“Lightning-Style ·Shuriken shuriken!” I threw out a shuriken entwined with the lightning current, and then quickly hand-seal, “Lightning-Style ·shuriken lightning clone!”

Stab! Stab! The shuriken entwined with the lightning current divided into two, the two beget four, the four become eight, and soon become thousands of thunder shuriken. The lightning currents between each other are connected to form a powerful high-voltage power grid. .

Looking at the mighty power grid to assaults the senses to himself, Minato laughed: “This is an improvement on the basis of Third-Kage’s Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, it’s amazing.”

I The knowledge of Minato is limited. In addition to Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Rasengan and some Sealing Jutsu, I don’t know what other abilities he has.

“Just this move?” Minato waited for a few seconds to see if I didn’t take any action before starting the hand seal, “It seems I was underestimated.”

! Minato waved a kunai and slapped it on the ground.

“Earth-Style ·Mud Wall!”

An earth wall stood up from the ground, blocking Minato’s figure.

“Mud Wall can only block ordinary shuriken, not my Lightning-Style enhanced shuriken.” I pondered and analyzed in my mind, “Minato should use Mud Wall to divert my sight , And then took the opportunity to dodge the attack through Flying Thunder God Jutsu.”

crackle! Shuriken hit the Mud Wall, and suddenly the entire earth wall collapsed. But my eyes have been watching Flying Thunder God Kunai in the sky.

簌! I also threw a Flying Thunder God Kunai and hit the Kunai in the sky. If Minato wants to move to Kunai via Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he will be attacked by me immediately.

I draw Azure Edge Sword slowly, and the corners of my mouth raise a strange arc.

clang! Minato still did not appear in the sky until the two kunai collided.

“En? How do you return…”

“Earth-Style · Headhunter Jutsu!”

Suddenly, two hands moved from my underfoot soil He stretched out, grabbed my ankle, and pulled me into the dirt.

“Fuck…” I suddenly lost my balance and sank into the soil.

thoughts move, I moved to in the sky, and the whole process took place in a flash. Unexpectedly, Minato would come to such a hand. Kunai and Mud Wall are both blindfolds. In fact, he has run to my underfoot long ago. Worth-of is Fourth Hokage, I really underestimate his battle IQ.

“Not good!” I volleyed around and swung my sword parry.

clang! Minato has moved behind me, grabbed the kunai in the sky, and stabbed at me, but I was caught by my sword parry.

pa! pa! The two of us landed heavily on the ground, and then we had a quick confrontation.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! Wow…

Minato’s melee ability is very strong, but it is far from my opponent. After 50 rounds of confrontation, I cut my abdomen with a sword.

shua shua! Minato immediately stepped back more than ten meters, looked down, and said with a smile: “I miscalculated. I didn’t expect your sword art to be so powerful, it is no less than the predecessor of White Fang.”

I laughed , Indifferent expression, looked Minato’s body slowly repaired. If it is a living person, although my sword is not a fatal wound, it is enough to get Minato out of the battle.

“I didn’t expect the body of Impure World Reincarnation to work well.” Minato rubbed his restored belly and looked. I said, “If you win a round, I have to be serious this time. Oh!”

“Teacher Minato, you have to be careful.” The corners of my mouth raised a weird arc, and the back of my hand was behind me and I secretly hand-seal as usual.

Shua! Minato threw a Flying Thunder God Jutsu Kunai at me, and then followed the Kunai himself.

“Lightning-Style · One Hundred Step Flying Sword!” I threw away the Azure Edge Sword that was entwined with lightning and moved towards Minato.

ka-cha! Azure Edge Sword cuts Minato’s Flying Thunder God Kunai in half just like cutting tofu.

Shua! Minato leaned back with a dexterous tactic and escaped Azure Edge Sword……

“Explosion-Style ·Beng Lei Fist!” I suddenly appeared on Minato’s face and moved towards his stomach with a punch !

“Rasengan!” Minato not saying anything further, he just raised his hand and came to me.

Although I don’t know how Minato’s Rasengan formidable power is, it’s definitely not worse than Naruto. If I hit it, I’m sure I’m injured, and it’s not a good deal.

thoughts move, I appeared a few meters away from Minato.

“Minato is a speed ninja, and his combat IQ is also very high. It is not easy to hit him.” I squinted at Minato and thought, “My Chakra is limited, but Minato is now Impure World Reincarnation’s body, Chakra can’t be used up, I’m sure I’m at a disadvantage if I drag it down, and I have to solve the battle as soon as possible.”

As I was thinking about countermeasures, Minato was also looking at me: “Kurone this The guy’s strength is definitely better than me, but the combat experience is not very good. In addition, we are about the same speed, so we can’t hold each other. It seems that the only way to find the breakthrough is through Senjutsu. It happens that Natural Energy is rich here. I It only takes ten seconds to enter Sage Mode…”

Said, Minato squatted down and began to absorb Natural Energy.

“Is this using Sage Mode?” I scratched my head, and suddenly a light bulb flashed across my head, “Yes!”

“Water-Style · Water gun art! “I moved towards Minato and fired a water bullet.

The water bullet quickly hits Minato’s head, but in the eyes of the speed ninja, it looks like a turtle crawling.

“Kunai is no use, he can’t come through Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Minato squinted at the water bullet, then slowly tilted his head, “Just tilt your head…”

“Konoha-Style Taijutsu ·Ah!”


Bang! I suddenly appeared on Minato’s side and hit his handsome face with a punch.

“Um…” Minato’s entire face was distorted like a broken Pain, and then his body flew out a dozen meters, hitting the ground several times.

“emmmm seems to be a bit heavier…” I scratched my head sorryly, walked over, and picked up Minato.

“Good fellow!” Minato realigned the fractured neck, then looked at me, and asked in disbelief, “How did you do it? It left Flying Thunder God Jutsu on me.” The technique formula? Impossible, so I will find out, how did you do it?”

“This is what I want to introduce to you, my improved Flying Thunder God Jutsu… Three paragraphs!” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, showing a proud smile.

Speaking, I told Minato completely about the research and development ideas and principles of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Can you still play like this? You are such a genius!” Minato couldn’t help but exclaimed, “I thought I could improve the Flying Thunder God Jutsu for Second-Kage to the second stage and it would be great. Now it seems that Flying Thunder God Jutsu is completely for you!”

“overpraised overpraised!” I waved his hand, pondered, and I didn’t decide to put Flying Thunder God Jutsu in four paragraphs. I told Minato that it’s better to keep some trump cards.

“Oh! How can the old friend miss me when I meet?” A tall figure dropping from the sky, falling in front of me and Minato, “long time no see, Minato.”


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