“Should I say, Orochimaru, I really admire you.” I walked to Orochimaru with my arms and said, “Where do you come from these weird knowledges? Obtained?”

Orochimaru suddenly shocked, then looked at me awkwardly, and said: “I was so scared by you that my brain was short-circuited… It’s early laparotomy…”

“You can’t die anyway…” I gave him a blank look. I wanted to remind him. I didn’t expect him to be so agile, because I remembered that the original work was the Dead Demon Consuming Seal that went to Uchiha’s shrine and then Impure. World Reincarnation has produced Hokage in all dynasties.

“Do me a favor…Send us to Uchiha’s station…” Orochimaru clutched his stomach and said, “I can last for three to five minutes. If you can, you can give me an Ice- Style.”

“After a few months of death, IQ has also dropped.” I gave him a blank look, and then sealed the big opening in his abdomen with Ice-Style. Two more rounds, Orochimaru and five people were sent to the ruins of Uchiha resident.

Before Sasuke came to a collapsed house, he said coldly: “This is it.”

“It’s all collapsed like this…” Suigetsu scratched his head. .

“The upper part is not important, mainly the lower part.” Sasuke manipulated and opened a downward stone gate.

We went down the steps, and there was a space about the size of a classroom below.

“No way, no way…I’m going to die…” Orochimaru hurried to the center, Shinigami’s huge illusory shadow appeared on his top of the head, “Ghoul unblocked!”


puci! Orochimaru opened his belly again, and Shinigami’s belly in the illusory shadow also opened. Five blue lights floated out, and one of them returned to Orochimaru.

“Okay, my hands are restored, and the Dead Demon Consuming Seal can be used again.” Orochimaru drew the sword and threw it at me. “However, before that, I need something.”

“What! Orochimaru! Wouldn’t you take us as a sacrifice?” Suigetsu turn pale with fright.

“I don’t mind if you want, but I have a better choice.” Orochimaru glanced at Shigogo and said, “Shigogo, transfer your Senjutsu Chakra to Sasuke.”


Shigeo nodded, put his hand on Sasuke. As Shigego’s body slowly shrank, six white fleshy masses appeared on Sasuke’s body.

“Tobi this guy is really cautious, as I thought.” Orochimaru sneered, “Sure enough, six White Zetsus were placed to monitor Sasuke.”

“Orochimaru! You! How could I find…Ah!” The six White Zetsu were separated, and when one of them was talking, I walked up and broke his leg with a kick.

“Why are you like this? Come up not saying anything further and kick the leg off…” Another White Zetsu complained, “Too unpredictable…Ah!”

“That’s a lot of nonsense!” I not saying anything further, kicked the legs of the remaining five White Zetsu, and then sat down in the corner, “Orochimaru, hurry up, I have no patience, and there is not much time It’s.”

“You’re still the same as before. You’re a lot of age, so you can’t keep your focus.” Orochimaru shaking one’s head while laughing bitterly, then dragged four White Zetsu and placed them on the open space. In the drawn technique formula, “Impure World Reincarnation!”

As the four White Zetsu were covered by the dust of Impure World Reincarnation, Orochimaru became a snake and got out of the body, and then got in A White Zetsu’s mouth. White Zetsu struggled for a few seconds and became Orochimaru completely. The other White Zetsu was absorbed by Shigogo.

First Hokage woke up first, a confused face: “En? Why am I summoned again?”

Second Hokage stared at Orochimaru with unkind eyes, Fiercely said: “Is it the Impure World Reincarnation I invented by this guy named Orochimaru again?”

“I remember all four of us were Dead Demon Consuming Sealed?” Third Hokage I looked suspiciously, “It seems that the Dead Demon Consuming Seal has been lifted, and we have been released by Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation.”

“I didn’t expect the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to be opened!” Fourth Hokage also looked shocked, “Mr. Orochimaru, how did you do it?”

“Collecting the lost ancient book documents and letting those Forbidden Jutsu see the light again is what I do best.” Orochimaru licked his lips and said with a smile.

“Senior First-Kage, it seems that we were brought out by Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation.” Fourth-Kage scratched his head and said.

“En? Who are you?” First-Kage looked puzzled.

“ao introduce myself.” Fourth Hokage turned around, pointed to the words on cloak, laughed hehe and said, “I am Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.”

“Wa oh! It’s all passed to Fourth-Kage!” First Hokage looked very happy, “What about the village now? Is it still peaceful?”

“In fact, I am not quite clear, I Died earlier than Sandaime.” Fourth-Kage scratched his head sorry, “So I don’t know how the village is now.”

“En? Didn’t you get sealed with us?” “?” Second-Kage looked at Fourth-Kage for a while, and said, “No wonder I don’t have any impression.”

“No, I was because of something else.” Fourth-Kage glanced guiltyly. First-Kage, the sound gradually decreases.

“Actually, the Fifth-Kage item Hokage of the village now is First-Kage your granddaughter, Tsunade.” Orochimaru said suddenly.

“A Gang…Is the village okay?” First-Kage asked suddenly.

“Teacher Tsunade is great, First-Kage, why do you say that?” Fourth-Kage smiled and cried.

“hahahaha!” First-Kage suddenly let out a hearty laugh, which made the scene embarrassing, “I spoiled A Gang, she even learned my bad gambling habits. Now, she has become a Fifth-Kage target, and it’s a miracle that the village is fine.”

“The greeting is almost over, it’s time to talk about business.” Second-Kage suddenly became serious.

“Orochimaru, I desperately sealed your hands. You summoned us now, do you want to be against Konoha again?” Third Hokage frowns asked.

“Don’t worry, I have no idea of ​​destroying Konoha.” Orochimaru shake one’s head, and said, “This time I invite four people out, mainly to answer Sasuke’s doubts.”

“No problem, I’m happy to help Junior.” First-Kage smiled and looked at Sasuke, and said, “Is Uchiha Clan’s little demon? It looks like Izuna, please start you Performance.”

Sasuke first told the story of Itachi, and then said coldly: “I am a little hesitant now, so I want to clarify some problems, and then decide whether to destroy Konoha.”


“Your big brother is a good ninja. Although he is from Uchiha Clan, he has Konoha in his heart. It is very similar to my student Uchiha Kagami. But…” Second Hokage suddenly changed his words, “You I dare to say that I want to destroy Konoha in front of me, then I cannot leave you. Believe it or not, I can kill you with just one finger!”

Suddenly, Second Hokage glared. He extended his right hand index finger, and the whole room was instantly enveloped by a powerful Chakra Reserves.

“Oops…” Orochimaru gritted his teeth, with cold sweat on his face.

“As far as the outbreak of Chakra is concerned, it is at least Kage Level late stage, close to Peak, and worthy-of is Second Hokage.” Sitting in the corner, I squinted and stared coldly at the frenzy His Second Hokage, the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc, “Interesting.”

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