“Hatake Kurone, I may not be able to deal with you before becoming Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, but now…” Six Paths Obito floated in the sky, opened his hands, looked at me contemptuously, Said, “What are you going to fight with me? Ninjutsu? Taijutsu? Genjutsu? I almost forgot, you don’t know Genjutsu, hahaha!”

I looked up and looked at Obito as if it reserved a beating, really I want to go up to fiercely and beat him up, but what he said is correct. Six Paths mode can absorb all Ninjutsu. Genjutsu is also impossible to work for him. I can’t use Senjutsu now. Only Taijutsu can harm him. However, unless you open Eight-Gates, you can defeat Six Paths with Taijutsu.

“Naruto, Sasuke, you two are the main attackers, I will give you cover.” Qingfeng is sheathed, cyan-green rays of light cover my whole body, “Remember, he can absorb all Ninjutsu, but there is no way to absorb Senjutsu, you use Senjutsu to deal with him.”

“Okay, Kurone teacher!” Naruto released the Chakra accumulated for a long time and opened the Nine-Tails Sage Mode.

Sasuke on the side of “Un.” also groaned, curse-seal covered the whole body, and Susanoo became a complete body.

“It’s going on!” I jumped up and rubbed the air quickly in the sky, producing a lot of sparks, “Morning Peacock!”

bang bang bang! Blossoming sparks spread their wings and flew towards Obito.

“The worm shakes the tree.” Obito waved his hand lightly, and the Truth-Seeking Ball formed a shield in front of him. Fireball hitting it was completely useless.

“Isn’t Morning Peacock formidable power enough?” I was frowned and didn’t want to open seven-gates. After all, the side effects of seven-gates are too strong. Now it seems that only opened seven-gates is possible. Breaking through Obito’s defenses, “Gate of Shock, open!”

Shua! The blue steam radiated from me.

“Youngster, don’t do anything, our old fellows are not dead yet!” Hashirama walked up, shoulder to shoulder with me, and the Sage Mode pattern appeared on his face.

“Big brother, it wasn’t me who said…we are already dead…” Tobirama also walked up.

“That’s right, hahaha!” Hashirama scratched his head and smirked.

“I will also Senjutsu, I hope I can help.” Minato also entered the Nine-Tails Sage Mode and walked forward with a dagger in his hand.

“I’ll go…you all know Senjutsu…then I will watch the show…” Third-Kage shrugged helplessly and stepped back.

“Everyone, everyone is a super Kage Level expert. I won’t be blindly directing, just work together to create a one-hit kill opportunity for Naruto and Sasuke.” My eyes are closely watched. Looking at Obito in the sky, rubbing the air at a faster speed, “I didn’t expect this move to be used against Six Paths enemies. It is an honor.”

With both hands rubbing the air at high speed, sparks are still produced at first, but with the speed getting faster and faster, sparks are transformed into electric sparks, and then into dazzling lightning arcs.

“Is that the upgraded version of that move Morning Peacock just now? I used my hands to simulate the process of cloud friction and lightning.” Obito squinted at me and began to get serious, “However, if you want to break open Truth-Seeking Ball, impossible.”

xiu! xiu! xiu!

“Thunder Falcon!” I roared and threw swallow-shaped lightning at Obito.

Stab it! Stabbed! Stabbed!

At first, lightning strikes on the Truth-Seeking Ball did not have any effect, but as more and more lightning strikes, the Truth-Seeking Ball began to crack.

“Hateful, the lightning speed is too fast, Truth-Seeking Ball has no time to repair…” Obito frowned.

“Break for me open!” I roared hysterically, and my hands struck the Truth-Seeking Ball shield with lightning speed that was difficult to capture with naked eye.

ka-cha! The Truth-Seeking Ball shield was finally overwhelmed, the whole shattered, and a swallow-shaped lightning bolt passed through the crack and directly penetrated Obito’s shoulder.

“Um…how could it…” Obito figure paused obviously, looking at the wound on his shoulder in disbelief.

“It’s now! Let’s go together!”

Shua! Minato appeared behind Obito.

“Sage Art: Rasengan!”

Shua! Obito swung a Truth-Seeking Ball to turn it into a sharp blade, cut off Minato’s right hand with one blow, and then kicked Minato heavily.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu!”

I grabbed Tobirama and Hashirama and suddenly appeared in front of Obito. Hashirama tightly grasped Obito’s arm with both hands and used Wood- Style entangled and created opportunities for me and Tobirama.

Tobirama and I left and right, swinging a sword (knife) at Obito.

Stab it! clang! When the blade cut through Hashirama’s body and was about to cut Obito, the Truth-Seeking Ball blocked him.

“Multiple Explosive Tag!”

My thoughts move, I withdrew to the ground and looked up.

Explosive Tag, like a locust, gushes out from Tobirama, more and more, covering the bodies of their three people.

bang! in the sky There was a violent explosion.

I put away Qingfeng and looked at my horrible hands. I hit too much on my head just now, and the Thunder Falcon used too much. My hands no longer have a good skin. They are bloody, and even white can be seen in some places. Flowery bones. However, this wave of four super-Kage Level subconscious teamed up very well, but I don’t know how the effect is.

As the seven-gates were lifted, the side effects were suddenly exposed. I was forced to endure the severe pain, and I came to Sakura for a moment.

“Sakura, come on, treat me with Medical-Ninjutsu.” I finally couldn’t support it, and sat down on the ground, panting. To relieve pain.

“Kurone teacher…Oh my god, your hand…how it hurts so badly…” Sakura saw my hand and started, but immediately calmed down and immediately used Medical-Ninjutsu to me Get treatment.

“Thank you.” Although I can also use Medical-Ninjutsu, I am definitely not as proficient as Tsunade and Sakura and can deal with minor injuries. However, in this case, professional medical-nin should handle the comparison. it is good.

“No, the injury is too serious. I use Medical-Ninjutsu alone and estimate it will take a while for Kurone teacher to recover your hand.” Sakura looked up and looked for it, and bowed her head in disappointment.” It’s a pity that the Master is not here, even Ino is on the battlefield…”

I looked back and gazed in the sky, and took the Explosive Tag to explode for five minutes before it ended. As the smoke dissipated, a huge The Truth-Seeking Ball slowly dispersed, and Obito walked out of it unscathed.

“Hateful! If only I were stronger…” Sakura bit her lip, sweat dripping from her forehead.

“Don’t worry, trust Naruto and Sasuke, they can.” Although I didn’t plan to defeat Obito with these, I was a little disappointed to see Obito almost unscathed.

However, when I saw the fusion of Naruto’s Nine-Tails form and Sasuke’s Susanoo, I smiled with relief.

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