“Who?” I pretended to be surprised, and asked staying calm and collected. Unexpectedly, after so many years, First-Kage almost recognized me. Fortunately, I was wearing a mask at the time, otherwise I would be embarrassed now.

“It’s like this. I used to study Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest for three years. When I first got there, someone had been there for a long time.” Hashirama stared at me for a long time, frowns head Said, “It’s just that the person didn’t want to tell me his name, so I always called him Senior Brother. He was masked all the time. I never saw his appearance until I left Shikkotsu Forest because of the war. Never saw him in Ninja World again… I saw Hatake Kurone today, I think his Chakra is very similar to my Senior Brother’s, and his strength is very close to my Senior Brother’s then…”

“big brother, if your Senior Brother is still alive, you would be a hundred or so years old. Even if you are a person from Senju Clan, he would be too old to be a hundred or so. Hatake Kurone looks at most in his thirties. , Impossible belongs to your Senior Brother.” Tobirama took a look at me and immediately persuaded him, “Furthermore, if he really lives up to now, strength is almost the same as Sage of Six-Paths…”

“That’s right, maybe I’m too mindful, hahaha!” Hashirama scratched his head and laughed.

“Is this really God of Shinobi…what a funny look…” Suigetsu murmured.

“Interesting.” Orochimaru gave me a meaningful look and didn’t say much.

I rolled one’s eyes, indifferent expression.

“Then you guys talk slowly, I’ll go first.” I shrugged, “I’m going to support battlefield first.”

“Wait…wait a minute! You can’t go! “Orochimaru grabbed me, and whispered to me, “If Sasuke’s second fool provokes First Hokage, I can’t save him. It doesn’t matter if I die, will you look your student dead?”

“Don’t worry, First Hokage won’t do it, trust me.” I pushed Orochimaru’s sticky hands away, rubbed his clothes, and said with a look of disgust, “You Put on a glove back, it’s disgusting.”

“My first question, what is Uchiha?” Sasuke asked blankly.

“Let the old man answer you.” Tobirama paused, and began to talk, “Uchiha Clan is…”

“Farewell!” When I heard Second Hokage, I would start talking The story was over, and I immediately turned and left.

I used to look at Hokage and I hated memories. Every time I put it on, it’s half a month for ten days. Even though I am in Ninja World now, I have an instinctive aversion to the memories that others tell me.

“Kurone! Wait, I’ll go with you.” Minato chased up. “It just so happens that I want to know about Naruto over the years and your improvements to Flying Thunder God Jutsu.”

“Improvements of Flying Thunder God Jutsu?” As soon as Flying Thunder God Jutsu was mentioned, Tobirama immediately became energetic, but regretfully said, “I also want to discuss with you, but unfortunately I want to give This kid answers the question. Then you can discuss it first, and remember to tell me when you come back.”

“Second-Kage Lord is really keen on studying Ninjutsu, just like me, worthy-of is my Idol “Orochimaru shoots a rainbow fart from time to time.

“That line, Hatake Kurone, Fourth-Kage, see you later.” Hashirama waved his hand carefreely.

“Minato, Kurone, see you in battlefield later.” Third-Kage also showed a kind smile.

I walked side by side with Minato out of Uchiha’s secret shrine. After thinking about it for a while, I finally decided to take Minato to Izumo no Kok.

“Teacher Minato, I use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to take you to a place.” Then, I put my hand on his shoulder, “Don’t use Chakra to resist.”

“Good.” Minato nodded, looking at me with a smile on his face.

thoughts move, Minato and I came to the small wood house in Izumo nookaku.

“Where is this?” Minato looked around and asked, “Looked is not like the territory of Land of Fire, is it the residence of another Ninja Village or Summoned Beast?”

“Yes, this is the place where I live in Summoned Beast. It’s called Izumo no Kaku. It’s similar to Mount Myōboku.” I explained, “But I rarely use Summoned Beast. Instead, I treat this side as a stronghold.”

“It seems that Ninja World is not connected here, and Space Ninjutsu is needed to get in and out. It’s a paradise.” Minato looked around and said, “The Natural Energy here is also more abundant than the outside world. It’s even richer than Mount Myōboku. It’s a good place for retreat and training!”

“Yes.” I nodded and said proudly, “My strength has benefited to a large extent. For several years of retreat here, including the improvement of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I also completed it here.”

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu was invented by Second-Kage, and then I improved the second stage. Minato nodded gratified, “I taught it to you before I died, but I didn’t actually have much hope, because Flying Thunder God Jutsu is too difficult to learn. My guard team, the three of them can barely use it when they work together, but Kakashi can learn. , I originally planned to teach him, but Obito sacrificed. Kakashi inherited a Sharingan. Chakra is too burdensome and it is no longer suitable for learning Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Thank you, Kurone, otherwise Flying Thunder God Jutsu. It’s lost, many thanks.”

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu also helped me a lot, let me escape many times, and defeated many powerful enemies.” I am sorry. He scratched his head and smiled, “It should be I want to thank you, Teacher Minato.”

“Okay, let’s not push each other.” Minato patted my shoulder, “Quickly , Let me see your Flying Thunder God Jutsu three paragraphs.”

“Well, then I have to ask Teacher Mi nato, be my enemy. “My eyebrows raised, and I said with a smile.

“No problem, I just want to spar with you too, to see if you say to Second-Kage, beyond what is called God of Shinobi’s First-Kage item. “Minato smiled and walked a few tens of meters away, and came to an open field, “but I won’t let you, do your best!” “

The corner of my mouth raised a weird curve, I slowly drew the Azure Edge Sword, and then I pinched a seal on the back of my left hand.

“Teacher Minato, be careful Oh! “

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