“you think you can kill me, then see if you have this ability!” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, and then moved towards the four wood clone nodded Signal.

“Four red sun formations!” Ten wooden clones immediately understood what I meant, and quickly opened up a barrier the size of a basketball court.

The four red sun formations belong to the rare A-Rank Barrier Ninjutsu. The formidable power is dozens of times that of the B-Rank Barrier Ninjutsu Four Violet Flames Formation. That move used by the four people group). The four red sun formations need to gather four strengths to reach Kage Level and the Peak ninja who is proficient in Barrier Ninjutsu to start. The four casters stand in the four directions of East, West, North, and South and open a rectangular barrier with red transparent flames. , Can isolate the target from the outside world, the barrier has a red flame, which can neither allow outsiders to enter the barrier, nor allow the enemies inside the barrier to escape the barrier. Once it touches the walls of the barrier, it will be burned by the flame. The strength of the barrier varies depending on the caster strength. In the original work, the barrier launched by the four Hokages is strong enough to withstand the Tailed Beast bullet of Ten-Tails.

My wooden clone can use this four red sun array because the strength barely reaches the Kage Level, but the barrier is strong enough to withstand the attacks of the super Kage Level expert, provided that the enemy is formed in the barrier No escape before. The reason why I didn’t use this move with Hohzuki Mangetsu before was mainly because Hohzuki Mangetsu’s hydration technique was too fast, and he could escape into the sea at any time, disappear without a trace.

“Yo! Not bad, clone can use the four red sun arrays. You are much better than the Loser experimental products from Hidden Villages, so you are worthy of being my opponent.” Take off the cloak The back pocket showed a hideous appearance, the whole body was dark white and covered with scales, and there was a long snake body protruding from the position of the belly button, not to mention disgusting.

“tsk tsk…It’s disgusting…A good person is not right. For the so-called power, the tossing human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost, why bother.” I shake one’s head, I pulled out the green front and opened Eternal Mangekyo directly. I am not going to keep my hand, otherwise I might be at the risk of being killed by Senjutsu.

“Weeping Ze!” As I focused on the top of the barrier, blue rain began to fall in the entire barrier.

“This move is…weep, I have investigated all the Ninjutsu you have used before.” Dou carelessly exposed to the rain, the body is constantly corroded, but the skin is corroded every time In one place, it was instantly restored to its original state, “Wei Ze, belonging to Uchiha’s Mangekyo Sharingan’s ability to melt snow, is an auxiliary type of Dojutsu, divided into three formidable power stages, namely blue hail, snow, rain, and rain. The formidable power is the largest. For those who are drenched, Chakra will be taken away by rain when it is corroded. As the rain evaporates, the chakra that is taken away will be transported to the caster within-the-body with the air, I said Right?”

“Oh, I have to thank you for explaining it to me. I don’t have such a detailed understanding of this move myself.” I laughed and I am ready to go.

“I just came up with it by chance. It just so happens that Hanzo of the Salamander, the former leader of Hidden Rain Village, also has a similar Ninjutsu, but the effect is worse…Why don’t you play cards according to the routine!” Douzheng was explaining, he was a little surprised to see me suddenly rushing up.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu cut!” With the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu three stages, I instantly moved to the front of the pocket and cut it off with a sword.

“The spider is open!” A Three Heads Six Arms figure suddenly separated from the chest of the pocket, and he caught my sword with his hand.

“Isn’t this the one who plays with the spider web among the four people? It’s really such a mess that you are going to within-the-body transplant. I’m really not afraid of death.” I shake one’s head, one- handed hand seals, “Lightning-Style · Thunder Light Swordization!”

Azure Edge Sword flooded by Lightning Attribute Chakra, exerted a powerful force, easily smashed the spider man in front of his chest, and then Cut into his chest.

“The Art of Hydration!”

plop! Azure Edge Sword cut into a pool of water, and Tou immediately took the opportunity to attack me, similar to Kimimaro’s bone spike, pierced at me, “The dance of grass fault!”

I immediately retreated more than ten meters.

“Hohzuki Suigetsu and Kimimaro’s abilities have also been transplanted. It seems that you also have Karin’s self-healing ability. No wonder you can’t hurt you when weeping.” I was frowned and looked at him with a stern expression.

“Although the rain did not affect me much, but I don’t want to keep giving you Chakra for nothing, then, let you see what Senjutsu is!” Pocket immediately hand seal, “Sage Art · Inorganic reincarnation!”

After the operation, all the raindrops stopped falling, turned into a cone shape, and flew towards me.

Dang dang dang! I swung my sword to drop a few drops of water, and then quickly lifted the weeping ze. All the raindrops disappeared immediately.

“Your call is over, it’s my turn!” Tou’s expression became serious, “Sage Art · White Excitation Technique!”

Out, holding a purple dragon ball in his claws.

This move is very confusing. If you think that the dragon is an attack method, you are very wrong.

bang! Suddenly, the White Dragon exploded fiercely, emitting a strong light and deafening sonic boom, which can make the infected lose sight and sense of hearing for a short time. As for the caster itself, a cornea suddenly grows on the eyeballs and ears, making himself unaffected. Under the influence of strong light and sonic boom, only the caster itself can move freely, and this move is unsolvable. Even Itachi and Sasuke teamed up, they were all put together.

“Ah!” I closed my eyes subconsciously and covered my ears with my hands. When I practiced into Ryuchi Cave Senjutsu before, I also tried this move and studied the cracking method, but I didn’t think of any way to crack it at the time, so I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t expect that today I would understand the way of Senjutsu.

Even though I covered my ears, my five senses still lost their senses. Even the bones were rubbed against the zi zi by this harsh sonic boom. The whole body seemed to melt, and the bones gradually became soft. , I’m afraid I can’t hold on for half a minute, and I can’t even stand. What’s more terrifying is that the pocket that comes and goes freely has probably already come to me.

“There is no way, one move will determine the outcome.”

At this time, Tou had already come to me, raised his bone spear and stabbed it down: “Go to hell.” , Hatake Kurone! The Dance of Grass Que!”

puci, he pierced empty.

“What?” Turn pale with fright.

“Lightning-Style·Tianleixun!” I closed my eyes and instantly appeared beside my pocket, and punched him hard.

Because my senses have not recovered yet, I can’t feel anything at all, and I don’t know the location of my pockets, so I can only attack with general feelings.

bang! My fist hit a hard object, the next second, that object all split up and in pieces exploded, my sense of hearing gradually recovered, and the lightning current sound of zi zi next to me came into my ears .

pu! Following the direction of the lightning current sound, I pulled out Qingfeng and stabbed it with a sword.

puci! Another sound of a sword pierced into flesh and blood came into my ears.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream of pockets.


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