When I came to the Hokage office building, I walked into Hokage’s Office unimpeded, and everyone along the way greeted me enthusiastically.

As soon as you pushed the door open, you saw Namikaze Minato sitting in Hokage’s position. I’m not too surprised, because this is not my world, so it’s normal to have some differences.

“Kurone again, can you have a snack?” Minato said helplessly, holding his forehead, “Although in terms of seniority, merit, and strength, your inheritance of Sixth Hokage is almost certain. It’s okay, but you should do it anyway and be more diligent. Otherwise, the old and stubborn staff in the staff will be hard to deal with.”

“understood understood…” I waved his hand and suddenly reacted. It turns out that my setting in this world is to become the first…

“What? Sixth generation?” I scratched my head, “Why did I jump to the sixth generation? Fifth-Kage?”


“Huh? I’m not here.” Namikaze Minato stood up, pointed at the words on the cloak with his finger, it really said Fifth-Kage 目 Hokage.

“Teacher Minato, you are not Fourth-Kage? How to change to Fifth-Kage…” I turned my head and glanced at the photos on the wall, First-Kage, Second-Kage, Third-Kage were none what is the problem. But Fourth-Kage… it turned out to be White Fang? Then Fifth-Kage is Minato.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. If you haven’t woken up yet, go to the roof and blow the wind before coming to work.” Minato was obviously a little angry, so he lowered his first batch of documents and stopped talking.

I did not continue to speak, but came to the top of the building alone, and under the cold wind, I roughly analyzed the situation of this world. This Ninja World is similar to the parallel world. It is slightly different from the Ninja World where I was originally located. The historical trend is not the same. White Fang did not commit suicide. Instead, he became Fourth Hokage because of his high morals, and then retired early. Minato succeeded him as Fifth-Kage Hokage. Also, Minato did not die of Attack of Nine-Tails. I am still a student of Minato and a candidate for the sixth generation. And Uchiha Clan did not seem to be exterminating the clan, and Xiaoxue did not have an accident.

“so to speak, this world is pretty beautiful, no tragic things have happened.” I sighed and dispelled the idea of ​​staying in this world, “It’s a pity, Xiaoxue here is not my Xiaoxue , I still have to find a way to go back.”

“There is one more question.” I paced back and forth on the roof, thinking. Where did the original Hatake Kurone in this world go? Was it directly replaced by me, or it still exists somewhere in this Ninja World.

Speaking of this, it reminds me of the movie version limited to Tsukuyomi. Naruto and Sakura were pulled into the world limited to Tsukuyomi, Sakura of the original world went to Real World, and Naruto of the original world (面麻) He hides in the dark and becomes a big villain.

So, the Hatake Kurone of this world, will he also hide in the dark and begin to stir? Will I fight with myself? Can you crack Genjutsu by defeating your blackened self?

“I think so much…” I couldn’t help laughing, and put away my thoughts. How could Obito use me as an experiment to limit Tsukuyomi, Infinite Tsukuyomi is almost the same. “Forget it, if you come, you will be safe. Get involved here and look up the clues.”

“Are you awake?” Minato closed the folder and looked straight at me.

“Well… I was really a little sleepy before… Ah hahahahaha…” I scratched my head sorryly, “I’m sorry, Teacher Minato.”

“Okay, don’t Talking about these, let’s get down to business.” Minato’s face became serious, “How did you check the things that you asked you to check?”

“En?” I heart startled, let me check , Then how do I know. But if I ask three questions, Minato doesn’t doubt me. I’m just the one who has a bad memory, it’s impossible to forget the mission thoroughly.

So, I staying calm and collected and said: “I don’t have a clue yet, this matter is a bit tricky.”

“I’m understood, you can continue to check it.” Minato waved His hand seemed a little irritable.

After leaving Hokage Residence, I went home first, rummaged inside and out, but didn’t find any mission scroll. It seems that this matter is very important, and Minato released it to me in the form of dictation.

“What the hell is going to be…” I sat down and sorted it out carefully. “Although this world is very different from the world I live in, the basic rules will definitely not change. Kage needs to be used. Level expert, it must be a mission above S-Rank or SS-Rank. And it is directly delegated to me as a Hokage candidate, which means that ordinary Elite Jonin, or even ordinary Kage Level, other experts can’t handle it. That means, I The enemy to be dealt with is either a large organization, or even Ninja Village, or a very strong Kage Level expert.”

I am not familiar with the plot of this world, so I have to go. The Intelligence Division door, look at the Ninja World that I used to be, and what’s the difference.

When I came to the Konoha Intelligence Division directly under Anbu, I directly found the director of the Intelligence Division, Yamanaka Inoichi, that is, the father of Ino.

“Big Brother Inoichi, four…Fifth-Kage has handed me a Confidential Mission, and I need to check some files.” I did not deal with Intelligence Division less when I was on duty in Anbu. Therefore, I am familiar with these processes. “With my current authority, what level of files can I access?”

“Your current level belongs to Elite Jonin, and your position is Hokage’s direct assistant.” Inoichi Expressionless, although he is usually kind, but when it comes to work, it becomes not one thread loose, “You can check everything except the files that Hokage can read.”

Speaking, he passed Give me an access card.

Holding the access control card, I went to the inside of the Intelligence Division door. The departments inside were criss-crossed and were very complicated. Each department had related information personnel responsible for management. The reviewer cannot directly retrieve the file, but must go through the information personnel, who will find it after registration.

“Hello, I want to retrieve the files of the following people, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi, Hatake Sakumo.” I first mentioned the names of a few people, and then casually Speaking, “By the way, see if my file has been updated. You bring me and Uchiha Huaxue’s file. I will take a look.”

“Okay, Kurone Lord, please wait a moment. “The information staff at this window was very patient, and didn’t get impatient because I was looking for a lot of information.

Somewhat after the clock, he held a large stack of portfolios and handed it to me: “These are the files you want, please try not to take them out. If you must take them out, please register and Sign the non-disclosure agreement.”

“Well, I’ll just finish reading it here. It won’t increase the workload for you.” I picked up my portfolio, walked to the side table, and began to look through it.

“Sure enough… the plot direction is very different.” My eyes were fixed on every word in the file, for fear of missing a clue.

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