“Kurone, I’m here.” Minato killed Deidara, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of Jonin appeared around.

“Kurone! Are you okay! Are you injured?” Xiaoxue came to me, looked at me, and then handed me Ninja Tool Pouch an Anbu short blade, “I put you in The weapon used by Anbu and the Ninja Tool Pouch have been brought.”

“I’m fine, Itachi’s injury is serious. You can use Medical-Ninjutsu to heal him first.” I stared at Akatsuki intently. The mysterious person in the middle thought.

“Well, I understand, then you are careful.” Xiaoxue nodded, waved and called Medical-nin, and went to heal Itachi together.

“Kurone, do you have any ideas? This group of enemies is probably a bit tricky.” Minato stepped forward and said slowly.

“Although we have more people than them, most of our opponents are Kage Level experts. This battle is not easy to fight.” I browse tightly frowns and analyzed, “We can only rely on geographical advantages and use wolves tactics. Cooperate, several people will deal with an enemy.”

“I think so too.” Minato praised the nodded, and continued, “Now the entire Ninja Village, excluding the missing Teacher Jiraiya and Uchiha Shisui, retires. Senior White Fang, injured Uchiha Itachi, is our master and disciple strength strongest. Capture the thieves first, capture the king first, as long as the leader of Akatsuki is resolved, the situation will be more active.”

“Indeed, By the way, Teacher Minato, the leader of Akatsuki, do you know who it is?” I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t even figure out the identity of this person. It’s not Obito, it shouldn’t be Nagato, dont tell me…

“This person is very mysterious. I only know that he is called Angelica. The strength is said to be no less than First Hokage, and it is very likely to exceed Kage Level Peak.” Minato said blankly, “My strength is this I haven’t made much progress in the past few years. I can only barely reach the mid-term beyond Kage Level. It is definitely not his opponent. Together, we only have 50% odds of success. If we have another helper who exceeds Kage Level, we should be able to reach 80%.”

“Super Kage Level Peak? So powerful?” I browse tightly knit, “The whole Ninja World strength can be counted on one’s fingers of super Kage Level, no more than twenty people, where does this guy risk it? It came out.”

My original strength was superior to Kage Level Peak, but now Sharingan can’t use it, so it shrinks the strength a lot. It’s probably the same as Minato birds of a feather.

“If you can figure out a way to remove his mask, maybe you can know his identity.” Minato took out Flying Thunder God Kunai, ready to go, “Everyone prepares, three people form a group Deal with an enemy, pay attention to cooperation! Don’t underestimate the enemy!”

“Yes!” everyone eager to get into action or start on a task, ready to fight.

“Your Ninjutsu formidable power is relatively large. I will create a chance for you in a while, and you will attack when you find a weak spot.” Minato said to me.

I nodded, I pulled out the short blade that had been sealed for a long time, and wrapped it in the lightning.

“Go up!” Minato gave an order, and we both moved towards Akatsuki’s leader and rushed.

Jonins of Konoha also fought against members of Akatsuki.

“Lightning-Style · Chidori Sharp Spear!” The long spear that lightning extended from the short blade pierced the chest of Akatsuki leader Angelica.

Minato also threw a few kunai, ready to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Danggui has no expression on his face, slightly dodges the flying kunai, and unbiasedly grabbed my short blade. I can feel my Chakra being continuously sucked away.

“Rasengan!” Minato suddenly appeared behind Angelica and hit him. But as if he had eyes behind his back, he threw me out all at once, then turned around to catch Rasengan and absorbed it.

Minato saw that the situation was not good and didn’t have a fight, so he immediately moved to my side with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Teacher Minato, this guy can absorb Chakra. It seems that ordinary Ninjutsu doesn’t work for him.” I’m frowned, is this guy really Pain or Nagato? This ability to absorb Ninjutsu is clearly the ability of Hungry Ghost Path.

“It seems that you can only use Taijutsu.” Minato thought for a moment, and said, “Kurone, your Taijutsu is better than me. According to the previous tactics, I will give you cover and create opportunities.”

“En!” I immediately opened Eight-Inner Gates Six Sect, the green steam enveloped the whole body, even if it was Nagato himself, I would not lose the losing end, even more how plus Minato’s help.

Minato repeated the old tricks and threw a few Flying Thunder God Kunai again. This time, Angelica finally did not evade, but took out a black receiver of the same style as Pain, clang clang clang flew Kunai a few times.

Just when the last kunai was about to fly, Minato appeared and stabbed him with the kunai in his hand.

“Good opportunity!” I also moved behind Angelica in an instant, forming a one after the other flanking with Minato, “Flying Thunder God Jutsu!”

It’s between us. At the moment when his attack was about to hit, Angelica stretched out his other hand.

“Shinra Tensei!”

pu pu! I instantly felt a huge repulsive force that made me unable to advance, and then I was bounced out with Minato.

Of course, we all used Flying Thunder God Jutsu before landing, so there was no injury.

“damned! Isn’t this guy really Nagato?” I was full of doubts, “These are obviously Nagato’s tricks?”

“Nagato?” I was tentative Yelled, but Angelica did not respond.

“Do you suspect that he is Teacher Jiraiya’s dísciple, Nagato?” Minato asked, “According to Teacher Jiraiya’s description, Nagato should have Rinnegan. But Akatsuki did originate in Hidden Rain Village, which is in line with it. “

“He that move Shinra Tensei is similar to the repulsive Ninjutsu. Correspondingly, there should be Ninjutsu that attracts similar gravitation. There must be a short interval between each launch. That interval Time is the time for Flying Thunder God Jutsu to show Kamui.” I analyzed.

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