“The situation is not so good…” Orochimaru couldn’t get his hands to wipe the sweat, and kept winking at me.

“Tobirama!” First-Kage also burst out of Chakra suddenly, and became stronger, even his underfoot floor was cracked.

“Mom…” Suigetsu was so frightened that the whole person melted, “worthy-of is God of Shinobi, this Chakra is released outside, so domineering…”

“I can handle Second-Kage, but First-Kage… this man, bottomless…” Orochimaru turned his head and shouted, “If you don’t help, we will all die!”

First -After Kage’s outside Chakra shrouded the entire room, even me was full of heart palpitations, a feeling of powerlessness and involuntarily fear.

“Worthy-of is God of Shinobi.” I used my Chakra to dispel my fears, then I glanced at Orochimaru, smiled bitterly and moved my shoulders, “Well, then I will help you, just fine Look at me or First-Kage, who is better.”

bang! I released all my Chakra, just like First-Kage. The black Chakra atmosphere mixed with blue lightning immediately mixed with First-Kage’s green Chakra atmosphere.

“Tobirama! Put your hand down! You…” First-Kage just said, realizing something was wrong, she turned her head and looked at me, “This Chakra…very powerful…”


“How is it possible…this Chakra strength…except for the big brother, only Uchiha Madara can reach…” Second-Kage is also full of surprises, his both eyes staring at me closely. A look of jealousy, “The one in the corner, don’t deliberately mystifying, who are you? Uchiha Madara?”

“Although this person has some traces of Uchiha power, but not many. Madara’s Chakra I am familiar with it. He is definitely not Madara.” First-Kage squinted his eyes, and concentrated attention completely controlled the Chakra that was released outside, trying to suppress me. After all, there is enough Uchiha Madara to challenge God of Shinobi. Another one is to hit Senju Hashirama in the face.

Unexpectedly, my release of Chakra would arouse First-Kage’s eagerness to win. But I don’t intend to admit it. I also have my own arrogance. Since First-Kage wants to compare, then I won’t keep it.

bang! I no longer keep it and let my full strength out. My Chakra atmosphere inside the house is suddenly stronger.

My sudden release immediately suppressed First Hokage, but First-Kage not to be outdone, it also immediately increased Chakra’s release. The two forces collided with each other, and the other people in the pressed room were out of breath.

“My god, I want to run…” Suigetsu has turned into a puddle of water, hiding in a corner, “I didn’t expect Hatake Kurone to be so fierce that he could compete with God of Shinobi. …Fortunately I didn’t provoke him…”

“Kurone, your performance exceeded my expectations.” Orochimaru looked at me and First-Kage while protecting his heart with Chakra. The confrontation.

“Although it is evenly matched now, the big brother shows signs of being suppressed. This guy’s strength seems to be one point better than the big brother, which is incredible.” Second-Kage thought, “unless the big brother uses Sage Mode, it is possible to suppress the other party. I did not expect that Ninja World actually produced such an expert, I hope it will not be the opposite of Konoha.”

“Forget it.” First-Kage looked Everyone, who was unstable, took the initiative to withdraw Chakra, “I don’t think you have any evil intents. Let’s stop.”

“Un.” Seeing First-Kage down the steps, I too Chakra was immediately recovered. To be honest, although I suppressed First-Kage, my Chakra Reserves are far less than First-Kage, so in less than half a minute, I can’t stand it anymore, and I don’t know First-Kage has seen me through The state is just to prevent everyone from feeling uncomfortable.

As a junior, after all, I provoked First-Kage proactively, but I still want to show it.

“Sorry Lord First-Kage, I just offended, I…”

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu!” Second Hokage suddenly came to my back, and the sword slashed. , “You can’t let a dangerous character like you exist in the world!”

“Tobirama stop!” First-Kage wanted to use Wood-Style to stop it, but it was a little late.

“so fast! Bad…” Orochimaru also turned his head fiercely.

Shua! Just when Second-Kage was about to cut me down, it suddenly went empty.

“Disappeared? How could it be possible!”

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu cut!” I suddenly appeared behind Second-Kage and swung my sword to cut Second-Kage in half. Paragraph, “Offended the Second-Kage project, but you will be restored to the Impure World Reincarnation state in a while. Please don’t do it anymore.”

“Who are you? How can you be an old man Flying Thunder God Jutsu cut? And it is much faster than the old man?!” Second-Kage, who was lying on the ground, asked.

“It’s you?” Fourth-Kage reacted first.

“Azure Edge Sword, Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Third-Kage also recognized me, “long time no see, Hatake Kurone.”

“Well, long time no see, Third-Hokage, Fourth-Kage…Teacher Minato.” I turned the cap on my cloak to my back, revealing my entire face and Konoha’s headband, “Offended, First-Kage and Second-Kage Lord .”

“Hatake Clan? It seems that my Konoha has a lot of talents! It’s really the younger generations will surpass us in time!” First-Kage laughed, “So I can rest assured! Tobirama, Look at you, flooding the dragon king’s temple!”

“Since it is the ninja of Konoha, forget it. Sneak attack you are an old man. It’s not right.” Second-Kage is also very open-minded, waved his hand said Don’t care, “Let’s forget about it, old man forgive you.”

Please…it’s your sneak attack, how about me…return and forgive me…I really want to sword you again. . Thinking about it, there are so many seniors on the scene, I still have to give Second-Kage some face.

“However, you brat actually learned the old man’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Hatake Clan is really amazing.” Second Hokage admired.

“In fact, thanks to Teacher Minato, without him, I can’t learn Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” I scratched my head sorry.

“What do you mean? Your Flying Thunder God Jutsu was taught by Fourth-Kage? So will Fourth-Kage?” Second-Kage glanced at Fourth-Kage, then looked at me, Speaking unhappily, “old man’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu is rotten on the street now?”

“That’s not true, Second-Kage Lord. At least when I die, I will be the only one who will , And my guard team, three people can barely use it.” Fourth-Kage recounted that he was in Attack of Nine-Tails and taught me Flying Thunder God Jutsu, with a smile on his face, “It seems that you too I have a relationship with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but I didn’t expect you to be Hatake Clan, hahaha.”

When I heard this, I looked at Third-Kage and smiled. It’s better not to click on some things.

“That’s good, my Flying Thunder God Jutsu has at least a successor.” Second-Kage gradually returned to normal and stood up, “big brother, what are you in a daze?”

“I always think that Hatake Kurone’s Chakra and attacking movements are a bit familiar… It’s like someone I know, but I don’t think it’s possible.” Senju Hashirama stared into my eyes and asked, ” Have you… been to Shikkotsu Forest?”

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