“White Fang, who was misunderstood by everyone, was not depressed. Instead, he persuaded everyone and exposed Danzo’s divorce plot. He won the struggle for power and succeeded Fourth Hokage. For more than a decade. The previous Attack of Nine-Tails, the Fourth Hokage Hatake Sakumo at the time, successfully smashed the enemy’s conspiracy. After a bitter battle… he killed the intruder mask man and discovered his true identity was in Third Shinobi World War Uchiha Obito missing in the movie! Fuck…” Looking at the incident recorded in the archives, I couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed, “This…this is too outrageous… Obito just…was killed???”

“truly worthy of White Fang… In the past, Namikaze Minato smashed Obito’s conspiracy, but still paid the price of his life. The Fourth Hokage of this world was replaced by White Fang, with more combat experience and emergency handling With more proficient abilities, coupled with not inferior to Minato’s strength, I didn’t expect to kill Obito directly.” Seeing this, I admire White Fang a little bit more, “I came from a distant country to join my relative’s side banner. Clansman Hatake Kurone, by chance, rescued Namikaze Minato’s wife, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki vortex Kushina. To express my gratitude, Namikaze Minato recruited Hatake Kurone as a final disciple. Hatake Kurone, who has never studied Ninjutsu before, seems to be Born to be a ninja, not only did he excel in the Chunin Exams a year later, he was promoted to Special-Jonin, and he also learned Namikaze Minato’s signature Ninjutsu and Flying Thunder God Jutsu.”

Everything is basically the same, because it was White Fang’s distant nephew who was not persecuted by Danzo, but was recruited into Anbu directly under Hokage. After that, he participated in various battles and made a lot of military exploits, and he and Uchiha Huaxue is married, the name of “black lightning” is like “Yellow” “Flash” is the same as Megatron Ninja World.

Until a few years later, Uchiha Itachi detected the abnormal movement of Uchiha Clan. With the mediation of Hatake Kurone, Uchiha Snow, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi and others, Fourth Hokage Hatake Sakumo successfully avoided Coup-d’état by Uchiha Clan.

“No wonder, Obito is dead, Shisui is still alive, coupled with White Fang’s ability, Danzo didn’t get in the way, Uchiha Clan was not exterminating the clan, so Koyuki also survived.” I couldn’t help but I have a lot of emotions. This is probably the butterfly effect. “If I used to be the Ninja World, the plot would have developed like this.”

Five years later, Fourth Hokage Hatake Sakumo has been working hard for a long time due to high pressure. Illness, recurrence of old injuries, no longer suitable to serve as Hokage, looked towards the General Staff, resigned, went home and cultivated, Namikaze Minato succeeded Fifth-Kage Hokage.

“It turned out to be like this.” I closed the file and sorted out my thoughts. Minato probably belonged to Fifth-Kage, Hokage, who became Genin’s successor after Naruto. There are basically no major incidents afterwards, because Obito is dead and Itachi is still in Konoha. Although Akatsuki still exists, it seems to act low-key, just a purely hired organization. Orochimaru defected to the village without success, was caught by White Fang, and was thrown into the prison until now. “Then there have been almost no major vicious incidents in Hidden Leaf Village of this world.”

“En? Jiraiya’s files…it seems something is wrong…” My gaze swept quickly, and I noticed There was a slight anomaly, “Jiraiya disappeared a month ago? It didn’t execute any mission at the time, and suddenly disappeared in the village.”

“Is this what Fifth-Kage asked me to check? “I instinctively felt that there must be something wrong with this, so I looked through all the Jonin files in the village, and sure enough…

“Not only Jiraiya, but also Uchiha Shisui, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and nearly ten others. Elite Jonin has disappeared.” I was frowned, “These people are experts of Konoha one of the very best. Who is it that has the ability to get so many people away?”

” There must be something strange about this.” I was pondered and found a breakthrough point, “Itachi hasn’t disappeared yet. I have to talk to him and see if he knows anything.”

Sure enough, In this world, I also placed Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s technique formula everywhere in the village, but there seems to be some restrictions that can be sensed but cannot be used.

“Perhaps because I am not myself. Although I am still me, I am not the Hatake Kurone of this Ninja World.” I shake one’s head and go to Uchiha’s station.

I was told later that Itachi had gone out to perform a mission, and I had to make it clear that Genius could come back. In desperation, I can only leave.

“Counting the time, Anbu should be off work soon. Let me pick up Xiaoxue.” Although Xiaoxue in this world is not my Xiaoxue, they are almost the same person anyway. Looking at her a few more times and staying with her for a period of time are all God’s favors.

As soon as I arrived in Anbu, a little girl standing guard at the door greeted me: “Senior Kurone, you haven’t been here for a long time to take over Senior Huaxue from get off work. Why did you suddenly remember today? “

“Am I here often?” I scratched my head in embarrassment. It seems that many people in Anbu know me. After all, I have been in Anbu for several years and the reputation is out.

“Yes, although you have been away from Kurone for several years when I came to Anbu, your deeds have been circulating in Anbu, black lightning, but a Legendary!” little girl The voice was a little excited, “Many of our newcomers regard you as Idol, and the many Ninjutsu you developed have also been rushed to learn from. You and Huaxue-seniors are a match made in heaven…”

“Good Okay, don’t say it…” I covered my face, waved his hand, “I didn’t expect me to be so popular.”

“Kurone?” Xiaoxue walked out of it, and Anbu had been removed. She changed her outfit back to casual clothes, and put on a simple and capable ponytail braid, which was quite beautiful as a royal sister. It made me startled. I had never seen Xiaoxue like this before.

“What do you look at, I’m a thirty-year-old Obasan, you still stare at me with squinting.” Xiaoxue’s face was a little red, and she slammed me. Fist, “Let’s go, let Xiaohua looked, how embarrassing.”

“Nothing, Senior Huaxue, you are not old at all, stand with us twenty-year-old youngsters, looked better than us They are all much younger.” The little girl who was called Xiaohua by Xiaoxue said with a smile, “Even Lady Tsunade complained more than once. She took great pains to use Strength of a Hundred Technique to keep her face successful, but she couldn’t keep up with you. Natural reverse growth.”

“Okay, I’m sorry for everything I said, see you tomorrow.” Xiaoxue blushed and quickly walked away holding my arm.

Enjoying the sweetness of Xiaoxue’s arm, I can’t help being a little drunk. After walking a section of the road, she suddenly turned her head, her big eyes flickered at me, and asked seriously: “Kurone, do you think I’m really not old?”

I was stunned. Looked at her delicate face, holding it for a long time, not to mention, apart from the slightly changed dress style, the figure is more symmetrical, the appearance and depth are in my mind, the first time I saw her at the age of sixteen At that time, they almost overlapped.

“How old are you, how can you look like a child.” I smiled and squeezed her face.

“hmph! You perfunct me again!” Xiaoxue knocked off my hand, while pulling it tightly, her face filled with joy.

Later, I probably learned that the ninja with stronger Water Attribute is not easy to grow old, such as Second Hokage (more than 50 looked like more than 30) and Fifth-Kage Mizukage Terumi Mei (although in Bo Ren’s biography is blessed, but he is still very young in his thirties in Shippuden). Not to mention the Ice-Style ninja, the aging rate is slower, and Xiaoxue has not grown old, maybe this is the reason.

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