting strength due to lack of oxygen in my brain.

“Fifteen minutes, find the target, probing, analyzing, and fighting, hanging.” As the depth of the dive increases, the visibility of the seabed is getting lower and lower, and there are constantly all kinds of fish. The class hit me. It also included several large sharks several meters long, which almost smashed my Ice-Style armor.

In desperation, I had to open Sharingan to avoid all kinds of oncoming animals. Finally, when the oxygen was about to run out, I found the location of the sense, but I couldn’t see any trace of Hohzuki Mangetsu.

“Well, this hydration technique is awesome, I can’t see anyone in front of me.” With the addition of Sharingan’s Clear Sight Ability, I stared wide-eyed, and I can’t see Hohzuki Mangetsu. Where, the approximate position can only be obtained based on the Chakra sense remaining on the magnet powder.

“I can’t hold on anymore. I will tell him first and see if I can force him out.” My mind is running fast. Under the water, my strength is greatly restricted. Many Ninjutsu Unable to play formidable power. And I only know the approximate location of Hohzuki Mangetsu. You must use a wide range of Ninjutsu to hit him. In the Five Elements Ninjutsu, in this environment, Wind-Style Earth-Style Fire-Style is difficult to use, and Lightning-Style is also easy to diverge and weaken the formidable power. Only Water-Style can play the formidable power, but Water-Style is the strength of Hohzuki Mangetsu.

“No way, I have to make a decision quickly…” The oxygen in the Ice-Style armor gradually ran out and began to break apart, and my brain also showed signs of hypoxia. “Yes. Now! Original work Lia Guy can use the Daytime Tiger to defeat Kisame with a single blow, and Hohzuki Mangetsu in its current state, even if it is stronger than Kisame, but also limited in strength, Daytime Tiger can definitely cause him a lot of damage.”

“Try it!” After using seven-gates, the side effects are not small. Even people who are extremely skilled at Eight-Inner Gates like Guy will lose their fighting strength for several hours. But at the moment I have no retreat, I can only take a gamble, otherwise I can only let Hohzuki Mangetsu go.

“seventh gate, Gate of Shock, open!” I opened the seventh gate in an instant, the blue steam radiated from my body, and the ice-style armor covered with it was instantly sublimated. I aligned the sense to the position and ended the Daytime Tiger hand seal.

“Daytime Tiger!”

bang! A huge tiger head hit me obliquely below, and I was pushed all the way out of the sea due to the reaction force.

As soon as I left the sea, I immediately used Particle-Style to float in the sky and breathe in the fresh air.

“Hit…Did you…?” While breathing heavily, I quickly scanned the sea with Sharingan.

Soon, a white jelly-like humanoid object floated up.

“I remember Hohzuki Suigetsu was hit by the Tailed Beast Ball of Eight-Tails in the original work, and it seems to be like this. It seems to be a hit.” I flew down cautious and solemn and stood there. Beside the pile of things, bend down to confirm.

“Well, it should be Hohzuki Mangetsu. That’s right.” I turned Hohzuki Mangetsu over, looked at his distorted face, “Finally solved this…”

Suddenly , Hohzuki Mangetsu opened his eyes, peng sound on his hand, summon thunder teeth.

“Not good!” I was about to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape, but there is no Chakra.

puci! Thunder teeth crossed and pierced my chest, this time it’s not a clone…

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