If I remember well, Limbo: Border Jail is a unique ability of Uchiha Madara Rinnegan. He can use “Limbo” to split his own “shadow” and use the shadow to block the opponent for the main body Attacks can also be used to raid opponent. Only one “shadow” can be split into a single eye, and the number of “shadows” can be increased to four when the eyes are gathered.

Ordinary person, even a half Sage Level Peak Expert, cannot see these shadows and cannot sense these shadows. Only those who own Rinnegan can see these shadows, and those who have learned Six-Paths Senjutsu can sense these shadows.

“Hateful, this move is too buggy. With my current strength, there is no way to deal with it.” I clenched the teeth, holding Qingfeng back, and concentrated attention completely observing the surroundings, but even Eternal Mangekyo can’t catch a trace of shadow either.

puci! My abdomen was severely cut with a big cut, I resisted the pain and waved Qingfeng.

“Qingfeng Revolving Heaven, cut!”

With me as the center of the two meters, all fell into my attack range, airtight.

Dang dang dang! The blade obviously attacked the shadow of illusory, making a sound of hitting the iron plate, obviously without breaking the defense.

“Hah!” I poured most of the Chakra onto my feet, and kicked to the shadow.

Boom! I kicked it empty.

“Where did I go…” I covered the wound with one hand and treated it with Medical-Ninjutsu, and continued to hold Qingfeng with the other hand, and put in a defensive posture. “I remember Limbo: Border Jail has a time limit. …Is it time that the shadow disappeared…hateful, Rinnegan’s Uchiha Madara is so difficult to deal with. If this is a double Rinnegan, how can I fight him?”

“I dare to be absent- minded?” Madara’s main body suddenly appeared in front of me and kicked my chest.

“Um…” A mouthful of old blood spurted out of my mouth, and I flew out like a kite with a broken wire, and the wound in my abdomen collapsed again.

“Hateful…All the ribs are broken…” Under the blessing of Eight-Inner Gates, the pain weakened and the nerve excitement strengthened. Even so, the damage caused to me by Madara also made me collapse. the edge of.

“Last fight, Susanoo!” The black skeleton wrapped me up, this time I no longer keep my hands, flesh and blood grew from the skeleton, and then put on the dark black armor,” It must be a Complete Body!”

This is the first time I use Susanoo’s Complete Body. Because Complete Body consumes Chakra extremely, I have never used it before, but today there is no way.

“That’s it? Susanoo?” Madara showed contempt in her eyes, mocking, “Today, I will show you what is Susanoo!”

Deep The blue Susanoo covers Madara’s body, Two Heads Four Arms, unique and unmatched.

“Hah!” My beard moved towards Madara with a fist, but was caught easily and received a set of combined punches.

peng peng peng! With one punch, two punches and three punches, my Susanoo finally couldn’t hold it, and was hit all split up and in pieces.

“Um…” I used my sword to prop up the ground and quickly thought about countermeasures. Now I almost don’t have any trump card anymore. Madara can kill me at any time, do you want to slip away…

“Too weak, I can’t even be interested.” Seeing that my beesaku was broken, Madara also lifted the beards, with a face of disdain, “I won’t waste time with you, accept death.”

“Lan Dun·Laser trick lasing!” I almost used up all of Chakra, covering the surrounding tens of meters with Lan Dun, delaying time for my escape.

The laser beam stopped in front of Madara and seemed to be blocked by an invisible air wall.

“Is the cooling of Limbo: Border Jail over?” I wrinkled my frowned head and was about to escape, and suddenly a bold idea came into my mind…

“You Lan Dun, too weak, try this!” Madara opened her mouth, and a tooth released rays of light, “Sage Art · Lan Dun · Light Tooth!”

“Got a gamble, fail Just die!” The moment Madara opened her mouth, I finished the seal, “Ice-Style · Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals!”

Several ice mirrors appeared in front of me, covering me.

Sure enough, just as I thought, the laser shot by Madara hits the mirror at a specific angle I arranged, and it immediately reflected back, and hit Limbo: Border Jail’s clone impartially. .

Although I don’t know if this attack has any effect, but by observing Madara’s expression, if the split second wrinkles her frowned head, I know it should work.

Only Sage Body can attack the clone of Limbo: Border Jail, and Six Paths Madara itself is Sage level, plus Lan Dun Guangya is Senjutsu, so I boldly used Madara. , With the spear of the son, hit the shield of the son.

I looked at the ice mirror that was almost melted. Damn wiped his sweat. If the mirror is thinner, I might be pierced by the laser. It’s a risky bet.

“You are the first one who can plot against my Uchiha Madara.” Madara was unexpectedly not angry, but calm, “As expected, a Rinnegan still not enough… It’s been too long with you, it’s over…”

“I will give you a perfect dream in Infinite Tsukuyomi.” Then, Madara’s mouth raised a weird look. Arc, then quickly turned around, and disappeared almost at a speed that naked eye could not see.

“Huh…Fortunately, I left…” I relieved, sat down, and started to temporarily treat the wound with Medical-Ninjutsu, “Although Limbo: Border Jail is solved, Madara will need Kill me, I really don’t necessarily run away…”

“No…” I suddenly remembered Madara’s last words, “What a Rinnegan is not enough… Oh, Kakashi is in danger. !”

Fortunately, I gave Kakashi my Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula, thoughts move, and I came to Kakashi’s side. Kakashi is now covering his eyes, sitting on a rock, face covered in blood.

“Madara took your eyes?” I asked, and the results were obvious.

“Sorry, his speed was too fast. Before I could react, Sharingan was taken away…” Kakashi gritted his teeth, obviously the pain of losing his eyes is not so easy to hold back.

I just wanted to comfort him. There was a period of space fluctuation around him, and Sakura appeared in front of us with Naruto.

“Kakashi teacher, Kurone teacher, Madara entered the Kamui space…” Sakura supported Naruto, who was unconscious, and said anxiously, “Obito is controlled. He uses his last consciousness to control us I sent it out.”

At this moment, Naruto’s eyes slowly opened…

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