“Teacher Jiraiya?” Minato was taken aback, and said, “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Lord-Jiraiya, I haven’t seen you for a while “I smiled and beckoned, “How’s your stay here?”

“Except for not being able to gather the wind, it is nice here. Natural Energy is quite rich and it is an excellent training Sage Region.” Jiraiya gave me a thumbs up and smiled and said, “Thank you, my Sage Mode has been perfectly mastered.”

“You master and disciple have not seen you in more than ten years. Let’s have a good chat, I’ll go out, and when we come back, we’ll go to battlefield together.” I patted the shoulders of the two of them, then thoughts move, and left Izumo no Kok.

When I came to the ruins of Hatake Clan Old Residence, I rummaged for a while, and finally found my notebook among the rubble. It recorded all the things I could recall in detail with various codes. Hokage plot, ninja ability and other important information.

“Let me Kangkang, have you missed any important details.” I murmured to myself as I flipped through the looked notes, “Hui Liuhu… Pain invasion… Limited Tsukuyomi… unlimited Month…”

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind, although as of now, I am immune to all Genjutsu including Kotoamatsukami, but Infinite Tsukuyomi is special… just in case when I What should I do if the time comes has been recruited? Although hiding in Sasuke’s Susanoo can be resisted, I may not have time at that time…

“No, I have to keep a back hand.” I lifted my cheeks and thought, “If my face is dark, it’s true. Infinite Tsukuyomi, how can I crack it? Either crack it from the outside, or crack it from the inside, or…have it!”

Like the theater version of the limited Tsukuyomi, Naruto and Sakura finally cracked the limited Tsukuyomi I thought for a while, and wrote a lot of content on the blank page of the notebook shua~ shua~ shua~.

“This should be safer.” I closed the notebook, put it in the Ninja Tool Pouch, thoughts move, and returned to Izumo nook.

“It seems that Naruto has suffered a lot over the years.” Minato looked sad and blamed himself, “Blame me…”

“no, Minato, you are the village Making such a big sacrifice, I think Naruto will understand.” Jiraiya patted Minato’s shoulder and said, “Naruto didn’t shame you and Kushina. He worked very hard and was outstanding!”

” I believe that in the future, Naruto will become Hokage’s.” I suddenly appeared between the two and said with a smile.

“Then I will borrow your good words…” Fourth-Kage turned his head and was startled by me, “Fuck Kurone, when will you come back!”

” Is everything done?” Jiraiya looked calm and smiled gradually wretched, “Let’s go, let’s go to the girl… Battlefield! I’m going to get rusty in these months!”

“Un.” I nodded, put my hand on the shoulders of the two of them, thoughts move, and left Izumo nook.

“Teacher Minato, you first meet First-Kage and the others, and then go straight to battlefield.” I said to Minato, “I have something to say with Lord-Jiraiya.”

“Okay, then I’ll take a step ahead, see you later.” Minato motioned to me nodded, and then disappeared instantly.

“Let’s go, you leave Minato, there should be something important to tell me.” Jiraiya hugged his arms and looked at me playfully, “Did you want my autograph? Icha Icha Paradise?”

“Lord-Jiraiya, you have enough…but it’s not impossible…cough cough! Tell me business!” I took out the notebook from the Ninja Tool Pouch and handed it to Jiraiya. Speaking, “I want to ask you…”


“This…are you sure?” Listen I thought, Jiraiya startled, “Your idea is too…universally shocking!”

“Well, just in case.” I nodded, “And now all Ninja World thinks Lord-Jiraiya You’re dead, you can just use it as a trump card to exert your greatest strength.”

“Okay! Leave it to me.” Jiraiya took the notebook and put it in his pocket without opening it. “From now on, I will hide in the dark. I will not show up until the last minute.”

“Please.” I moved towards Jiraiya with a half bow, full of respect, “My net worth and life, the safety of Ninja World depends on you, Lord-Jiraiya.”

“Don’t worry, I’m Toad Sage Jiraiya, I can do things the most reliable.” Jiraiya revealed the big White Fang, He gave me a thumbs up, “See you later!”

Bang! Jiraiya disappeared in the smoke.

“Okay, after so long, I should also go to battlefield to have a look, and I have two moves with Uchiha Madara.” I eager to get into action or start on a task’s moved towards battlefield. Go…

On battlefield, Ten-Tails was successfully suppressed by four Hokages with four red sun formations, and Obito was also injured by Minato with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, just as Kakashi came out of Kamui space, ready When it ended Obito, Obito was heartbroken, absorbed Ten-Tails, and became Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, which is the Six Paths mode…

“This world, there is no need to exist, I will make another one A more perfect world, where there is Rin…” Six Paths Obito floats in the sky, holding a Truth-Seeking Ball staff, and a circle of Truth-Seeking Ball floating beside him, “You are impossible to defeat me. Give up. !”

“Impossible! This world carries the good memories and ardent hopes of everyone, how can you be destroyed!” Naruto condemned Obito righteously, and his movements did not stop. “Rasengan!”

Naruto moved towards Obito with a few Shadow Clone steps.

“Naruto is dangerous!”

“such insignificant ability!” Obito absorbed Rasengan with his bare hands, then grabbed Naruto’s arm and pulled forward with his backhand, raising the scepter and stabbing… …

“Not good!” Everyone stepped forward, trying to save Naruto, but it was too late.

clang! A long sword with a cyan ray glow lay between Naruto and Obito, blocking the Truth-Seeking Ball scepter.

“Obito, it’s been ten years, and our account should be forgotten.” I grabbed Naruto, thoughts move, and returned to the middle of everyone, then squinted my eyes tightly. Obito, he said, “Today the new and old accounts are calculated together!”

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