“I hope your strength can be as strong as your tone.” Six Paths Madara’s mouth twitched with a look of disdain. After all, even First-Kage Second-Kage has been put on the ground by him. I am a junior, how strong can I be, “You have a few tricks with Obito, and I saw it. It’s really not bad. Among the people I have met, except Hashirama , You should be considered the most powerful, but unfortunately, if I was before, I might not be able to beat you. But now…”

puci! An azure sword pierced Madara’s chest.

“Konoha-Style Taijutsu·Flying Sword!” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, and my arm remained in the throwing posture, “Let you talk more.”

“Um…” Madara spit out a large mouthful of blood, looked down at the sword in her chest, showing a disdainful expression, “That’s it?”

I appeared in front of Madara in an instant. The knee hit Madara’s chin, and then he drew the sword.

Madara took two steps back, without any intention of counterattack, her face was full of disdain: “That’s it? I stand and let you fight, you can’t kill me!”

Of course I know that my current strength is unlikely to kill Six Paths Madara, nor can I kill Six Paths Madara. However, there are not many opportunities to beat Six Paths-level enemies with such a good chance, especially the opponent still pretends not to fight back.

“Lightning-Style · Chidori sharp sword!” I injected the Lightning-Style Chakra into the green front, and then stabbed it out.

“It’s too slow, too slow!” Madara turned sideways very casually, and Chidori’s sharp sword, which had been running to the point, only pierced his shoulder.

Shua! I pulled it sideways, and Madara’s arm flew out.

“Fire-Style · Great Fire Annihilation!” I put away the sword and spit out a wide range of flames at Madara.

For this B-Rank Ninjutsu, Madara once used the effect of S-Rank Ninjutsu. Although I am not good at Fire-Style, after all, strength is there and I can’t do too much.

“too weak.” Madara walked straight out of the flames, the burned parts of her body recovered at a speed visible to naked eye, and even her severed arm grew back. . “That’s it?”

Madara’s patience is about to run out, and she should start working for real. I suddenly thought of the original work. Guy drove the Eight-Gates heavy injury Madara and was nicknamed the man who almost kicked out the Grand Finale. Many people even said that if Guy hit Night Guy and kicked Six Paths Madara in the head, it might be over. Although I don’t think so, but I can give it a try and see if Six Paths Madara’s head can be cut off, can he grow another one?

However, Madara will certainly not be so stupid to stand up and make me stunned.

“Lightning-Style ·Lightning-Style armor! Gate of Shock, open!”

Lightning-Style armor and blue steam are two different depths of blue on my body. I The speed has already been mentioned as the fastest I can achieve before opening all Eight-Gates.

“Finally be more serious.” Madara’s mouth raised a weird curve, squinting at me.

Shua! My split second appeared in front of Madara, and the speed was even close to the extreme speed of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Sine!” I slashed at Madara’s neck with a sword.

clang! Madara did not blink her eyes, raised her hand, Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a scepter, blocking Qingfeng.

In order to push the speed to the limit, my cut is just a normal Taijutsu, and there is no increase in Chakra, so it just caused some cracks to the scepter, and did not penetrate the Truth-Seeking Ball.

“It’s time for me!” Madara pupils shrank, holding the pointed cone transformed by Truth-Seeking Ball in the other hand, it pierced towards me.

Thoughts move, I moved a few tens of meters away and Madara stabbed in the air.

“Where is the person?” When I looked up, I found that Madara was already not in the original position.

“Kurone, be careful!” Kakashi yelled at me.

“Explosion-Style · Sky Thunder Fist!” I suddenly turned his body around and punched backwards, just in time for a punch against my Madara who was preparing for a sneak attack.

bang! Our underfoot ground burst instantly.

“wu!” A huge impact made me fly out, but Madara was completely motionless in place.

The black skeleton enveloped me, and the situation was severe. I no longer retained strength, and immediately opened Mangekyo, using the beard as a stable figure.

“Is this the true power of Six Paths? It is really different as heaven and earth from Kage Level Peak.” I was frowned and looked at Madara.

“Unexpectedly, as an outsider, you can control Eternal Mangekyo, Interesting.” Madara’s mouth raised a strange arc, her expression was joking, “I accept your eyes. “

“Weeping!” Because of the fight just now, the sky is now dim. I started Dojutsu by staying calm and collected, and it started to drizzle.

Shua! Madara moved instantly. Just when he rushed in front of me, a few drops of rain fell on him, making him figure out.

I control the fist that must be made, and hit it with a punch.

“Sage Art · Lan Dun · Light Teeth!” Madara opened her mouth, and a laser shot from his teeth, directly cutting off Suzuo’s arm. The broken arm that must be made turned into Chakra before landing and dissipated.

I immediately stepped back dozens of steps, focusing on Madara’s head.


A black sharp arrow shot at Madara’s head at a very fast speed. Few enemies I have encountered can escape this move.

Madara did not raise her head, but directly threw the Truth-Seeking Ball scepter and collided with Yawata. Where the sharp arrow collided with the scepter, the space was distorted, and both were sucked in.

“It seems that Yawata has offset a Truth-Seeking Ball.” I squinted, looking Madara took another Truth-Seeking Ball from behind and turned it into a scepter.

“The performance is over, it’s my turn!” Madara ran towards me and folded her hands, “Wood-Style · Deep Forest Creation!”

Trees and vines came out from the ground and came towards me.

“Particle-Style · Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!” I jumped up to avoid the attack and launched a Particle-Style attack on Madara.

“such insignificant ability!” Madara raised the scepter and rotated it, directly blocking Particle-Style’s attack.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu cut!” With the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu three paragraphs, I came directly to Madara’s back, and a sword pierced his back heart.

clang! Azure Edge Sword is like encountering an air wall. It is not possible to advance more than ten centimeters away from Madara, and the sword body is even slightly bent.

“What kind of technique is this?” I browse tightly frowns, and I can’t make a single blow, so I immediately retreat.

Suddenly, a blast of thunder flashed in my mind, and my head was subconscious.

puci! An invisible blade pierced my cheeks. If it wasn’t for the subconscious head tilt, I might be in a different place now.

Looked in the distance, Madara opened his only Rinnegan. I suddenly remembered Madara Rinnegan’s abilities.

“Limbo: Border Jail!”

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