Just as expected, Six Paths Obito was defeated by Naruto’s mouth escape and his combined blow with Sasuke.

“Huh, fortunately it is not the Ten-Tails of the Complete Body. The strength of Six Paths Obito is not a real Sage level, otherwise I will not be hurt by the Thunder Falcon.” I vomit one mouthful of Impure air, try to condense Chakra, “Six Paths Madara won’t be easy to play in a while.”

“Kurone teacher, you just used Eight-Inner Gates, and it’s still in the side effect stage now, don’t just Refining Chakra, it will cause a lot of damage to the body.” Sakura frowns head reminded.

“Um, sorry.” I’m nodded, don’t say anything else, as a medical-nin, Sakura is still very competent.

Just when I was relaxed, Uchiha Madara in the distance suddenly moved, and Black Zetsu was attached to Obito.

“Black Zetsu! You!” Obito struggled hard, but the Tailed Beast in his body was pulled out, and he was dying.

“Obito, don’t blame me, after all, I existed for this moment.” Black Zetsu said grimly, “but you have to thank me. Without me, you would have died a long time ago. , Let me squeeze your remaining value!”

“Fuck!” I jumped up all of a sudden, ready to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu in the past.

Thoughts move, almost untenable.

“Kurone teacher, you can’t use Chakra yet. Sit down.” Sakura grabbed me quickly and continued to treat me with Medical-Ninjutsu. “You can’t fight until you recover completely!”


“The Revolving Heaven Art of Life!” Obito used the Revolving Heaven Art of Life under the control of Black Zetsu.

“No, Madara is going to be resurrected!” I clenched the teeth, stood up, and launched Flying Thunder God Jutsu regardless of the cost.

“Old Kurone…” Sakura’s cry came from behind.

“Sure enough… it’s still too reluctant…”

My eyes went dark and I passed out…

I don’t know how long I slept, An old voice awakened me.

“Wake up, youngster…”

“En?” I slowly opened the eyes and followed the voice.

An old man with white hair white beard and serious face meditates and floats in the sky.

“old man Otsuki Yu…”

“Six Paths is old…………Sage?” I was dumbfounded and interrupted the old man Six Paths’ self-introduction.

“cough cough…It’s impolite to interrupt others.” The old man Six Paths gave me a blank look, and then said, “Sure enough, as Senior Mian Lingguan said, you don’t belong to this world, but I know everything about Akatsuki in this world.”

“Mian Lingguan asked you? Did he tell you about me?” I scratched my head, not knowing what to say, because I didn’t know what to say. I thought I could still see Sage of Six-Paths.

“Yes, after listening to your story, I think you are a very outstanding youngster. Although you do not belong to this world, you have perfectly inherited the Ninja Sect I founded. Pain made you grow up Incredibly powerful strength.” Sage of Six-Paths looked at me with a smile, “After this battle, you will surpass me, even my mother.”

“I know I am excellent. , You don’t need to say it.” I’m very proud to be affirmed by the old man of Six Paths. I laughed hehe and asked, “But, shouldn’t you find Indra and Asura’s reincarnation, that is, Naruto and Sasuke? Why did you find me?”

“The two children I will find them later , I am looking for you because I have something to ask you.” Sage of Six-Paths smiled, as if a big yellow exclamation mark appeared on his head!

“Fuck? The NPC will send me a mission?” I was stunned.

“What did you say?”

“It’s okay, you go on.”

“Let me tell you the origins of my mother first. There is a story about me and my younger brother sealing my mother.” Sage of Six-Paths stood up, walked to my side, hands behind his back.

“Qiaodou sacks!” I quickly interrupted the memory of the old man Six Paths, “Senior, don’t you ask me if I want to listen?”

“Oh yes, yes The old man was abrupt.” Sage of Six-Paths asked me with a smile, “Well, do you want to listen?”

In his opinion, the youngster must be very curious about an ancient hero The story is irresistible.

“I don’t want to.”

“Well, I’ll start…” The old man Six Paths was taken aback suddenly, as if he had eaten a fly. “You don’t want to listen?”

“Well, I knew it a long time ago.” I waved his hand, “Six Paths, do you directly say what you need me to do?”

“Yes, the history of this world. All know, that’s fine, then I won’t nag.” Six Paths old man said with a bitter smile, “Back then, when I finished with Hamura seal mother, I expected that there would be such a day when my mother would break through the seal, which would harm again. Ninja World, so before dying, I divided Ten-Tails into nine Little Brat and scattered them throughout the Ninja World. Not only that. I also divided my soul into two and bound it with the Secret Jutsu of Clan Indra and Asura, and my soul will remain with them reincarnation. Once there is a crisis in the world and both of them die at the same time, I will appear and give each of them half of my strength. Seal mother once.”

“Suga, Senior Six Paths, you played this chess, okay!” I gave him a thumbs up, thinking that the layout of Black Zetsu is quite impressive. Unexpectedly, the old Six Paths man also laid out, “What does it have to do with me? Although your power is divided between Naruto and Sasuke, the two of them are at most half Sage Level Peak, but I can give you a spoiler. They finally succeeded in sealing Kaguya.”

“Yes, if you didn’t show up, it should have developed like this.” Sage of Six-Paths nodded, looked at me with a serious face, “But face The spiritual official reminded me that because there is an extra you, a lot of variables have been generated.”

“What variable? Naruto and Sasuke failed to seal?” I scratched my head, “That might really be me. Here comes the butterfly effect, I’m carrying this pot. So you want to ask me to help them, seal Kaguya?”

“No, even if you don’t do it, Indra and Asura can still seal mother.” Sage of Six-Paths stared at me closely and said, “But after all, seal is just s Eal, it may still be broken in the future, but at that time, I was impossible to distribute the power to the next life Asura and Indra. “

“This is a problem. “I never thought about this problem before, because after sealing Kaguya, it’s almost Grand Finale, no one will think about the future. But this is a living Ninja World after all, and it won’t disappear because the original work plot is over. Time will continue. Then one day in the future, if Moon’s seal becomes loose, it will be a disaster.

“What should I do? Even if I help, at best, Kaguya will be sealed earlier and cannot be changed. “I scratched my head,” I remember Kaguya couldn’t be killed, so you could only seal back then. “

“Yes, to be precise, for us, yes. We cannot kill mother, we can only seal her. “Sage of Six-Paths pointed at me and said, “But you, Hatake Kurone, you are different!” “

“What? You mean…I can? “I was stunned again, “Can I… kill Kaguya?” “

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