“Don’t worry, Hohzuki Mangetsu, your younger brother, the future is very good.” I said to myself, “I didn’t expect this move Atomic Dismantling Jutsu to become a farewell special Ninjutsu, and the net is a Kage Level expert.”

ka-cha! With the death of Hohzuki Mangetsu, the fifth brass lock that sealed my strength was also unlocked, and my strength was partly restored. Now it has reached the peak of Kage Level Peak, which is only one step away from the half Sage Level.

With my current strength, I am confident that I can draw with either Hashirama or Madara from the Valley of the End period.

“Um…” solved Hohzuki Mangetsu. Although strength brought it up a level, the injury did not get better. I sat down slowly, continued to treat the wound with Medical-Ninjutsu, and reflected on the painful lessons this battle has brought me.

I am still in a hurry. In order not to let Hohzuki Mangetsu go, I recklessly opened seven-gates and used a lot of expensive Ninjutsu, the side effects of Eight-Inner Gates and the lack of Chakra. It made me stumble and almost died under the thunder tooth knife.

“My battle IQ is still a bit worse than Kakashi and Itachi. It’s easy to get angry. If it weren’t for quick response, strong strength, good luck, I’m afraid I would have belched a long time ago.” I curl one’s lip , Stood up, “I’m almost restored, and it’s time to go back.”

I picked up the Ninja Tool Pouch that Hohzuki Mangetsu threw on the ground and turned it over. In addition to the scroll he said, there are Some money and dry food, I have no trace of politeness into my Ninja Tool Pouch.

“I don’t even have shuriken, so I put so much money and food. It seems that after Kakuzu’s death, Akatsuki is very poor.” I picked up the scroll again and looked into it, “This scroll… …”

This is a scroll with a large slap. After opening it, there is only one seal inside.

“En? Isn’t it the scroll of the seven ninja swords of summon? Why is it just a seal, so small?” I stared at the seal on the scroll suspiciously, looking at it for a while, for fear of being a trap.” Look at the seal’s technique formula, it should also be seal some kind of item.”

“From the perspective of the technique formula, it is not difficult to understand.” I took out the kunai, drew the technique formula on the ground, and passed Reverse calculation, cracked the seal.

“The seal to unlock the seal should be……this…this…and again…this.” I hand seal, “open!”

bang! A half-person-tall scroll bounced out of the seal and fell into my hand.

“Oh humiliation? Sealing Scroll nesting? This is really rare.” I clicked one’s tongue in wonder, and opened this larger scroll, “But such a big scroll is really not portable , It makes sense to use a nested scroll.”

Because of the urgency of battle, time is life, so few people in Ninja World use the nested scroll method, so they carry a big The scroll ninja running around is also very common.

Open the scroll, there are indeed seven seal positions inside, but the seal position of Samehada is crossed, and the middle of the three seal positions next to it is blank. I think it should be Hiramekarei, Kubikiribocho and Lei tooth.

“I heard that there is no way to summon the Master’s knife, I will try it.” Sealing Jutsu style of seal Seven-Swords is not the same as Sealing Jutsu style of nested scroll, so I spent some more Time, cracked the Sealing Jutsu style.

“Come out! Hiramekarei!” Finished hand seal, I pressed the center of the seal, but there was no response at all.

“Come out! Kubikiribocho!” Still no response.

“Lei Ya does not have a Master now, so summon should be able to come out.” I glanced back at Lei Ya on the ground, and then pressed it up, “Come out! Lei Ya!”

“En? ?? Is this scroll broken?” I was frowned, thinking for a moment, and reacting, “Oh, no hand seal…”

“Come out! Thunder!” After the finished hand seal, Lei Ya peng sound appeared in my hand.

“Well, it seems okay.” I sealed Thundertooth into the scroll again, closed the scroll, and then sealed the big scroll into the small scroll and stuffed it into the Ninja Tool Pouch, “Fourth Give it back to Terumi Mei after Shinobi World War. If it weren’t for Five-Great Ninja Villages to form an alliance, I really want to melt these ninja swords to make new ones. These are all good materials!”

“It’s almost time to toss, and it’s time to go back to Turtle Island. You have to guard against that guy. Although this guy kidnapped Yamato alone in the original work, Yamato didn’t do anything in the end, but it can be saved. Save Yamato.” Thinking of Yamato who played the soy sauce for the entire Fourth Shinobi World War, I couldn’t help but smile. “I don’t know if it was because Fourth Shinobi World War didn’t help, so I ended up with the chore of guarding Orochimaru.”

thoughts move, I returned to Turtle Island. As soon as he came back, a huge white snake assaults the senses.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed at the same time as Tou, but my hand speed is faster, “Eight-Trigrams Vacuum Palm!”

This move was Hyuga Hiashi back then in order to thank me Save Hinata and teach it to me as an exception. This is the first time I have used it in actual combat. Because this move needs to be paired with Byakugan to achieve 100% formidable power, otherwise it will not kill people at all. It is better to use the water gun technique that only needs to tie a seal with one hand. But in today’s situation, I definitely can’t be a killer, and if Yamato gets caught, I use the formidable power of Ninjutsu, which is easy to accidentally hurt.

bang! The white snake was hit by me and it flew out for several meters.

“Hatake Kurone? damned!” The pocket spit out Yamato who was in a coma, and threw it aside, then frowns head looked at me, “Hohzuki Mangetsu is really useless, it was so short. Time. Yamato will give it back to you. How about letting me go?”

“You are quite acquainted. Why don’t you take Yamato as a hostage?” I said so slowly, and I slowly drew the Azure Edge Sword.

“To deal with you, I have to pay 100% of my attention, and also bring a person. Isn’t that courting death? Besides, I don’t want to forge feuds with you.” Dou gradually returned to adulthood. The figure shows a long tongue and looks like Orochimaru, “I suggest you don’t play better with me. I am very different from before. Now I, strength is better than you, even Surpassed Lord Orochimaru and Second Hokage.”

“Since you are so confident, you can kill me.” I laughed contemptuously, “Isn’t it the training of Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave? You should know me too. Yes.”

Although I said that, I still feel a little nervous. Although my strength is now standing on Ninja World Peak, even if I master the Sage Mode of Ryuchi Cave, it is not my opponent. But after all, I suffered a very severe heavy injury, and the side effects of Eight-Inner Gates have not passed yet, and I may not be able to beat him now.

“Give it a gamble, Wood-Style. The technique of four wood clones.” I quickly hand sealed, and the four wood clones were peeled off from me, and the pockets were enclosed.

“It seems that I have to do it, that’s all.” Tou laughed, with a strange arc of the corner of his mouth, and then lifted the dark brown cloak. “Although it is a bit more troublesome, it’s just a report. The previous humiliation hate, here is today…Kill you!”

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