Suddenly, Itachi’s eye sockets shed blood again.

“Not good! It’s Amaterasu!” When Nagato saw this, he immediately shouted, “Hatake Kurone, avoid it!”

I stood there without any movement, and the corners of my mouth raised. There is a strange arc.

hua! …Itachi turned his head sharply, and Amaterasu’s black inflammation covered Nagato’s body.

“En? What’s this…” Nagato looked at Itachi’s eyes suspiciously, suddenly realized, and smiled bitterly, “There are you, Itachi, Hatake Kurone, it seems that I was put by you two It’s been a while.”

puci! Totsuka no Tsurugi penetrated Nagato’s body at once, his body gradually turned into liquid and was sucked into Itachi’s beard.

“So I can leave without worry, you two have worked hard.” Nagato smiled and waved, “Then I will go one step first.”

“Nagato, you first Rest, I’ll go to you soon after I finish the work.” Itachi also showed a rare smile on the corner of his mouth.

Solved Nagato, Itachi turned and walked towards me.

“Kurone, be careful!” Naruto and Killer B rushed over, standing with me on the left and right, “He has to make that sword looks very troublesome.”

“Don’t worry, Itachi is with us now. Didn’t you see that he sealed Nagato.” I waved his hand and put away the Azure Edge Sword.

“Yes…but how is this possible…” Naruto and Killer B looked very surprised, “Itachi how did you get rid of the control of Impure World Reincarnation.”

“Myself Of course there is no way to get rid of Impure World Reincarnation. It is the Kurone big brother who used Kotoamatsukami.” Itachi came to us blankly and said, “Kotoamatsukami is known as the strongest Genjutsu. The Kurone big brother is one of my Impure World Reincarnation The higher priority Kotoamatsukami was imposed on the website, and the content should be to protect Konoha, so I can act freely as I wish. On the other side, he can’t crack Kotoamatsukami, but if I cancel Impure World Reincarnation , All the Impure World Reincarnation battle strength on battlefield will disappear, so he can only suffer a dumb loss.”

“It turns out that it is, Kurone teacher, you are amazing!” Naruto scratched his head, “but Kurone teacher, don’t you know Genjutsu?”

“I really don’t know Genjutsu. These eyes are those of Shisui of the transplant. There is still his chakra inside, so Kotoamatsukami can also use it. Once.” I pondered and made up an excuse to explain, because Shisui’s existence cannot be told to anyone.

“It turns out that it is so, speaking of which is really a coincidence. I originally planned to use Kotoamatsukami with Sasuke to let him protect Konoha. But because of the problem with your eyes, Kurone big brother, I had to give Shisui’s eyes You. I didn’t expect to help me get rid of Impure World Reincarnation. It’s…” Itachi smiled and shake one’s head.

“If you lose your horse, you don’t know how to be a blessing.” I laughed too.

“Is there a plan?” Itachi’s expression suddenly became serious, “I am a dead person after all. It is not good to stay in this world for too long. I should solve the trouble as soon as possible. How about? Let’s directly attack the root of the problem, control the pocket to release Impure World Reincarnation, I’ll go alone or let’s go together.”

“I’ll leave the pocket to you, I have other things to do.” I shrugged, “I believe You can handle it.”

The reason why I don’t follow is because I know Itachi will meet Sasuke on the road. The two of them should have a lot to say. If I’m there, It will affect their conversation, so leave it to them.

“Okay, then I’ll go find a pocket.” Itachi turned and jumped onto a tree without any procrastination. “We shouldn’t be seeing each other again, Kurone big brother, take care!”

“Itachi, take care of…Really.” Looking Itachi away from the back, I remembered the scene when I first met Itachi at Ninja School. He was only six or seven years old at that time…

“Kurone teacher, what shall we do?” Naruto’s words interrupted my memory.

“Naruto, go to battlefield to support you, I won’t follow.” I shake one’s head and take my thoughts back.

“Kurone teacher, won’t you join us?” Naruto asked, “Where are you going?”

“Just leave it alone, I have my business Do.” I waved his hand, thoughts move, and left here.

There are Itachi and Sasuke who are in charge of the pocket, and I don’t have the thought of battlefield. After all, fighting against Impure World Reincarnation can not unlock my strength seal. After thinking about it, I decided to go directly to the vortex shrine and wait for Orochimaru to bring Sasuke over, just to see the famous scene of four Hokages on the same stage.

The original work did not specifically explain the location of the vortex shrine, but I speculate that the vortex shrine should be in the vortex Hidden Villages of Land-of-Whirlpools. Land-of-Whirlpools is located on a small island in the eastern part of Land of Fire. It was built by Uzumaki Mito’s father Ashina Jushi vortex Shenbai. It has a good personal relationship with Land of Fire. But because of Uzumaki Clan’s powerful abilities, it was coveted by other influences. In the end, the Land-of-Whirlpools was destroyed by the war. Uzumaki Clan’s people were also scattered all over Ninja World.

Although I have never been to Hidden Villages, I have seen the approximate location on the map. There is also the Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula I left near the Sea Territory in the east of Land of Fire.

Thoughts move, I came to an abandoned pier on the eastern coast of Land of Fire. This pier has been abandoned for half a century. The surrounding area is deserted for several kilometers. The sign on the shore follows the sea breeze. On the verge of collapse, the words Land-of-Whirlpools can be faintly recognizable above, telling the prosperous scene of this pier ferry.

“the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, things have remained the same, but people have changed.” I looked at the Flying Thunder God Kunai on the sign, and said with emotion. This kunai was plugged in when I was in Anbu when I passed by here. At that time, I just thought that there was an abandoned dock here. It was a bit unexpected. I didn’t expect it would come in handy today.

Anyway, there is no one near here, I simply floated in the sky with Particle-Style, and took out the map and Compass from the Ninja Tool Pouch…………

Soon, I flew across the strait and landed on the island where the Land-of-Whirlpools are located.

“The Particle-Style of the old man Onoki is easy to use, fly-about, so convenient.” I put away the map and Compass, and walked inland along the mouth of a river .

From the map, the island is not big. There is a river running through the island, and Hidden Villages are built on both banks of the river.

Walking along the river, soon, I saw a lot of ruined walls and some buildings blackened by the fire on both sides of the river. The more you go in, the more ruined walls are. You can see the Uzumaki Clan logo on some buildings. It must be close to the center of the vortex Hidden Villages.

“It stands to reason that the shrine represents the power of the gods. It should be the tallest and most special building in the entire village. It should be easy to find.” I opened Sharingan to investigate, and suddenly my eyes lit up, “Found it! “

In the distance, a tall tower with a huge vortex logo was brought into view, but the tall tower was broken in half, and the remaining half was also full of cracks, which was precarious.

“It should be here.” I found the entrance of the tower, half of the wooden door leaned against the door frame, and I gently pushed in.

After a few steps, a huge wooden steps appeared in front of me, covered with various hideous masks. What surprised me more was that a gray-haired old man was sitting on the praying mat before the mask.

“I didn’t expect that there would be people coming from this ruin.” I was frowned and put my hand on Qingfeng, “Dare to ask this Senior, are you from Uzumaki Clan?”

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