Hey! Without the imaginary bloody severed limbs, Hohzuki Mangetsu launched the hydration technique and merged into the sand. And controlled the sand, transformed into his own appearance.

“I said, these physical attacks are useless to me.” Hohzuki Mangetsu twisted his neck and said, “Don’t say it, this body made of sand is really…”

“Crystal-Style ·The Art of Crystal Sealing!”

“What’s the matter!? My body…why can’t move…” Hohzuki Mangetsu whole body stiffened , Even the words are uncomfortable, “What did you do to me? This sand… Is there a ghost? But there is no Chakra in this sand! Wait… I see! It’s your Crystal-Style! Why is this?”

“Then let you understand that my Crystal-Style can control all kinds of crystals. Among them, the main component of crystal is silica. And sand, The main ingredient is also silica, but the molecular arrangement of the two is different. Forget it, you don’t understand it. I will read more books in my next life. So I use sand to bind the sand, not to attack you, but to let You take the initiative to use the technique of hydration to melt into the sand. In this way, I can control the sand, change the structure of the sand, let all the sand gather together, and lock you up.” I walked slowly to Hohzuki Mangetsu and said calmly Then, “I generally don’t like nonsense, but I think you are quite interesting. Give you a chance to say your last words.”

“How do you know I will die?” Hohzuki Mangetsu was not in a hurry, but in a calm tone.

“This is the depths of the Land-of-Wind desert. There should be no one inhabited. In Akatsuki, there should be nothing but you, and there is absolutely nothing left of the so-called Uchiha Madara. You three. Do you think there are two of them. Do you have a chance to save you? Or do you think they will come to save you?” I picked Thunder teeth from the ground, crossed them into the ground, and then sat down. “Rather than thinking about an unrealistic escape, I think Would you like to have any last words.”

“Will you not hand me over to Konoha’s interrogation department and torture the information?” Hohzuki Mangetsu asked unwillingly.

“Will someone like you explain?” I sneeered, “From the day you joined Akatsuki, you should have known that there will be such a day.”

“Okay, I admit it, after all, even Itachi is dead, even more how about me.” Hohzuki Mangetsu gave a wry smile, “In fact, from the moment Thunder Tooth pierced your body, I knew I had lost. That was. My only chance to kill you, but it failed. There is a scroll that I threw on the ground. That scroll can summon those seven ninja swords without a Master. I think it will be helpful to you.”

“At that time, you knew you didn’t pierce my heart?” I was a little surprised, “Then why didn’t you escape?”

“Can I escape? And, I was also tired and didn’t want to run away. Itachi once told me that ninja must die, and he did the same. He thought his life was very meaningful. I didn’t understand what he meant at the time. Then he died for his sake. The younger brother, I gradually figured out. This time Madara sent me to Turtle Island to collect information on Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails. I knew that this day was coming.”

“But I I still disagree with you, so I want to use my full strength and fight with you.” Hohzuki Mangetsu smiled bitterly, “I still underestimate you. Anyway, I am convinced that I lose.”

“This is the first time I saw you like this. I almost didn’t know you.” I laughed. “In the past, your style was not saying anything further. Just start fighting. You have a very hot temper. Even if you lose, you will Hard mouth.”

“That’s all in the past. Hatake Kurone, I ask you one last thing. Could you tell my younger brother of my death, and ask him not to avenge me. My younger brother My brother is Hohzuki Suigetsu, and he should be under Uchiha Sasuke now. I know that Uchiha Sasuke used to be your student. With your character, you will definitely not care about it. Please also help me younger brother.” When he mentioned his younger Brother, Hohzuki Mangetsu smiled, “My younger brother, exactly the same as me back then, Hot-tempered, supercilious, thinks invincible in the whole world. I am also to blame. At the beginning, I focused on training and pursued strength, and failed to take good care of him, which made our relationship very stiff. The time Uchiha Sasuke and Itachi fought, we met, Suigetsu didn’t give me a good face, and he fought me. This kid is now at the level of Elite Jonin, so arrogant, sooner or later he will get angry, Hatake Kurone, if you have a chance, help me teach him a lesson. “

“You should teach him yourself, I don’t bother to do it for you. “I shrugged, “Actually, I don’t need to kill you, as long as you…”

“Don’t say Hatake Kurone, I won’t surrender. “Hohzuki Mangetsu interrupted what I hadn’t said yet, “If you let me go, I won’t be grateful, I will continue to kill you.” So, you should hurry up, or you will regret it. “

“Well, I respect your choice, and I will send you away in a decent way. “I folded my hands and hand sealed, “Do you have anything else to explain?” “

“No more, you can do it. Hohzuki Mangetsu said to himself with a smile on his face, “Itachi, we will meet soon.” “

“When you see Itachi, remember to say hello for me. “My face became grim, and my hands slowly separated, “Particle-Style · Atomic Dismantling Jutsu! “

“Is this the Legendary Particle-Style? It’s really the blessing of three lifetimes. Hatake Kurone, you really are the outstanding talent of Ninja World! “Hohzuki Mangetsu looked a cube that wrapped himself, with a complex expression on his face, “I am honored to be your opponent.” “

“Me too. “

pa! My hands slammed together, with a faint white light, Hohzuki Mangetsu scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

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