“I’m good at Genjutsu, don’t look at my Mangekyo Sharingan. In addition, I will Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. Hatake Kurone should have been popular with you. Don’t stay at one point for a long time.” Itachi quickly reminded.

“I am using the seventh Pain, which is my main body, and can use all six Pain abilities. Naruto, you have played against Pain, I think you should know, beware! “Nagato hadn’t spoken yet, and raised his hand uncontrollably, “Hurry up and avoid it, it’s Bansho Tennin!”

Shua! Standing in the front, I was immediately sucked over.

“Lightning-Style · Thunder kunai!” I took out a kunai from the Ninja Tool Pouch, injected it into the Lightning Attribute Chakra, and threw it towards Nagato.

“Susanoo!” Itachi immediately stood in front of Nagato and blocked the flying Kunai with Susanoo.

clang! kunai was blocked and fell to the ground.

“Kurone, be careful, it’s Amaterasu!” There was blood flowing out of Itachi’s eye sockets, and a black inflammation ignited on me.

“Not good, it’s Amaterasu, once it’s stuck, it can’t be extinguished before it burns out!” Killer B seemed to think of a bad experience, “Quick, let’s help Hatake Kurone!”

“Don’t worry, Kurone teacher is not so weaker than uncle.” Naruto grabbed Killer B who was about to step forward. He had turned on the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, but didn’t take action. Planning, but constantly observing.

bang! I was on fire and turned into a piece of wood.

“Body Substitution Jutsu?” Killer B frowned, “When did he make seals?”

“No, it’s a wooden clone.” The corners of Itachi’s mouth raised a strange arc “I am too familiar with the Kurone big brother’s combat routines, the next thing should be…”

“Lightning-Style · Qingfeng Raikiri!” I suddenly appeared on the side of Itachi, aiming at Susanoo’s ribs. Pierced in the gap.

This move Raikiri shining with cyan ray is invented by me attaching Raikiri to the Azure Edge Sword that no stronghold one cannot overcome. It is the most penetrating power in my current single attack Ninjutsu can even penetrate Susanoo, which is not a complete body, in a small area. And Itachi has also revealed to me that Susanoo’s weakness lies in the gaps in the skeleton, but the average person’s attacks are face-to-face and rarely point-to-point attacks. Therefore, the entire attack is blocked by the skeleton, and my move is exactly Must be designed for breakthrough.

puci! Azure Edge Sword with no difficulty pierced the gap between Susanoo’s ribs, and the remote control pocket was obviously completely unprepared.

Azure Edge Sword penetrates the heart of Itachi all at once.

“Kurone big brother did a great job.” Itachi smiled at me, Susanoo disappeared instantly, and he fell to the ground.

“It is estimated that the resurrection will take a few minutes, and the next step is to deal with Nagato.” Withdrawing the sword, I watched Nagato tightly, thinking about countermeasures.

“Although we can’t show full strength in the ** control state, but Hatake Kurone, you can kill Itachi with one move. It seems that your strength is already bottomless, at least higher than the two of us. That’s a lot.” Nagato smiled and looked very relaxed, “I may be more familiar with my ability than me, but don’t overturn it, I…Shinra Tensei!”

Nagato has no signs of warning I raised my hand, but his attack was obviously missed. I thought move and moved back to Naruto and Killer B, far away from his attack range.

“Be careful! It’s the ability of Asura Path!” Nagato reminded loudly that two strange mechanical devices had suddenly grown on his shoulders, and then two small guns were launched.

Naruto was about to step forward and was stopped by my wave. I threw four shurikens and hand-sealed while running.

“Ice-Style · shuriken The art of freezing!”

Of the four shurikens I threw, two were thrown vertically and two were thrown horizontally. As soon as the shuriken that was thrown upright hits the little one, it froze the little one into ice, and the remaining two shuriken flew over to Nagato.

“Shinra…” Just when Shuriken was about to approach Nagato, Nagato raised his hand.

And I have already held two small ** and used Vapour-Style to instantly melt the ice covered on it.


Just before the shuriken was bombed, I suddenly moved in front of Nagato, calculated the angle and threw the two **.

The shuriken that was bounced off hit the head with an impartiality.

bang! bang! Two ** exploded in front of Nagato.

“Did you succeed? Kurone teacher?” Naruto nervously asked me, who had already moved back to him.

“It hits, but he shouldn’t be able to kill him. It’s just two small coins, even more how Nagato is the body of Impure World Reincarnation.” I shake one’s head with no expression on my face.

Sure enough, the smoke dissipated, and Nagato didn’t have any damage except that his clothes were blown up and his chest was cracked. This minor injury was quickly covered by Impure World Reincarnation clay and healed.

“Forget it, do it quickly, drag Itachi again and it’s time to resurrect.” I opened Eternal Mangekyo and looked at Nagato.

“En? The eyes are upgraded again? What a good luck.” Nagato looked my eyes, and I guessed my intention at a glance, “My Peak state main body uses a cooling technique like Shinra Tensei The time is three seconds. If you use your Dojutsu Hachiman, you can kill me in seconds. Hurry up, wait for Itachi to get up, and we will work together, it will be bad.”

I don’t plan to use Hachiman, in that case The soul of Nagato will directly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and will not return to the Pure Land of Bliss. This is not what I hoped for.

“Amaterasu!” As soon as my pupils focused, Nagato’s body burned black.

“I didn’t expect that you would even know Amaterasu, but this move is useless to me, don’t waste Chakra, don’t start off leniently to me.” Nagato shake one’s head, using Shinra Tensei to fly black inflammation.

Amaterasu requires a medium to burn. When it is bombed into the air, it will naturally disappear.

“Lightning-Style · Spear of Iris!” My hand instantly condense a lance formed by lightning, and moved towards Nagato and projected away.

Lightning speed very fast, there is no time to dodge, Nagato can only raise his hand and use Hungry Ghost Path’s Ninjutsu to absorb. At this time, the main body’s malpractice appears.

Originally, Pain Deva Path used ordinary Shinra Tensei with a cooldown of five seconds. The other five are not mentioned, but in fact their skills also have a cooldown, but they do not affect each other. But once the abilities of Six Paths converge, although the cooling time becomes shorter, there is also a cooling time between different spells. In other words, Nagato has just used Shinra Tensei, and there is no way to immediately use Ninjutsu’s ability to absorb.

In other words, no accident, Nagato will definitely endure this. Once he hits, he loses his ability to move in a short time.

“Is it over?” Everyone waited with bated breath.

At this moment, an accident occurred.

The fiery-red skeleton was blocked in front of Nagato, and the lightning lance was only pierced for a few inches before it was exhausted.

“Oh, I’m in trouble.” Nagato looked at Itachi, who had just been resurrected in front of him, helplessly shake one’s head, “It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable.”

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