After the two strikes were successful, I quickly drew my sword back a few steps, put the sword across my chest for defense, and gradually opened my eyes, and my vision was almost back to normal at this time.

The look of the difficult situation in the pocket in front of me can’t help but surprise me. The pocket should have blocked my 1st move Lightning-Style with a bone gun, Tian Lei Xun, this move was invented by me referring to the ** boxing, more It incorporates a lot of lightning, the formidable power has risen sharply, and it also has a paralyzing effect. The bone gun in the pocket was sturdy and smashed, and his arm was blown to pieces. Under the paralysis of intense lightning, Doudou was caught off guard, and I was stabbed firmly in the chest. Although I stabbed this sword blindly, my luck was a bit bad.

“damned! How could it be! How could you have escaped the technique of white shock!” Because one hand was smashed and the pocket could not be hand sealed, he could only cover his chest so that the blood would not gush out , Suddenly, he stared wide-eyed, “I understand, those rainwater! After falling on me, it is also the medium of your Flying Thunder God Jutsu! Hateful! Have you invented Flying Thunder God Jutsu four paragraphs?”

“Don’t say the same. I researched the fourth paragraph of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but it doesn’t matter. Leaving the technique formula on you is just the trick of Flying Thunder God: Second Step that’s all. It’s just improved by me. The technique formula can’t be seen with naked eye. It’s the advanced version of Flying Thunder God: Second Step.” I shake one’s head, Yu Guang glances behind me, Guy and the others have arrived.

“Kurone! Stop the pocket! He caught Yamato!” Guy yelled at me.

Because of the release of the Baiji technique just now, all my wooden clones have died and the barrier has disappeared, so I don’t have much confidence to keep him. After all, Orochimaru’s escape ability is first-rate, and it is estimated to be about the same.

“It seems that this time, I lost again.” Dou Xiemei smiled, “but we will meet again soon, the good show will soon…”

“Fire-Style ·Fire Phoenix is ​​in the forest!” I didn’t wait for him to finish, but Fire-Style hit his face.

bang! The whole body of the pocket burned, and after struggling a few times, it turned into coke.

“Pouch…Is this dead?” Guy walked over and kicked the pocket that was burnt into black coal.

“No, I should have ran away.” Yamashiro Aoba looked at the ground carefully, “There are traces of snake crawling on the ground. It is estimated that the pocket turned into a small snake and ran away. This is Orochimaru’s usual routine. “

“Aiya, it’s a pity.” Guy hammered his head. “By the way, Yamato! Heavens! Kurone, you burned Yamato to death?”

“Yamato is here What about that!” I rolled the eyes, and pointed under a tree.

“Snake venom, unconscious.” A medical-nin looked at and said, “This poison is not difficult to solve. The antidote should be made in a day. He has no mortal danger.”

“To say that Shinobi World War has broken out, Naruto doesn’t know yet.” Guy asked me, “Do you want to tell Naruto the truth?”

“Absolutely not! “Shanshiro Aoba said seriously, “The enemy’s purpose is to capture Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails. We escorted him to this training just to protect Naruto. We must not let him go to battlefield.”

“But Naruto’s current strength is not weak anymore, even stronger than everyone present except Kurone. Don’t forget, Pain was killed by him.” Guy retorted, “Without Naruto, you can How long? If the war is going to be fought for several years? Can it be kept? It’s better to let Naruto also participate in the battle, so that the coalition can also have a strong fighting strength.”

“I can’t tell you. Senior Kurone is Captain. Let him decide. I believe Senior Kurone will take care of the overall situation.” said Yamashiro Aoba, turning his head aside, panting with rage.

“I agree with Guy’s idea…let Naruto go to battlefield.”

“Senior Kurone! Why are you?” Yamashiro Aoba turned her head and looked at me in surprise,” A Guy is silly, forget it, why are you…”

“Aoba, think about it. This place looks very hidden, but we have only been here for a few days. Hohzuki Mangetsu and Yakushi-Kabuto have all found this place one after another.” I analyzed, “They can find this place, which means Uchiha Madara will definitely find this place. Hohzuki Mangetsu I can kill, Yakushi-Kabuto I can fight back, But what about Uchiha Madara? What about his helpers? Do you think we can still protect Naruto?”

After hearing my words, Yamashiro Aoba fell into deep thought.

“So, let Naruto keep walking on the battlefield, not only can help him exercise, but also relieve the burden of the coalition forces, but also avoid hunting.” I did not persuade him again, turned and walked towards the center of the island. go with.

“Okay, senior Kurone, I agree with your analysis for the time being.” Yamashiro Aoba chased up, “If Naruto wants to go to battlefield, what about Killer B? Hidden Cloud is absolutely impossible to let Killer B play. , First of all, I can’t pass the Raikage level.”

“I will be out, the king’s fate is not.” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, “As long as Naruto and Killer B make a firm resolution go Battlefield, Raikage is not here, what can he do to stop it?”

“Well, listen to you, who made you Captain…” Shancheng Aoba was helplessly shrugged.

“I’m too lazy to speak, Guy, Aoba, Naruto will come out in a while, you can tell Naruto about this, as for how he decides, it’s up to him.”

“Then why are you going?” Guy asked casually.

“After two fights, I’m a little tired, I’ll take a break.” When I walked to the entrance of the stone temple of Naruto training, I made a recliner with Wood-Style, and then lay down. Wake me up.”

The battle with Hohzuki Mangetsu and Sage pocket cost me a lot of Chakra. The two of them also caused a lot of harm to my body. With Medical-Ninjutsu, I have to take a break. Both genius can be fully recovered. It’s okay not to lie down. As soon as I lie down, tiredness hits and I fall asleep faintly.

It was about evening when I lay down, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already early in the morning.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Naruto sitting next to me, dragging something with a branch.

“Kurone teacher, are you awake?” Naruto saw me getting up, and immediately stood up.

“Guy, did they make it clear to you?” I hit yawn, rubbed my eyes, and felt refreshed, “You know I don’t like nonsense, just tell me your decision.”

“Kurone teacher, I’m going to battlefield.” Naruto threw away the branch in his hand and said firmly.

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